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» Terrorism Conference on Sat. 6th August in Slough
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Posted By Topic: Terrorism Conference on Sat. 6th August in Slough

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27-07-2005 @ 12:02 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Markaz Mu'adh Ibn Jabal & SalafiBooksto (Slough, UK)
Posts: 160
Joined: Apr 2003
Innal hamdalillah was salaatu was salaam 'alaa rasoolillah.

Assalaamu aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuhu.

Please do your best to attend and stand united against the call of the khawaarij!

Also at this conference and the conference at Masjid as-Sunnah, Cranford on Saturday 30th July, there will be new talks from the mashaykh, including the recent dawrah 'ilmiyyah of Madinah and others.

A list of some the CDs available:

Shaykh Ubaid with Kitaabul Hajj from Bulugh al-Maraam, Refutation of Amina Wadud, Q&A seesion, Khutaab from the months of Ramadhaan & Dhul Qadah.

Importance of Time - Shaykh Abdul Muhsin al-Abbaad

Tafseer ibn Katheer - Shaykh 'Alee Tuwaijiri

From the Characteristics of the Prophet - Shaykh Saleh as-Suhaymi

The Angels - Shaykh Muhammad al-'Aqeel

Q&A session during 'Umrah - Shaykh Muhammad Bazmool

Sunan ibn Majah

...More to come inshallah.

Wassalaamu 'aleikum wa rahmatullah.


31-07-2005 @ 3:24 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Markaz Mu'adh Ibn Jabal & SalafiBooksto (Slough, UK)
Posts: 160
Joined: Apr 2003

wassalaamu 'alaikum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu

Markaz Mu'adh Ibn Jabal &
SalafiBookstore, Slough

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