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30-04-2009 @ 3:02 PM    Notify Admin about this post
abu-solaiman bin mohamed (tunisia)
Posts: 2
Joined: Apr 2009
aslam alikom warahmatoullah
i am a salafi from tunisia and you know evrybody that here salafia is forbidden not aloud and sommone could enter prison or get tortured
because of being a salafi,so i want make hijra to make my dine
and be in security in my dine i tried to find a muslim cauntry but it need a visa and lot of money to change cauntry and for arbic saudi it inpossible for me to get there so brother if somone can find a solution for me to make hijra
somme people tell me that many olama tell tha t we can leave in uk because many salafis leave there
only i want is to worship allah and get security in my dine and marry a salafia and learn knowlege(talab elm)
if sommen want to help this is my email

i want only to be good salafi and worship allah  

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