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» Kashif Khan USA @ al-Athariyyah Thursday 2nd June 2011
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Posted By Topic: Kashif Khan USA @ al-Athariyyah Thursday 2nd June 2011

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31-05-2011 @ 4:16 PM    Notify Admin about this post
al- (London U.K.)
Posts: 292
Joined: Feb 2003

Abu Hafsah Kaashif (USA) @ Al-Athariyyah

This Thursday 2nd June 2011

Our brother Abu Hafsah Kaashif from the USA will deliver a lecture

The Foundation of the Jamaa'ah are The Companions

from 7.30pm

Hostel lounge, Durning hall complex,
Earlham Grove, Forest Gate,
London, E7 9AB

Cd's & Books will be for sale before and after the lecture inshaa Allaah   |

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