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» HAJJ 2007/08 Limited Seats from Only £1885.00
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Abu Hammaad
01-11-2007 @ 2:16 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Hammaad Yunus al-Askari (Birmingham, UK)
Posts: 9
Joined: Sep 2002

HAMLAT-EL-NOOR & Travelway presents.

HAJJ 2007/08? limited seats available from only £1885.00          
Call Abu Hammaad in Birmingham on 07800593444

Our Packages Include:
?     The packages includes:
?     Airfare;  London?Jeddah-London  DIRECT FLIGHT Saudia/BMI  
?     Banker?s draft (2 cheques) which cover air-conditioned  
       transportation between the holy sites and accommodation in Mina.
?     Acquisition of all necessary visas and formalities
?     Religious guidance according to the Sunnah.
?     4 Star Hotel (Alruwasi) in Makka  (2 min)  upto 3 Dulhija then  
       apartment near jamarat for 4 days and  Hajj days) and 2 days after
?     4 Star Hotel (loloatul Mubarik) in Madina  (walking distance of
       about 3 minutes)
?     Full training lectures throughout your stay
?     Visit historical places in Madina
?     Group leader to assist throughout your stay
?     Departing London Heathrow  on 05 December 2007
?     Returning to London Heathrow  on 30 and 31 Dec 07
?     Slaughter NOT included

1. Passports should be valid for 6 Months
2  Four recent  passport-sized photos
3. Vaccination certificate against meningitis
4. All sisters must have a Mahram

ابو حماد يونس

This message was edited by Abu Hammaad on 11-1-07 @ 3:02 PM

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