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Topic: Unity: Between Myth and Islamic Reality
Masjidul Bayaan Asbury Park NJ
(New Jersey, USA)
Posts: 42
Joined: May 2006
Venue: Masjidul Bayaan Islaamic Center of Asbury Park 209 Bond Street Asbury Park New Jersey Date and Time: Saturday Febuary 9, 2008 1:00 PM to 8:00 PM Speakers: Scholarly Telelinks To be announced ABUL HASAN MAALIK AL AKHDAR [Imaam Masjid Muhammad bin Abdil Wahhaab] ABU RI'AAYAH ABDUR RAZAAQ [Graduate of Islamic University of Madeenah, K.S.A.] ABU REMLAH ADAM LAZARUS [Graduate of Islamic University of Madeenah, K.S.A.] ABU HAFSAH KASHIFF KHAN [Imam Masjid Bayaan] |
Masjidul Bayaan Asbury Park NJ
(New Jersey, USA)
Posts: 42
Joined: May 2006
Confirmed Speaker Added ABU REMLAH ADAM LAZARUS [Graduate Islamic University of Madinah]
unspecified ساجد
(Mumbai (India))
Posts: 2031
Joined: Jul 2005
As salaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh ya ikhwaan wa akhwaat, May Allaah reward the brothers at Masjidul Bayaan who organized this conference. And may Allaah reward the speakers. MashAllaah the conference was very beneficial. I wasn't able to go there but was able to listen on phone. And particularly the questions and answer session at the end was the icing on the cake. Quite a lot of misconceptions were cleared and inshAllaah this will help the Salafees in being balanced and enjoin the good and forbid the evil effectively. I recommend everyone to listen to the audio in case you missed it. BarakAllaahu feekum, wa salaamu alaykum.
unspecified ساجد
(Mumbai (India))
Posts: 2031
Joined: Jul 2005
The Unity of Ahlus-Sunnah in their Position Against Ahlul-Bid'ah - Our brother, Aboo Ramlah Aadam Lazarus bases this reminder upon a lecture delivered by Shaykh Rabee' Ibn Haadee entitled, "The Correct Position Against the People of Innovation." The speaker first defines who are the people of Sunnah and who are the people of Bid'ah (innovation), then he speaks about some of the Salafee brothers who are negligent in dealing with the people of bid'ah and who are put off when topics of manhaj are discussed. Towards the end, the speaker brings more benefits from the speech of Shaykh Muhammad Ibn Haadee al-Madkhalee, such as the claim that refutation of the people of bid'ah must come from a Scholar only and other doubts.
Abu Maryam Dardan bin Saadri al-Albanee
(Brisbane, Queensland, Australia)
Posts: 72
Joined: Nov 2007
Is brother Lazarus a Greek convert?
Abu Maryam Al-Albanee