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Topic: Reminder About the Sayings of the Scholars Concerning the Sulaymaanee, Ikhwaanee Dajjaal of the Arabian Peninsula Known as Mustafaa Abul-Hasan
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Reminder About the Sayings of the Scholars Concerning the Sulaymaanee, Ikhwaanee Dajjaal of the Arabian Peninsula Known as Mustafaa Abul-Hasan and the Statements of the Scholars Regarding His Statements Or Regarding Him as a Person |
All praise is due to Allaah, prayers and peace be upon His Messenger. To proceed: This is a compilation of the posts from Spubs.Com concerning the fitnah of the Sulaymaanee Dajjaal in chronological order beginning from April 2002 to the present. Note that there is much more in Arabic than what was posted on Spubs.Com, and anyone who wants to see a full list of all the written and spoken refutations of the Major Scholars and the students of knowledge can visit this link: You can also refer back to some of the documents or recordings mentioned in this thread from the above link or from the Spubs.Com forums. |
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Shaykh Falih al-Harbee stated, "If he does not recant then put him alongside [Adnaan Ar'oor]". |
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Shaykh Faalih al-Harbee said, "As for Ma'ribi, then his problem is not just one of errors on account of which he is reminded, and which are then put aright, or from which he repents and recants. Rather, his problem is one of separating from Ahl us-Sunnah wal-Jamaa'ah.... the man, his manhaj is corrupt, all of his principles are repugnant (khabeethah)... refer back to that paper he has written, which he has written by his dictation to his students - that they should compile together what is for them and what is against them, and yet he did not mention except the Usool (foundations) of Ahl ul-Bid'ah. He wishes to unite between them, and between the Sunnah and between Ahl us-Sunnah. As it is said, he wishes to bring together the lizard and the fish... However when all his manhaj is corrupt how can he return? How can he repent (and return to) his rectitude, while he considers himself to be upon the truth? The affair of innovation is very dangerous indeed, in reality. And opposing the manhaj of Ahl us-Sunnah wal-Jamaa'ah is a matter whose danger never comes to an end." |
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Al-Qayyim as-Salafee (Moderator on Sahab.Net) quotes the following message from Shaykh Rabee' after contacting him on the night of Jumu'ah, 7:20 pm: "All praise is due to Allaah and prayers and peace upon the Messenger of Allaah, to proceed: It has reached me that some hurt has been caused by words on Sahab and the other Saahaat and also defending the falsehood, and also some taking and refuting between the disputing factions concerning the affair of Abul-Hasan. And Shaykh Rabee' advises everyone to hold back from any words and to give Abul-Hasan a period of respite for one week, from the date of 13/Safar/1423 to 20/Safar/1420 (26th April - 3rd May) so that he has a chance to recant from his old and recent errors which have appeared in his new cassettes, and that he should recant and apologise to his brothers, those whom he accuses of Haddaadiyyah, and describes them with "asaaghir (the lowly ones)" and "araadhil (despicable ones)" and "ghuthaa (the scum)" - since they are Muslims, Salafees, and they have sanctity for their blood, their wealth and their honour, just like the honour of the sacred land, in the sacred month. So it is upon Abul-Hasan that he recants from all of these matters so that the fire of tribulation can be extinguished, if he really desires to preserve the Da'wah Salafiyyah and to protect it from weakness." |
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Posts: 846
Joined: Sep 2002
Reminder About the Sayings of the Scholars Concerning the Sulaymaanee, Ikhwaanee Dajjaal of the Arabian Peninsula Known as Mustafaa Abul-Hasan and the Statements of the Scholars Regarding His Statements Or Regarding Him as a Person |
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Shaykh Rabee's Letter To Abul-Hasan Al-Ma'ribi And Notification Of His Errors Whilst also noting that Shaykh Rabee' has said that he awaits for the scholars of Yemen to explain their viewpoint on the situation of al-Ma'ribee- and that until this others should not speak. And as for this document, it is a notification of his errors, which has been made available on the Shayk's site at As a quick summary: Shaykh Rabee' indicates that some brothers came from Yemen, who had sat and discussed with Abul-Hasan al-Ma'ribi on many issues, and they presented to him many of his statements, mistakes, and laying down of wrong principles. And that they found that after these discussions, and when they left Yemen, al-Ma'ribi began to attack them, and accuse them with names (Haddaadiyyah etc.). Then the issues are presented one by one (by quotation of statements of al-Ma'ribi, and with comments and notes). And they comprise: 1. Revilement of the Sahaabah (and then playing games, trying to play it away, and explain it away, when confronted with it). 2. Praise and commendation of Sayyid Qutb, making excuses for him, and defending him 3. His praise of al-Maghraawee 4. Concerning his explaining a principle of "the general and the specific" (i.e. he says that the general should always be referred to the specific, and then applying this principle to the Innovators, such that nothing from them can be criticised at all - this is the direction that this principle is tended towards. I.e. this is the actual implication of this principle - for which he was criticised by the scholars) 5. His attacks against the Salafees, mocking them, and making them flee from Jarh and Ta'deel 6. His words of implied belittlement and attack against Shaykh Muqbil (rahimahullaah) 7. Making people flee from refutations and revilement of those who make refutations 8. Practically implementing a new manhaj by which the following is intended: a) a form of al-muwaazanah for the innovators and those are upon deviant methodologies b) accommodation of them c) making excuses for them d) directing others to them, and to their cassettes
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Shaykh Rabee' Explains the Manhaj of the Haddaadiyyah and Asks al-Ma'ribi To Prove His Accusations The Shaykh wrote this article due to Fitnah which has originated from Yemen and spread to the other lands, where some of the students of knowledge are accusing others of being upon the Manhaj of Haddaad. Sadly this confusion has reached us, and you see the ignorant unstable ones raising this banner, those who strive to split the ranks of Ahlus Sunnah. You will see them opening up rooms on Paltalk where they will be defaming the Scholars with no proofs or evidences, but rather due to their extreme love of some of the students of knowledge who have erred and invented new principles into this noble da'wah. So as the Shaykh said: "So I was compelled to clarify this Manhaj (the Haddaadi Manhaj), so maybe this might enable those seeking the truth to differentiate between the Manhaj of Ahlus sunnah and the Manhaj of Haddaad." He also said: "So if Abul Hasan Al-Misri can show us with clear proofs upon those who he accuses of Haddaadiyyah, that in reality they have these characteristics then we will spare no effort in finding them guilty of Haddaadiyyah and we will punish them by writing about them and warning against them and we will place them alongside the Hadaadis without any consideration. But if he is unable to do this then it is upon him that he repents to Allaah and announces his Tawbah openly and if he does not we will spare no effort in aiding them and aiding the manhaj of the salaf which they procede upon..."
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Shaykh Ahmad an-Najmee's Tabdee Shaykh Ahmad an-Najmee, " If he does not retract... Consider him to be from Ahl ul-Bid'ah, abandon him, warn from him, boycott him. He has withdrawn himself from Salafiyyah". |
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The Shaykh Muhammed Al-Banna reminds Al-Ma'ribi to fear Allaah "O Abul Hasan(Al-Misri)! O Abul Hasan! May Allaah beautify your end and ours. O Abul Hasan! I hear your cassettes from Britain and by Allaah the best amongst those who defended the da'wah. However I have heard things which are not good, so fear Allaah as you likewise Abul Hasan will die. O Abul Hasan you will die by Allaah and you will be questioned. If a person was ignorant he could be excused, but you know the Da'wah very well. Look when you were debating with this Britain , and you debated with him (saying) " Rabee' Al-Madkhaliyyah is Salafiyyah, Al-Madkhaliyyah is Salafiyyah, and I defend Madkhaliyyah. And you affirm this in your cassette. So fear Allaah, your Rabb. We will all die and the world will not save us from anything. By Allaah Abul Hasan, I used to boast about you, by Allaah. You have caused the Da'wah to waste, fear Allaah." |
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Shaykh Rabee's "Advice to Those Who Respect Salafiyyah" All praise is due to Allaah, and prayers and peace be upon Allaah's Messenger, his family, and whoever befriended him. To proceed: I present this advice to my brothers for the sake of Allaah in every place and specifically in Yemen, so I say: Verily, Allaah has forbidden oppression and is not pleased that a Muslim should oppress a kaafir, so how about oppressing a Muslim whose honour Allaah has made great. And in this regard, the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam) said, "Verily, your blood, wealth and honour is forbidden to each of you, just like the sacredness of this day of yours, in this month, in this city (Makkah) of yours", and the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam) said, "Beware of oppression, for oppression will be (layers) of darkness on the Day of Judgement", and Allaah the Exalted said, "Allaah does not oppress with even an atom's weight...", and He, the Sublime said, "And whoever does an atom's weight of good will see it, and whoever does an atom's weight of evil will see it", and the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam) said, as occurs in the hadeeth qudsee, "O My servants. I have made oppression unlawful for myself, and have also made it unlawful amongst you, therefore do not opppress each other.." to the end of the hadeeth. O my brothers, do not be hasty in making judgements. For the judges are of three types, as the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam) said, "The judges are three types. Two in the fire and one in Paradise. A man who knew the truth and judged by it, he is in Paradise. And a man who judged for people upon ignorance, and he is in the Fire. And a man who knew the truth but was oppressive in his judgement, he is in the Fire", reported by the four and also by al-Haakim. O my brothers, verify, be upon baseerah (insight) and do not go along with your sentiments. O my brothers, upon you is thibaat (firmness) upon the truth in both good and bad times, and in times of difficulty and ease, and especially in times of tribulation. And you must adhere to truthfulness, and justice in all times, especially in the times of tribulations. O my brothers, indeed Abul-Hasan is disputing with a people whom we reckon - and Allaah is their reckoner - to be upon the truth, and upon good manners, and they have set out on a journey from their homes to his residence, and then they presented advice to him his errors and they are of types: a) Amongst them are those that are in relation to the Sahaabah b) Amongst them are defending, upon ingnorance, and also upon knowledge, the people of falsehood c) Amongst them are those that are in relation to themselves, or severe insults (revilements) such as "scum", "lowly ones" and "despicable, mean ones" And they observed very good manners with him during their discussion with him. And instead of ending the fitnah (tribulation), Abul-Hasan continues in his war against them, and turning the people against them, and describing them as "Haddaadiyyah", and "Ghullaat" (Extremists), and "Enemies" and "disputant opposers of the da'wah salafiyyah", and "destroyers" and "deceived ones" and he even went beyond them in his disputation, and attacked some of the Mashayikh, and then made a link between those and them, in the most evil of ways. And in all of his previous and current responses (to what he was corrected in) he did not present any proof for what he has levelled against them, and shown them of oppression and belittlement, rather they are just mere accusations without having any solid support or basis in their claimed sources, and which are devoid of any evidences, which are revered by the legislation and the intellect. And I have seen a people who have disputed in this fitnah without knowledge. So is it correct for a Muslim that he should assist a man, when this is his condition with his disputant?? Verily, I am fearful for them, and I offer them sincere advice, "O you who believe, be upright, bearers of justice, witnesses for Allaah, even if it is against yourselves, or your parents or near relatives"... So whoever has erred them let him repent, for Allaah loves those who continuously repent and those who purify themselves. O Turner of the Hearts, establish our hearts upon your deen. "O Our Lord, do not cause our hearts to deviate after you have guided us, and bestow upon us mercy from yourself, indeed you are the Bestower". The one who loves goodness for everyone concerned Rabee' bin Haadee Umayr al-Madkhalee 25/2/1423H, Makkah al-Mukarramah
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Posts: 846
Joined: Sep 2002
Reminder About the Sayings of the Scholars Concerning the Sulaymaanee, Ikhwaanee Dajjaal of the Arabian Peninsula Known as Mustafaa Abul-Hasan and the Statements of the Scholars Regarding His Statements Or Regarding Him as a Person |
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Shaykh Rabee' Helping Abul-Hasan to Return to That Which is Best 22 pages, excerpt from the end of the article: "And in summary, Abul-Hasan is a person of very broad claims, which the true reality opposes, and many affairs have become confusing to him, so he actually proceeds along different directions, sometimes in the way of the Hizbiyyoon, and al-Ikhwaan, and upon their Usool (foundations), but with the slogan and motto, "I do not blindly follow anyone, and there is no legacy for anyone (i.e. to be followed), and nor is there any door and nor is there any Soofiyyah and nor... and nor ..." (and in this) he adds more to the way adopted by Adnaan Ar'oor in laying down foundations for the defence of the people of innovation. And another time he follows the path of the Haddaadiyyah, rather even more severe than them, towards the Salafiyyeen and their scholars, and then alongside all of this he claims he is upon the Sunnah, and the manhaj of the Salaf, and then he monopolises (claims) upon the da'wah, by which Allaah has given strength to the people, meaning by all of this his mighty self, so whoever criticises him and with truth, then such a person has destroyed the da'wah, and has brought a matter by which the heavens and the earth are about to shatter to pieces, and by which the earth is split and the mountains to be shattered, and in their view these people (i.e who criticise him truthfully) are the "lowly despicable ones, the mean ones, the scum". And the truth of the matter is that wishes to throw dust over the striving of the major scholars of the Sunnah in this time, and to make the deceived ones think that he is the one who is everything: And everyone claims union with Laylaa But Laylaa does not affirm this for none of them And Salafiyyah, walhamdulillaah, has its men, who are not not confused or bewildered and upon whom matters do not become confusing."
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Shaykh Rabee' on the Crime of al-Ma'ribi Against the Usool of Salafiyyah A quick summary: 1. His practical implementation of al-Muwaazanah to the Innovators, even though with his speech he claims he does not speak with it. 2. His making excuse for the Innovators, those who heretical statements, by applying a principle that the general from their words should be referred back to their specific, however he does not intend by the general and specific here, what is actually meant by the Usooliyyeen, which is well known, but what he means here is to excuse all of the people of bid'ah, like those who spoke with hulool, and ittihaad, adn so on. 3. Although he knows the science of al-Jarh wat-Ta'deel, he opposes the people of hadeeth in applying many of its principles, adopting in this the path of Adnaan Ar'oor, and the Ikhwaan and the Qutubiyyah. 4. He proceeds upon the manhaj of Adnaan Ar'oor and others from the people of falsehood, in rejecting the truth with the claim that he only takes (from others) by way of personal affirmation and verification, unless it is personally heard, or personally read or observed. (While at the same time, he accepts the words of the liar, or sinner, or unknown person, when he attacks the salafees). 5. His rejoicing at what happened amongst the Salafis due to his fitnah, in that they split, and his claim that this is a praiseworthy split. 6. His claim that he is a person of daleel (evidence), and that he does not accept except the evidence, then you see him opposing the evidences and usool of Islaam in many of the issue of khilaaf. 7. His talbees (deception) and false ta'weels of clear words are very many. 8. He also adopts the false principle of Adnaan Ar'oor (we correct the error but do not destroy individuals [i..e refute them]) - and this is the very same as Ar'oors (we correct but do not make jarh) [and this was refuted by Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen in one of his cassettes]. 9. He actually goes beyond Ar'oor in making wide claims, in the way he speaks and says what he has done or what he will do, and which gives the reader the impression that he has reached the level of Ibn Taymiyyah or his likes in the vastness of knowledge. 10. He follows the path of believing first, then finding evidences (to support his belief), not the other way around. ... and so on. There are around 20 points altogether.
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Shaykh Muhammad bin Abdul-Wahhab al-Wasabee's Reply to al-Ma'ribis Errors An excellent concise listing of all the errors of the Sulaymaanee Dajjaal in matters of Usool, and showing his opposition to the Major scholars in many of his verdicts, in which he allows affairs of disobedience, such as free mixing and shaving the beard.
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Shaykh Falih Repels the Insults, Belittlement and Attacks of al-Ma'ribi Against Shaykh Rabee' Shaykh Faalih writes an article refuting the lies and insults of the Sulaymaanee Dajjaal against Shaykh Rabee' bin Haadee. |
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QA session with Shaykh Rabee' and Salafees in Yemen Shaykh Rabee' mentions that they (the scholars) remained silent about the likes of al-Maghraawee and also al-Ma'ribee for a very long time, before they spoke about them and their errors. And he also says that if Imaam Ahmad gave tazkiyah to Abul-Hasan al-Ma'ribee it would still not be permissible to leave his errors and to leave refuting them, and not to speak about him. This and much more in a 40 minute telephone QA session from Yemen.
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Shaykh Yahyaa al-Haajoorree on the History and Reality of al-Ma'ribee Brief points from Shaykh Yahyaa's statement: 1. al-Ma'ribee has transgressed against the Salafi Da'wah generally, and in Yemen specifically 2. al-Ma'ribee only spent days [others have explained it to be around 6-7 weeks] with Shaykh Muqbil (rahimahullaah) 3. He then wento al-Ma'rib and began to teach. After a number of years, as he gained more students, his deviation also began 4. When Ahl us-Sunnah began to refute him (this was then), he plotted and planned, and began to attack Ahl us-Sunnah, those who would refute the Ikhwaan, Surooriyyah and others. 5. After the men of the Sunnah refused and exposed al-Ma'ribee's wastage of the Salafi Da'wah, he hastened in creating splits between the students of knowledge 6. Shaykh Muqbil (rahimahullaah) advised (the other Shaykhs in Yemen) that they should warn from al-Ma'ribee, and that he fears that he will split up the Salafi Da'wah, and numerous of the Shaykhs testify to these words of Shaykh Muqbil, amongst them Saykh Muhammad bin Abdul-Wahhaab al-Wassaabee, and Shaykh Muhammad Abu Bakr al-Yaafi'ee, the brother Ahmad 'Arbis who used to be a guard with Shaykh Muqbil (rahimahullaah) 7. al-Ma'ribee is currently upon many divergent ways, and uses numerous methods in order to open up the door to evil (i.e. sins) upon this blessed da'wah (such as shaving the beard, free mixing, and taking pictures), and has also relaxed with some of the Innovators to an extent that he encourages listening to their tapes, claiming that they are Ahl us-Sunnah 8. His new manhaj and his new principle that he will not take the statements of the reliable concerning criticism of others, until he himself, personally, verifies 9. Shaykh Muqbil says that Allaah did not help his da'wah, except by tamyeez (i.e. that they were distinct and distinguished their da'wah from that of the Hizbees and Innovators, and due to this Allaah helped and aided it and spread it) 10. al-Ma'ribee works to remove this tamyeez (distinction) by his false principles and inventing new thoughts and ideas 11. al-Ma'ribee's plot and working to frighten people away from the learning camp at Dammaaj...
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This message was edited by on 12-15-02 @ 2:42 PM
Posts: 846
Joined: Sep 2002
Reminder About the Sayings of the Scholars Concerning the Sulaymaanee, Ikhwaanee Dajjaal of the Arabian Peninsula Known as Mustafaa Abul-Hasan and the Statements of the Scholars Regarding His Statements Or Regarding Him as a Person |
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Shaykh Rabee' Ibn Haadee Demolishes The Principle of Mujmal and Mufassal of the Sulaymaanee Dajjaal An 40 page article which exposes the falsehood of what the Sulaymaanee Dajjaal intends by his principle of Mujmal and Mufassal which he took from his Ikhwaanee predecessor, Abdullaah Azzaam.
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Shaykh Rabee's Naseehah to the Salafees of Yemen The Shaykh (hafidhahullaah) states that his statement issued on 22/3/1423H concerning al-Ma'ribee was intended to give insight, with kindness, to those who have been deceived by Abul-Hasan so that they may return to the truth and show justice to those who have been wronged. And also he warns from al-Ma'ribee's lessons because he is a caller to fitnah and dalaalah and he has many corrupt principles, and to keep away from him is what is required by the Sunnah, and the manhaj of the Salaf. The Shaykh said, "For he is a caller to fitnah, dalaal, and is a person of corrupt usool". And that the people of fitnah should be warned against, using wisdom, good admonition and calling to Allaah. |
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Shaykh Rabee' Begings to Expose the Inherent Evil in the Position of the Sulaymaanee Dajjaal on Khabarul-Waahid In Summary, al-Ma'ribee has adopted the heretical views of the Mu'tazilah, Khawaarij and Raafidah on the issue of Aahaad Hadeeth, and when arguing for his position, he only quotes from the likes of these, and then abandons what all of the Muhadditheen from Ahl us-Sunnah have stated that the Khabar ul-Aahaad provides knowledge and can be acted upon. |
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Shaikh Muhammad al-Wasabee on the Sharee'ah Position Concerning al-Ma'ribee and His Defenders In summary, the Shaikh notes that al-Ma'ribee was criticised for many errors, in aqeedah, in manhaj, and in Sharee'ah verdicts, and in which he opposed Ahl us-Sunnah. That advice was given to him from numerous directions from a group of the scholars. That he recanted from some but not all matters. That this da'wah for him to recant from all errors is something that we repeat to him, that he fears Allaah, and that he accepts the advice, and that he recants from all errors which he fell into. The Shaikh reminds al-Ma'ribee with the saying of Allaah, "And whoever does not repent, then he is among the oppressors", and also that if he does not repent that he is is to be boycotted by the people of knowledge and everyone who follows hte Book of Allaah and the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam). With respect to the followers of Abul-Hasan, then they are to be advised firstly. A person from amongst them is to be advised and is reminded of Allaah and the Last day and that Abul-Hasan will not benefit him on the Day of Judgement, as Allaah said, "On the day when a man will flee from his brothers, his mother, father, his wife, and his children. Every man, that Day, will have enough to make him careless of others", and also His saying, "Close friends that day will be enemies to each others, except the Muttaqeen". So such a person is to be reminded with these evidences and others and asked to fear Allaah and to follow the Book and the Sunnah, and that they should read the words of the people of knowledge who have criticised Abul-Hasan and who explained his errors, like Shaikh Rabee', Shaykh Ahmad an-Najmee, Shaikh Faalih. That we do not wish to close the door of repentance for him. That if he does not accept the advice given by the scholars, and the verdicts of these scholars, and also the directions of the people of knowledge, and then continues to defend Abul-Hasan and his errors he is upon, and justifies his position, then he is to be put alongside Abul Hasan from the point of view of boycotting, as a punishment for him, and as a discouragement for his likes, and in order to preserve the Salafi brothers from what has afflicted the others. To the end of his words.
Posts: 846
Joined: Sep 2002
Reminder About the Sayings of the Scholars Concerning the Sulaymaanee, Ikhwaanee Dajjaal of the Arabian Peninsula Known as Mustafaa Abul-Hasan and the Statements of the Scholars Regarding His Statements Or Regarding Him as a Person |
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The Shaykhs of Yemen Call for the Boycotting of al-Maribee Bismillaahir-Rahmaanir-Raheem All praise is due to Allaah, and prayers and many salutations be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family and his companions. To proceed: 1. We have sent out a collective statement consisting of five points on this day of ours, Thursday, 9/4/1423H concerning the fitnah of Abul-Hasan. 2. We have all agreed upon preventing Abul-Hasan al-Misri, the resident of Ma'rib, from any dawah activities in the Yemeni towns and cities, until he recants from all of the errors which he fell into and which the Scholars warned from, at the head of them the esteemed Shaykh, the Muhaddith and Carrier of the Flag of al-Jarh wat-Ta'deel in this time, Dr. Rabee' bin Haadee al-Madkhalee, the former head of the Faculty of the Prophetic Sunnah, in the Islamic University (of Madinah), may Allaah preserve him. 3. We did not place the sixth point in the previous statement because Shaykh Abdul-Azeez al-Bur'aee and Shaykh Abdullaah bin Uthmaan both saw that they should speak to Abu Hasan concerning this prevention, directly. So we agreed with them on this. However, when Shaykh Abdul-Azeez spoke to him directly, he did not respond to this request. Hence, we, the undersigned, see that we should write (this prevention and warning) down, and place our names onto it. 4. And amongst the reasons for the prevention of Abul-Hasan al-Misri from any da'wah work and da'wah activities and meetings with the people, is his twenty innovated principles, and concerning which the Shaykh and Allaamah, Rabee' bin Haadee - may Allaah preserve him - has promised to refute, one by one. And he has put out his refutation of two principles from his false principles (i.e. Abul Hasan's). And they are 1) Concerning the Mujmal and Mufassal 2) Concerning the Khabarul-Aahaad. Hence, it is upon all of Ahl us-Sunnah that they boycott him until he repents to Allaah (recanting) from all of his false principles and his repugnant mistakes, following in this the boycotting, the guidance of the Prophet (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam), and our Righteous Salaf. For the error in shooting (a slingshot) is not greater than his errors, and alongside that, Abdullaah bin Mughaffal (radiallaahu anhu) boycotted the shooter, as occurs in the two Saheehs. 5. May Allaah grant success to all in what He loves and is pleased with. And prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family and his companions. The Shaykh: Muhammad bin Abdullaah al-Imaam The Shaykh: Muhammad bin Saalih as-Sumaalee The Shaykh: Yahyaa bin Alee al-Haajorree The Shaykh: Abdur-Rahmaan bin Mur'ee al-'Udnee The Shaykh: Abdul-Azeez al-Bur'aee The Shaykh: Muhammad bin Abdul-Wahhaab al-Wasabee
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Shaykh Ahmad an-Najmee Supports the Call of the Yemeni Shaykhs For Boycotting al-Ma'ribee The Shaykh supports what the Yemeni scholars have called for of boycotting al-Ma'ribee and preventing him from giving any lessons in Yemen. The Shaykh explains that this is due to his announcing bid'ah and stirring up mischief in Yemen and accusing the Salafis of Haddaadiyyah, and his defence of the Innovators like Maghraawee and Sayyid Qutb and other such affairs. Thus he supports the warning against him and preventing him from given lessons so that others are not affected by his bid'ah. |
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Shaykh Rabee' Makes Reference to the New Band of "Salafees" Who Have Irjaa' Towards the Innovators This in a recorded gathering in the house of the Shaykh, and in this cassette the Shaykh refers to the "Irjaa Jadeed", the new Irjaa', being displayed by certain people who dont take the correct Sharee'ah positions towards the Innovators. The head of this new band is the Sulaymaanee Dajjaal and those affected by him.
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Shaykh Fawzee al-Atharee Speaking About the False Tawbahs of the Sulaymaanee Dajjaal and His Predecessors, Ar'oor and al-Maghraawee The Noble Shaykh, today (11th July) between 9-10pm (UK Time) was delivering a lecture in the course of which he spoke of the Hizbiyyoon. The Shaykh explained that the likes of Ar'oor, al-Hawali, al-Awdah, al-Ma'ribee, al-Farsee, al-Qarnee, al-Maghraawee (he mentioned all these specifically) do not repent truthfully, because they fear loss of fame and loss of recognition. Despite the fact that they know their errors. So they merely delay their tawbah. And the Shaykh called this, "a type of deficiency in the intellect and in the deen". The Shaykh then went on for quite a while to explain the difference between the truthful tawbah and the false tawbah. And during this explained that the tawbah of al-Ma'ribee and al-Maghraawi and al-Ar'oor was a false tawbah (tawbah kaadhibah), and he contrasted this with truthful tawbahs from the Salaf like that of Abul-Hasan al-Asha'ri and others. This was an excellent talk with a great number of benefits in manhaj. Inshaa'allaah, we will place it online for listening and downloading. |
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Shaykh Ubayd al-Jaabiree Supporting Shaykh Rabee' and Clarifying A Few Things About the Meetings That Took Place In Madinah With the Dajjaal of the Arabian Peninsula The Shaykh mentions in this tape: 1. That which Shaykh Rabee has mentioned about the mistakes of Abul Hasan is all correct, whether it be the use of Mujmal and Mufassal, Khabar Waahid and his criticism upon the book Siraaj al Wahaaj ( all mistakes of Abul Hasan). 2. There is no differing between us and Shaykh Rabee at all, our goals are one and our manhaj is one, but we might differ with regards to our usloob and expressions. 3. Shaykh Faalih is on the correct Manhaj and sound Aqeedah and he is one who is at war with innovation and its people. 4. That the Scholars of Madinah did not call that which they wrote a Bayaan (Declaration) but the people gave it that name, it was called a Kitaabah. This does not free Abul Hasan from the mistakes that those who critcised him ascribed to him, rather it shows that he was mistaken and him admitting this in writing strengthens this. That which we wrote did not contain all the mistakes of Abul Hasan and we did not say this. 5. Shaykh Rabee advised this man for years and pointed out his mistakes for him.
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Shaykh Ubayd Supports Shaykh Rabee' Once More and Explains that Everything From Shaykh Rabee' is Correct Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem From Ubayd bin Abdulllaah bin Sulaymaan al-Jaabiree to those from the Mashaayikh and Students of Knowledge and the Muslims in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Yemen, the Emirates and others places, who asked our view concerning the issue of Abul-Hasan, ash-Shaykh, Mustafaa bin Ismaa'eel al-Misree, then al-Ma'ribee, and those who oppose him from the people of Yemen, and also the refutations of Shaykh Rabee' bin Haadee al-Madkhalee, may Allaah preserve them all. Assalaamu alaikum warahmatullaahi wabarakaatuhu, to proceed: I inform you firstly: That I have followed up everything that has been written by the esteemed Allaamah, the Shaykh Rabee', and I have scrutinised it in detail, and I have found that all of his observations against Abul-Hasan are the truth, all of them, and they are correct, all of them. Secondly: Abul-Hasan, may Allaah grant him success (in what is correct), erred in what he establishes, and calls "referring the general to the specific" in his cassettes, and likewise what he has tended to (of the view) that the Aahaad narrations only amount to dhann, and his various evidences for this, and likewise, what he affirmed of rules and principles which are in opposition to the manhaj of the Salaf in his book "as-Siraaj al-Wahhaaj". Thirdly: I and those who are with me, from the Mashaayikh, and they are the esteemed doctor, Shaykh Saalih as-Suhaymee, the esteemed Shaykh Muhammad bin Haadee al-Madkhalee, may Allaah preserve them, will shortly be apprehending the brother, Abul-Hasan for those errors and others, and to advise him to recant from them, upon his return from the Emirates. And our thought concerning him is that he will accept the advice and to responed to it. And he himself has promised us with his own saying: "In short, I open upon the door for all of my brothers to notify me of every error in my books or cassettes, and especially, the last seven cassettes, and may Allaah reward them all with good, and may He grant me success to the true saying, to follow it and to return to it". After this we will write to you if Allaah wills, of the result of this advice, and we shall announce this matter, in a manner by which the blame will be removed (from us), in giving sincerity of purpose (in advice) to Allaah, His Book, His Messenger, and all of the Muslims. And Allaah knows the intent. And prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family and companions. And may prayers and peace, and the mercy and blessings of Allaah be upon you. This was on the morning of Wednesday, the 7th of Jumada al-Oulaa of 1423H Written by Ubayd bin Abdullaah al-Jaabiree
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Reminder About the Sayings of the Scholars Concerning the Sulaymaanee, Ikhwaanee Dajjaal of the Arabian Peninsula Known as Mustafaa Abul-Hasan and the Statements of the Scholars Regarding His Statements Or Regarding Him as a Person |
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Allaamah Ahmad an-Najmee: Al-Ma'ribee is a Mubtadi' And Those Who Support and Defend Him Are Treated Likewise This is stated in an excellent question and answer session, which includes the following questions to the Shaykh: 1. What is your saying about the one who says that there is a deficiency, or shortcoming amongst the ranks of the Companions, and that they were not safe from this deficiency? 2. What is you saying about the one who invites the students of knowledge to be independent of the scholars, so that they can use their own intellects to know the truth and falsehood? 3. Is it permissible for the one who has been advised for his errors to seek as evidence the errors of the other scholars (i.e. in order to belittle his own, or justify them)? 4. What is your saying about the one who says that the Salafi Da'wah proceeds upon other than solid principles and upon other than foundations, and that we are in need of a laying down foundations and principles for it? 5. When Abul-Hasan al-Ma'ribee sees a false saying from the people of innovation such as the likes of Sayyid Qutb or al-Maghrawi, he says that the general should be referred back to the specific, so is it to be said about speech that whose falsehood is very clear, that it is "general"? 6. Shaykh Ahmad an-Najmee strengthening and supporting the statement of the Yemeni Shaykhs (in warning from al-Ma'ribee) 7. Some of the brothers in Yemen and elsewhere and outside of it are supporting al-Ma'ribee with every type of ability and strength, until one of them even says, "Whoever comes to you while your affair is united upon a single affair, and then desires to split your word, then kill him, whoever he is". So what is your reply? 8. How should the du'aat behave with Abul-Hasan? 9. About the one who prevents the distribution of the statements of Shayh Rabee' concerning Abul-Hasan and says that they increase the fitnah? 10. What about the claim "we do not make taqleed of anyone"? 11. Is Abul-Hasan to be given wealth? 12. What about the saying "the Salafis have nothing with them but jarh"? 13. The general words of a scholar are taken upon his specific words. How is this principle actually applied? 14. How are the words of Shaykh ul-Islaam in this regard to be understood? 15. Jam'iyyat Daar ul-Birr supports Abul-Hasan until now? 16. What do you say about the ones who revile Shaykh Faalih and Shaykh Rabee' 17. Abul-Hasan will come to the Emirates for a dawrah, so is it permissible to attend? And in the course of these questions and answers the Shaykh makes many affairs clear walhamdulillaah, including his clear indication that al-Ma'ribee is a Mubtadi', and is treated as a Mubtadi'. The Shaykh also indicates that the way certain people are behaving in this affair, and the various statements they are bringing (like those mentioned in the questions above), that all of this is from the behaviour of the Mubtadi'ah.
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Shaykh Rabee' Destroys The Sulaymaanee Dajjaalic Principle of "Tathabbut" By Which Rejection of the Verdicts of the Scholars on the Innovators is Intended The article talks about the issue of verification (of news) in the sharee'atul islaam. The Shaykh speaks about accepting the khabar from a trustworthy narrator and he does this by showing the sayings of the people of knowledge about the saying of Allaah, "If a faasiq comes to you with news, then verify it". Then the Shaykh shows how Abul Hasan rejects this sound principle by: 1. His defense of sayyid Qutub and his rejecting the speech of the Imaams of Ahlus sunnah such as Albaani and others on this issue. 2. His defense of Magrawi and again rejecting the statements of the Imaams such as Ibn Uthaymeen and others. 3. The false principle of Abul Hasan that he does not accept a Jarh of a person except that he witnesses this matter from the one who is being spoke about. Then the Shaykh shows the double standards of Abul Hasan when he accepts the narrations of the Majaaheel and liars when it is concerning a matter which he strives to defend or those who oppose him from the salafis. |
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Shaykh Rabee' bin Haadee On The New Band of False Claimants to Salafiyyah This is just the opening excerpt: Bismillaahir-Rahmaanir-Raheem All praise is due to Allaah, prayers and peace be upon the Messenger of Allaah, upon his family and companions and whoever follows his guidance. To proceed: Then let Ahl us-Sunnah wal-Jamaa'ah know in truth, not just as a mere claim, that their da'wah is exposed (i.e. open, susceptible) to the People of Tribulations (Fitan) and Desires (Ahwaa), and they do not become tired of (devising) plots, doubts and tribulations [placing them] in the midst of Ahl us-Sunnah wal-Jamaa'ah and spreading the causes of separation. And there has emerged a new band (i.e. group), in these (past few) years who have warn the gown of the Sunnah, however they oppose Ahl us-Sunnah in their Usool and their Manhaj and in their application. And this new band has adopted certain principles in order to stand up against the manhaj of Ahl us-Sunnah and against the fataawaa of the Scholars in refuting Innovation and warning from its people. Just as this band has set up principles in order to reject these fataawaa which are based upon the Book and the Sunnah. Such as: 1. "We do not blindly follow anyone, and we are the people of daleel (evidence)" 2. "No one has any guardianship over us, and nor do we have any fatherhoods (over us) and nor any patronships". 2. The claim of "tathabbut", meaning that they reject the verdicts of the scholars and their judgements upon the people of innovation, and warning against them (the innovations) and them (their people), by this claim (of theirs) that they make "tathabbut" (make their own verification), and this is in relation to their other principles that have just been mentioned. And from another angle, they have devised certain principles for the defence of Ahl ul-Bid'ah, and their theoreticians, all in order to oppose the principles of the Salafi, and their manhaj in criticising the people of Bid'ah. Such as: 1. "Carrying the mujmal upon the mufassal", and they do not actually intend the mujmal and mufassal in the view of the Usooliyyeen, and the Scholars of Islaam, but they actually intend a mujmal and mufassal that they have innovated themselves. 2. "We correct (the mistake) but we do not criticise (the individual) or destroy (the person)", so they consider the criticism of Innovation and its people and warning from them, to be "destruction", and they themselves do not correct (mistakes) and instead they destroy Ahl us-Sunnah and wage the severest war against them, just as they wage a war against their foundations which are derived from the Book and the Sunnah. 3. The manhaj of Muwaazanaat, which they actually implement themselves, and then they, in arrogance, reject that they have actually applied it. 4. Their saying "We wish for a vast, open manhaj that suits Ahl us-Sunnah and suits the Ummah (as a whole)", and then they try to explain this in a false way, and their implementation of this actually exposes them, and as for those whose who try to portray outwardly that they do not implement it, then this support and loyalty to the one who does implement it exposes them. |
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The Scholars of Yemen explain why they advised the people to abandon Abul Hasan A signed statement from seven of the Shaykhs from Yemen which explains some of the occurrences and statements from the Sulaymaanee Dajjaal which led them to abandon him (due to his evil and his deviation becoming apparent by way of these occurrences and statements). |
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Reminder About the Sayings of the Scholars Concerning the Sulaymaanee, Ikhwaanee Dajjaal of the Arabian Peninsula Known as Mustafaa Abul-Hasan and the Statements of the Scholars Regarding His Statements Or Regarding Him as a Person |
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Spubs.Com: Putting the Fitnah of Abul-Fitan al-Ma'ribee into Perspective All praise is due to Allaah and prayers and peace be upon His Messenger, to proceed: The last century saw the birth of one of the most wicked and destructive innovations ever, whose harm to the da'wah is beyond estimation, at the hands of a Soofee Mufawwidh by the name of Hassan al-Bannaa. The innovation can be summarised in the following words, "Let us co-operate in that which we agree and let us overlook each other in that which we disagree". And the implementation of this principle by Hassan al-Bannaa and the other innovators with him, was that no matter how much misguidance, deviation and innovation is with a person, we will still work and co-operate with him, for the aim of the organisation, which is to arrive at the overall rule and authority. Thus, the Shi'ah were considered to be upon "purity", and that there were only minor differences, and all the various other sects, like the Jahmiyyah, Mu'tazilah, Soofiyyah, Ash'ariyyah, and others were given such a lease of life, never seen before, and the great onslaught against the Salafee da'wah had begun. So this was the destructive innovation that would give birth to many future orientations and outlooks that would continue to harm the da'wah and to remove the Sunan and to replace them with innovations and to remove the aqeedah of walaa and baraa for Tawheed, and the Sunnah and its people. In essence, this innovation did not allow any speech about the Innovators to begin with. This is how this innovation can be characterised. That one overlooks and pardons those affairs in which there is disagreement, and that is even if it relates to Shirk and Kufr or the most wicked of innovations. So, there was no speech against the Innovators and all and sundry became united upon a single objective and purpose, which is arrival at the overall authority (by whatever means, political infiltration, or revolution of the masses, or entry into democracy). In the second half of the last century and especially towards its end, Allaah aided the Sunnah and its people especially during the last 20 years, and by way of some of the great and noble scholars, like Imaam al-Albaani, Imaam Ibn Baaz, Imaam Ibn Uthaymeen, Imaam Muqbil and many others, both those who have passed away and those still alive, the Salafee da'wah spread in all places and lands, and the people became more and more aware of the differences between the Salafee da'wah and the da'wah of the Innovators, from amongst the Khawaarij, the Soofiyyah, the Ash'ariyyah, the Jahmiyyah, the Mu'tazilah - and also between the Jamaa'aat who contain these sects, like Ikhwaan and Tableegh and Hizbut Tahrir and others. So the people came to understand that speaking about the Innovators and the groups of innovation and the Jamaa'aat that harbour the sects, that this itself was from the religion, and was from the way of the Salaf, and this matter became firmly established with the people of the Sunnah. And thus a greater dividing line occurred between the Salafees and the various groups of innovation, those upon innovated beliefs and methodologies. It was here, that the second level of the original innovation of Hassan al-Bannaa was reached. Seeing now that it is not possible to escape from making criticism of the Innovators and groups of innovation and the various Jamaa'aat that had arisen in the field of da'wah, then a new band of Bannaawites emerged, whose nurturing and education had actually been through the Ikhwaan. Enter Salman al-Awdah and Abdur-Rahmaan Abdul-Khaaliq. The new formulation of the wicked and vile bid'ah of Hassan al-Bannaa was beautified, made alluring and given the name of "al-Muwaazanah" (counterbalancing between the good and bad). So when the Innovators realised that there is no way to escape from criticising the Innovators, then they tried to limit the affair of criticising (jarh) by claiming that when criticising someone then his good points must be mentioned, in order to avoid falling into injustice and oppression. So the neo-Ikhwanis, of the Bannaawee frame of thought, like Salman al-Awdah and Abdur-Rahmaan Abdul-Khaaliq began to propound upon this, and made this a principle and then invited to it and called to it, and this was in fact more evil than its original precursor since it was more covert and hidden and subtle. The objective behind it was the same, namely to gather together the innovators and the various jamaa'aat and the common masses, without looking at the base and foundation which is Tawheed and the Sunnah, and then to arrive at the overall rule, in the name of "organisation" and "order" in the da'wah. And this is nothing but the pure Ikhwaani manhaj. And the intent behind this filthy innovation was to propagate and spread the books upon which the Ikhwaani Bid'iyy manhaj is based, the books of Qutb, Mawdoodi, and Bannaa, namely the books of the Soofee, Mu'tazilee, Ash'aree heretics and in Allaah is the refuge. But by the praise of Allaah, the Innovators were halted at their limits and enraged, and thus the scholars of Ahl us-Sunnah utterly demolished this filthy principle and entered those who spoke with it amongst the ranks of the Innovators, and there were those who judged those who contrived this principle to be from amongst the Ikhwaan and to be upon the manhaj of Ikhwaan. And at the forefront of those who halted the Innovators at their limits was Shaykh Rabee' bin Haadee al-Madkhalee, who authored many works on this subject, and then in his judgement and position he was supported by all of the scholars, Imaam al-Albaani, Imaam Ibn Baaz, Imaam Ibn Uthaymeen, Imaam Muqbil, Shaykh al-Fawzaan, Shaykh al-Lahaydaan, Shaykh Ahmad an-Najmee and many others. The intent behind this reformulation was that knowing that jarh (criticism) of the innovators was inevitable they sought to lighten matters, and thus tried to limit the effects of this jarh upon their da'wah by enjoining the mentioning of the good points of the Innovators. And the generality of Ahl us-Sunnah, the Salafees were guided away from this falsehood, by the praise of Allaah, over the years, save that some of them are still affected by this Bannaawee Extension, and have not removed it from their system, and its signs are often apparent in some of their speech and action, so we ask Allaah for guidance and safety for them and us. However, the saga does not end there, and as is narrated from some of the Salaf, that "innovation gives birth to itself", then the previous Bannaawee Bid'ah of Destruction saw another form, this time even more subtle and more hidden and more beautified and embellished - and refuge is with Allaah. And thus the Machinations in Ma'rib, Sulaymaanee of origin, were unleashed upon the Ummah. The original Bannaawee concoction was aimed at not criticising the Innovators and Heretics at all, to begin with, fundamentally, and turning away from any speech about them at all. Then the first revival attempt of the Banannaawee bida'h, seeing that criticism is inevitable, due to the preponderance of the Sunnah and its people, was aimed at devaluing the criticism by promoting the praise thereby protecting the innovators, and lightening their affair so that the people could still be directed towards them. Then a new revival arose via the Machinations in Ma'rib, seeing that al-muwaazanah had been demolished and refuted, and that it was difficult now, given that the people of the Sunnah had seen through this falsehood, and that Jarh (criticism) alone and warning alone was something that was inevitable, then its theoretician, saw that he should put obstacles in the way of the acceptance of this Jarh (criticism), and to drive the people away from being concerned with it. And the theoretician behind this innovation had made his objectives very clear in some of his statements, that "we need a vast manhaj that suits ahl us-sunnah as well as the whole ummah", meaning we need a new manhaj for accommodation of the Innovators, and "the salafee da'wah at the moment does not proceed upon any foundations or guidelines" meaning, the da'wah needs to be Ikhwanified, so it proceeds in an organised fashion. So the theoretician of Ma'rib having gained the trust of the scholars (just like Abdur-Rahman Abdul-Khaliq and Salman al-Awdah before him), then began to implant these new principles that were aimed at questioning and repelling any jarh (criticism) and nurturing the youth upon these principles, so that the objective can be realised. And these principles were alluring, beautified, seemingly the truth embodied. And amongst them that "we are people of daleel and we do not take anyone's speech except with daleel", and that "accepting the report of a trustworthy person" is a false principle, sometimes they say it is a false principle and at other times they say that it is not accepted as it does not amount to certain knowledge, and at other times they say this principle is used falsely. Also amongst them is that when there is a statement of heresy or deviation or misguidance that has arisen whether from the Innovator or other than him that "we refer his statement of error back to his specific speech" which might explain it. This despite the fact that the statement is clear innovation or misguidance in and of itself. And this nurturing brought about a new outlook and mentality, characteristic of arrogance and presumptiousness, and which stood to challenge and discredit what the major scholars were embarked upon of refuting innovation and its people and giving sincerity to the Ummah in warning from the Innovators and innovations. So all of these were barriers and obstacles placed by the theoretician of Ma'rib, between the Ummah and its scholars. And indeed these principles seem alluring and correct and beautified, but know that there is no Innovator who wishes to conceal his innovation except that Allaah exposes it by way of his speech or his action, or his companionship. And the Salaf have spoken in this regard, and this is one of the blessings of the Sunnah upon Ahl us-Sunnah, in that however much the innovation of a person (whether in belief or methodology) might be hidden, his companionship and behaviour is not hidden. And the statements and behaviour of the theoretician of Ma'rib were apparent and clear to the major scholars who saw his goals and objectives from a long time ago, but had patience with him and tolerated him. And amongst the greatest of affairs that revealed the true and real orientation the resident of Ma'rib, Sulaymaanee of origin, was his behaviour in the affair of al-Maghraawee at-Takfeeree. No matter how clear the evidences were against al-Maghraawee and no matter how apparent was the misguidance and error in the statements of al-Maghraawee, and no matter how abundant were the scholars who refuted him and refuted his statements, the resident of Ma'rib showed arrogance in the face of all of that and resounded, "we are people of daleel", which was in reality, that we wish to challenge and reject the established daleel itself, and "we take the general upon the specific", which was in reality, we wish to detract from his innovated speech and lighten it, and "the saying of the trustworthy person is not a proof", which was in reality, we do not wish to guide ourselves by the senior and major scholars who have shown and highlighted the deviation of this man with proofs and evidences, rather we wish for every fulaan to go and verify for himself, since the saying of a trustworthy person only amounts to conjecture, and we are all independend mini-scholars who are capable of making tathabbut (verification) and are able to arrive at the evidence ourselves independently. And this was the tarbiyah of M'arib. Know that what al-Ma'ribee has innovated of this new orientation and outlook - even if he portrays that he has apparent support for the individual isolated principles he has used and spoken of (which is what has confused many of those with him) - then know that his affair is dire and it is not too different to the innovation of Abdur-Rahmaan Abdul-Khaaliq and Salman al-Awdah and others from the Bannaawee School of Thought, though more subtle and hidden. And for this reason it is more severe, and indeed there has never been this much severity shown toward the defenders of the Sunnah by the Innovators before him such as al-Magraawee and Ar'oor and Abdur-Rahmaan Abdul-Khaaliq and others - as has been shown by the resident of Ma'rib and his supporters. Rather, this particular onslaught is the most severe, devised, organised and calculated than the previous ones. In summary, know that Ahl us-Sunnah have suffered greatly due to the three-tier Bannaawee assault that has come upon the da'wah. Firstly with the principle "let us co-operate in that which we agree and pardon each other in that which we disagree", then secondly, with the principle "you must mention the good as well as the bad in order to be free of injustice and oppression" otherwise known as al-muwaazanah, and now we have the third tier which has been provided by al-Ma'ribee, which is to wage a war against the jarh of the scholars against the Innovators and people of misguided statements and actions and against Hizbiyyah, to cause doubts about it and to challenge it and make the youth stand up in arrogation against it, thinking themselves to be capable and fit - in all instances - of verifying for themselves, until they take a position. And know also that this assault has come from those who have been put to trial with what they call "organisation of da'wah", and "jami'yyaat" (societies) and toying with membership in da'wah and what is similar to all of this - and all this is known about al-Ma'ribee and his followers and defenders, who in the name of what they call permissible ijtihaad for the improvement of the da'wah, share with the Hizbiyyeen in the direction they wish to take the da'wah, and in the modes that they adopt in the operation of the da'wah itself. And in the process great realities and amazing affairs come to light that indicate the apparentness of their misguidance, which is attacking and belittling and casting aspersion upon the Imaams of the Sunnah and those following them on the one hand, while on the other making ta'aawun with the hizbees and showing great leniences towards them and accommodating them, and accommodating those whose misguidance is apparently and sufficiently clear, such as al-Maghraawi - all at the expense of their walaa for the Salafees. SUMMARY Hassan al-Bannaa prevented any jarh (criticism) of the Innovators to begin with, by way of his false principle that he innovated, "Let us co-operate in that which we agree and pardon each other in that which we disagre" (even if that be in affairs of Tawheed, Kufr, Imaan and Shirk). When this was known to be false, after the spread and uptake of the Salafee da'wah, there emerged those who claimed Salafiyyah that was only skin deep, while the flesh was Ikhwani to the bone and marrow, Salman al-Awdah and Abdur-Rahmaan Abdul-Khaaliq and some others, who brought the innovation of al-Muwaazanah. Seeing that refuting the Innovators was now inevitable and Jarh must be made, they then invented this principle so that they could still attach the youth to the Innovators who were the basis of their methodology, like Mawdoodi al-Mu'tazili, al-Bannaa as-Soofee al-Mufawwidh, and Qutb al-Mu'tazili ar-Raafidee. So they spread this and embelished it and beautified it and adorned it in the name of "not falling into injustice or oppression", meaning that it is from justice that you mention the good points as well. The falsehood of this innovation also became apparent and it was labelled as "the Bid'ah of the Era" by the people of knowledge, and all of the scholars of Ahl us-Sunnah refuted it and demolished it, knowing it was not the way of the Salaf, neither with respect to the narrators of hadeeth, nor with respect to the Innovators, in the context of warning from them. Then there arose a new band whose attachment to Salafiyyah became spread and known, and they toyed and took fancy to "organising the da'wah" and "laying down usool for its traversal", and entered into the fitan of setting up jam'iyyaat and membership, or working with jam'iyyaat, in the name of aiding the da'wah - and so they began to lay down foundations which would serve to repel any jarh that would be made with the innovators and hizbiyyeen that they worked and co-operated with, and began to nurture a new generation upon a collection of these principles - the aim of which was to distance to the youth from the true and real firmly established scholars, and from their warnings and refutations against the people of hizbiyyah. And this was no other than al-Maribee, Abul-Fitan, so he began to implement certain principles such as "taking the mujmal upon the mufassal" and "khabar al-ahad only amounts to conjecture" and "we do not take any saying except with daleel" and "accepting the report (or the hukm) of a trustworthy person" is a false principle, and that one must not take it unless he verifies for himself. So these ideas and viewpoints were used collectively in order to frighten people away from the jarh itself, and this was a new wave of "intellectual terrorism" unleashed upon the youth. To terrorise them from taking the advice of the major scholars, who are senior in age, knowledge and experience, and terrorise them away from their warnings from Ahl ul-Bid'ah and the Hizbiyyeen. And al-Ma'ribee, with all his shrewdness, has not brought principles whose falsehood would be apparent. Rather, he has brought together a collection of viewpoints, which appear to be the truth, some of which are viewpoints held by some scholars, and others which are issues which are fairly deep which the average person would not have the ability to research. Then he used these collective viewpoints in order to nurture a new generation of youth that would depart away from the major scholars and the direction of the Salafee da'wah and to take it instead to a new direction, into "a vast manhaj that suits Ahl us-Sunnah and all the Ummah" (meaning all of Ahl ul-Bid'ah), and into "an organised da'wah that proceeds upon usool, since the Salafee da'wah does not proceed upon usool" (meaning to enter ikhwani and hizbee modes of operation into the da'wah). By now the picture is clear. Seeing that jarh alone was inevitable (and no muwaazanah), then he set up obstacles between the jarh that proceeded from the major and most senior scholars and the rest of the Ummah - giving another lease of life to the Innovators, on top of that already given by al-Banna and Abdur-Rahman Abdul-Khaaliq and Salman al-Awdah and others. But our scholars were not heedless and nor were they asleep, and indeed as the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam) said, "this knowledge will be carried by the trustworthy ones of every generation, they will remove from it the false claims of the liars, the distortions of the astray ones and the false interpretations of the ignorant". And so they, perceiving and seeing the real direction of al-Ma'ribee (due to their senior age, and knowledge and experience and excellence) halted him at his limits, exposed his condition, made his innovations known, and ended his affair. However, this affair has become confusing to those who remain deceived by al-Ma'ribee thinking the man has merely made some ijtihaads in which he has precedence from the Salaf, and thus they defend him, not knowing what actually is the fitnah that he has unleashed. Indeed, only those know this fitnah who were at the forefront of exposing and refuting the fitnah of those before al-Ma'ribee, such as the Qutubiyyah Safar and Salman, Ar'oor, Abdur-Rahmaan Abdul-Khaaliq, al-Maghraawi, and others, and thus they have insight into these affairs that others do not. |
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Reminder About the Sayings of the Scholars Concerning the Sulaymaanee, Ikhwaanee Dajjaal of the Arabian Peninsula Known as Mustafaa Abul-Hasan and the Statements of the Scholars Regarding His Statements Or Regarding Him as a Person |
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Shaykh Rabee' Continues in His Exposition of the Sulaymaanee Dajjaal's False Position on Khabar ul-Waahid The Noble Shaykh continues to refute the false principles of al-Ma'ribee who seeks to close the door of jarh of the Innovators by his unique new method, and causing doubts about the verdicts of the scholars and inciting the youth to be bold in front of the verdicts of the senior scholars and causing doubts about them. This is the third in a series of articles refuting al-Ma'ribees position on Ahaad Hadeeth. And al-Ma'ribee falsely tried to rub his dirt onto three of the noble scholars of our times, Ibn Baz, al-Albaani and Ibn Uthaymeen (rahimahumullaah), by only selectively quoting from them and clipping or concealing their other words on the subject. |
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Shaykh Muhammad al-Banna Refutes al-Ma'ribi and His Falsehood The Noble Shaykh said in a question and answer session (17th August), put to him by some of our noble brothers in Jeddah, what can be summarised in the following points (which is recorded on cassette): 1. Ma'ribee has mistakes and falsehood, and false principles he has spoken of. 2. He refused the advice given to him by the Yemeni Shaykhs 3. Ma'ribi does not desire unity of the Salafis but something else 4. Ma'ribi is a disputer who does not have the sincerity to acknowledge his mistakes. 5. Shaykh Rabee is an Imaam who refutes upon knowledge and precision 6. The Shaykh supplicated numerous times, "may Allaah guide him or break his back". 7. The Jordanian scholars do not speak upon knowledge and insight concerning this issue. 8. Shaykh Rabee' is an Imaam and he is like Yahyaa Ibn Ma'een. He has enemies from the Ikhwaan and the Innovators who hate him because he refuted their figureheads. 9. His so called recantation from some of the errors, then in reality, he was corrected for the same errors by the Yemeni Shaykhs along time ago,but he did not recant. Then he did not even thank those who corrected him. Showing that he is a man that does not like to admit his errors. 10. That khabarul aahaad provides certain knowledge, and the proof of that is the Messenger (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam) sending single companions to other lands to teach Islaam. 11. Shaykh Rabee' advised Ma'ribee in secret, for his mistakes, many years ago. Ma'ribee is the one who opened the door to this fitnah. 12. The daleel is actually with Shaykh Rabee' 13. That Ma'ribee and his likes keep saying "we follow daleel" but they have none, it is just a saying that they say, by which others are confused and deceived by. Inshaa'allaah, more points later, if time allows. May Allaah reward our noble brothers Abdulilah and Abu Aishah and others for presenting this information promptly - indeed it is a service to the Sunnah and aids in uniting the Muslims. |
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Reminder About the Sayings of the Scholars Concerning the Sulaymaanee, Ikhwaanee Dajjaal of the Arabian Peninsula Known as Mustafaa Abul-Hasan and the Statements of the Scholars Regarding His Statements Or Regarding Him as a Person |
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Shaykh Muhammad bin Haadee Blasts Abul-Fitan as-Sulaymaanee, Warns From Him and Indicates His Jahl and Misguidance and Warns Everyone From Him Alhamdulillaah, some of the Mashayikh of Madinah are now coming out and warning from the Mubtadi' of Ma'rib, whose secret evil plots against the Salafi da'wah are becoming more well known. And this too is a refutation of the hizbees who are using the words of some of the people of knowledge, like Shaykh Abdul-Muhsin al-Abbaad, to defend this evil man, despite the evidence being as clear as daylight. Shaykh Muhammad bin Haadee in this cassette and others readily admits that what they did and held in the past of advising Abul-Hasan was based only upon whatever knowledge they had concerning him, and that they did not go beyond that. Now that affairs are reaching them about the reality of this man, with evidence from his tapes, then they have supported and joined the likes of the Yemeni shaykhs, Shaykh Falih, Shaykh Rabee', Shaykh Ahmad an-Najmee in repelling the degenerate evil of this man, who has been declared an innovator by at least one from the people of knowledge. Despite all of this, the Hizbiyyoon are clinging to the general words of of praise given to this man, which in no way, refute the specific established evidence against him. Indeed, these people are no different to the followers of Turaath, Safar, Salman, Ar'oor, Maghrawi and others, including the ignorant followers of Abdullah al-Farsee, who by the way is now quoting the Qutubees, like Safar and Salman, and depends upon them, in his articles and writings. We seek refuge in Allaah from misguidance after guidance. This is just a brief, very quick point by point summary of the Shaykhs words (the words may not be exact, but in meaning they are) - you can refer to the recording below for full details: 1. Allaah has taken the oath from the scholars that they will explain the truth to the people and not conceal it. 2. And I am from the students of knowledge. It is upon us to offer some advice about Abul-Hasan and some points for which he has been criticised. 3. We had already advised him previously, but this was only based upon whatever knowledge we had about him. 4. I came across a cassette by Abul-Hasan, and after listening to it I realised he did not leave any room for anyone to be just regarding him, let alone defend him (i.e. meaning that he had exceeded all bounds). 5. And in this cassette of his he affirms the various destroyed innovated sects, all of which oppose Ahl us-Sunnah, such as the Tableeghis, Ikhwaanis and Jihaadees. He placed them amongst Firqat un-Najiyah, Ahl us-Sunnah wal-Jamaa'ah. So I became amazed by this. So when I heard all of this and defence of Ikhwaan especially, I could not believe that these words come from Abul-Hasan. 6. If this speech had come from anyone else who did not know he could be excused but as for Abul-Hasan, then by Allaah, and by Allaah and by Allaah, he is not excused. So it is obligatory upon him to repent to Allaah, and to explain this explicitly, and to admit he erred and opposed Ahl -Sunnah. 7. And I say it is not permissible to listen to his cassettes or listen to him, for he has led many people astray. And whoever listens to this cassette, he will realise the truthfulness of Muhammad bin Haadee, and I am Muhammad bin Haadee. And I say that on account of these words of his, that he is a Jaahil and astray from the way of the Salaf. 8. And I thank the brothers who made me listen to this cassette and those who made this sitting possible and recorded. As warning is required. I warn all of my brothers, in every single place, from listening to this man. Or to sit with him, until he repents to Allaah with a sincere, correct, open, truthful repentance. |
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Allaamah Ubayd al-Jaabiree: Al-Ma'ribee is Pure Ikhwani and is Not from Ahl us-Sunnah, He is to be Abandoned The following is a very quick point by point summary of the recorded statement: Question on why his scheduled lecture at Raas al-Khaimah (in the Emirates) on the subject of Tawheed was cancelled. Answer: 1. The lecture was on the subject of Tawheed, a tafseer of the verse in Surah An'aam 6:82, concerning "those who believe and do not mix their faith with dhulm (i.e. shirk)...". It was scheduled for 9.00pm but was delayed till 9:45pm (Emiratee time). 2. And before the final scheduled time (9.45pm) our student Ahmad ash-Shihhee contacted us, and he is responsible for the Markaz Umar Ibn al-Khattaab in Raas al-Khaimah, and he explained that this lecture was not facilitated for this night, and that the reason was that the followers of Abul-Hasan al-Misree (al-Ma'ribee), whose name is Mustafaa as-Sulaymaanee caused some commotion, problems for the Markaz. And the lecture was not on the subject of Abul-Hasan, or about his state or condition or about what has reached us about him. It was actually on the subject of Tawheed. 3. However, those with ta'assub (bigotry) to Abul-Hasan al-Ma'ribee were enraged by the bayaan (clarification) that was recorded of Shaykh Muhammad bin Haadee al-Madkhalee. And I know its details. And that is what our view is (what we are upon). And likewise it is what the respected Shaykh Saalih as-Suhaymee is upon. 4. As for the speech concerning Abul-Hasan al-Misree then al-Ma'ribee, then towards each other we have had a number of stages. The first of which was the stage of advice to him, and on account of which a written statement was issued, and this was spread by the Internet and otherwise, and everybody became aware of it. The second stage was that of enquiries, and this came about as a result of those who people who stir in the murky waters (i.e. cause trouble) and they described our statement with evil descriptions and claimed that there was khilaaf (difference) between us and Shaykh Rabee bin Haadee. The third stage was that we followed up (i.e. researched) what was written by the respected Shaykh Rabee' bin Haadee al-Madkhalee concerning Abul-Hasan, and we looked at it with very great and profound detail. And we call Allaah to witness and then the Angels to witness and you to witness that if Shaykh Rabee' had erred concerning Abul-Hasan we would have refuted him (in what he had erred from his criticism). Rather everything that Shaykh Rabee has written, is the truth, whether that be concerning his book "as-Siraaj al-Wahhaaj", and what has been called by "al-mujmal wal-mufassal" by Abul-Hasan, and also his position on Akhbaar ul-Aahaad... 5. A few days ago we received a cassette, which contains great evil. He was asked by a man about the Jamaa'aat of Tabligh, Ikhwan and Jihaad. And he responded that Jamaa'at ul-Ikhwaan in Yemen, the differences between them are within Ahl us-Sunnah, and they do not exit from the Saved Sect - and other such affairs he mentioned, in which he used talbees (deception) and trickery upon those whom were present. And it seems that the man, we have already advised him, and he does not benefit from advice. 6. Thus, it is upon us to forget him, to abandon him, leave him, boycott him, up until he repents. And I will write to the Shaykhs and students of knowledge in Yemen (then he lists their names) and call them to what I have stated here, in order to strengthen them and their position, also that of Shaykh Rabee'. And secondly, in order to aid and assist the people of the Sunnah, in Yemen. And thirdly, as a reply to the questions that have been put to us from Saudi, Emirates, the Gulf States, Yemen, the Arab states, Shaam, Egypt, Europe and America, so that it becomes clear that the man is not from Ahl us-Sunnah, due to his corrupt manhaj, and that which is affirmed and established with me is that the man is a pure Ikhwani (Ikhwani of flesh), one who devises plots (maakir), one who plays around (la''aab), and one who has been sent, or planted ( madsoos) amongst the Shaykhs of Yemen, in order to split their word, and to turn them into sects and groups. 7. This is what has been easy for me to explain. And this is on account of two reasons, firstly those with ta'assub towards him, who delayed my talk, and secondly, the condition of this man, Abul-Hasan Mustafaa as-Sulaymaanee al-Misree al-M'aribee. And we advise cutting off from him, until he repents, from everything that he fell into of error, and then spreads this repentance, and that this repentance is recorded. Question: What about those who caused commotion about the talk. Shall we cut off from them. Answer: Yes, no doubt. First of all advise them, and explain to them that they resemble the Kuffar and that the way they took was from the ways of demonstrations, and commotions. They were causing commotion about a lecture on Tawheed. Otherwise, we are not from them and they are not from us. And Ahmad ash-Shihhee informed me that they are mushawwishoon, and amongst them is Abu Sulaymaan al-Leebee. |
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Shaykh Rabee' Demolishing the Ikhwaani Manhaj of the Sulaymaanee Dajjaal The Shaykh puts out his 30 page article exposing the reality of the Sulaymaanee Dajjaal intends by his speech concerning "a vast wide manhaj for the whole Ummah", indicating that this is nothing but a pure Ikhwaanee manhaj, by which accommodating all the Innovators is intended.
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Assala mu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu Jazzak umullahu khairan wa Barrakallhu feek An Excellent compilation of sayings of the scholars concerning Abul Fitan al-Mubtadi! How can any salafi have doubt on this issue? Especially after reading the vast amount of information, concerning this utterly sick mubtadi, the many overwhelming evidences, from the salafi mashayikh, at the forefront the Allammah Rabee ibn Hadee al-Madkhalee. I would like to ask a few questions, as I do not read or speak Arabic, I am not able get access to all the words of the Ulamah, on this issue. But alhamdullillah, our brothers at Salafipublications, have put great effort in translating a large portion of the sayings of the ulama! I am very interested in reading the answer to Q13, to Shaikh Ahmed an-Najmee: "The general words of a scholar are taken upon his specific words. How is this principle actually applied?" Could someone translate it in English. I read in the forum, that the principle of 'mujmal'and 'mufassal', is only applied to the words of Allah(azza wajal) and his Rasul(sallallahu alahi was sallam). Is this principle applied to the words of the ulama? I listened to a tape on the Q and A session, by Shaikh Faalih al-Harbee(hafidha ullah), at the Birmingham conference this year. I remember, the shaikh saying that the belief that 'khabarul ahad' amounts to yaqeen, that ahlus-sunnah have ijma on this(somewhere along this line). That the view khabarul ahaad is dhaan unless supported by supporting factors, was the view of some of the Usooliyoon, such as al-Baqilanee. I read somewhere, (can't remember where), that this second view is also the view of ahl us sunnah? So my question is, if this second view is also correct, then does this not contradict the established ijma of ahl us sunnah, that khabarul ahaad amounts to yaqeen, with or without supporting factors? Barrak allahu feek Ekbal as-salafi al-Bangali
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Assalaamu alaykum With respect to question 13, the Shaykh Ahmad an-Najmee explained that this is only for the speech of those who are ma'soom (meaning the Book and the Sunnah) why, because no ta'aarud (conflict, contradiction) can occur in the words of the ma'soom. And as for the speech of normal people it does not apply to them, as they are not free from error, and they say one word today and they abandon it and say something else later. The Shaykh makes reference to the saying of Imaam Maalik, "Everyone's speech can be taken or rejected...." to the end. Then when asked about a statement of Ibn Taymiyyah where he seems to be speaking with this principle, the Shaykh explains that this is only for that speech in which there is no contradiction, and in which there is no problem (i.e. it is merely general speech which contains no error or deviation or contradiction to something else, but is merely general). In that case we refer to his specific speech so that we do not accuse him of saying what he did not say. This was the answer of the Shaykh. Again this opposes the Sulaymaanee Dajjaal's application where he tries to defend the outright statements of bid'ah of Sayyid Qutb and al-Maghraawee by this principle. And he also tried to defend his own speech, when he tried to defend the insults that he made upon the Sahaabah. Later, some statements that condemned this speech (of al-Ma'ribee) came from Shaykh 'Abdul-Muhsin and Shaykh Salih al-Fawzaan, these Shaykhs did not make excuses by saying "we need to look at the mufassal speech of this person, so we don't accuse him of saying what he did not say", but immediately upon hearing the speech read out to them, they condemned it and said it is an insult upon the Sahaaabah. So all of this shows that his man only intends baatil by this principle and that this principle of "mujmal and mufassal" (i.e. the way al-Ma'ribee intends it) is the greatest of falsehoods, and it is more evil than al-Muwaazanah. With respect to the issue of Khabarul-Ahad refer to this article: The majority of Ahl ul-Hadeeth were agreed upon it that without supporting factors it is "Saheeh" (i.e. amounts to knowledge). The issue of "supporting factors" was brought in later, but prior to that time, khabarul-waahid was taken as knowledge, and the evidences for this include the Prophet (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam) sending different companions, by themselves, to different lands to teach Islaam, such as Mu'aadh bin Jabal sent to Yemen etc. ______________
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Reminder About the Sayings of the Scholars Concerning the Sulaymaanee, Ikhwaanee Dajjaal of the Arabian Peninsula Known as Mustafaa Abul-Hasan and the Statements of the Scholars Regarding His Statements Or Regarding Him as a Person |
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Shaykh Rabee' Demolishing the Ikhwaani Manhaj of Abul-Fitan al-Mubtadi' Shaykh Rabee' now writes a 35 page refutation on the "broad vast manhaj" that the Sulaymaanee Dajjaal was concocting over the years, as a result of which he included Tableegh, Ikhwaan and Jamaa'at ul-Jihaad within the Saved Sect (at a time when he knew that Shaykh Muqbil warned severely from the Ikhwaan). He also points out a lie of the Sulaymaanee Dajjaal upon Shaykh Muqbil, when he claimed that this too is the view of Shaykh Muqbil!! In this article Shaykh Rabee' points out much of the deception that Shaykh 'Ubayd al-Jaabiree pointed out earlier.
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Reminder About the Sayings of the Scholars Concerning the Sulaymaanee, Ikhwaanee Dajjaal of the Arabian Peninsula Known as Mustafaa Abul-Hasan and the Statements of the Scholars Regarding His Statements Or Regarding Him as a Person |
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The Shaykh Allaamah Ahmed Ibn Yahya An-Najmi Advises the Salafis on how to deal with Abdul Qaadir, the Lutonian Dajjaal Question: Ya Shaykh here in Britain we have a man whose name is Abdul Qaadir Baksh, who has a site on the internet, he spreads the words of Abul Hasan where he refutes some of the people of knowledge, the likes of Shaykh Muhammed Ibn Haadi Al-Madkhali. And likewise he spreads the doubts of this man (Abul Hasan). So Oh Shaykh, how do we deal with this man in particular and those like him who proceed upon this same path? The Shaykh Allaamah Ahmed Ibn Yahya An-Najmi said: Alhamdu lillah was Salaatu was Salaam Ala Rasoolillaah wa Ala Aalihi wa Sahbihi. It has become clear that Abul Hasan is an innovator and the one who aids him then indeed he is aiding the innovators, maybe this (man) is an innovator like him or greater than him. So I say that you should advise him, so if he accepts the advise then that is that and if he does not accept the advice then abandon him, warn against him, don?t listen to his speech or read what he writes, this is my advice to you, because Allaah imposed it upon his messenger to convey (The message) and after this he never burdened him with anything else. So you should inform him that this is a mistake and that you are involving yourself in innovation which is not allowed for the muslim to be involved in. (Word unclear) to fear Allaah and to fear standing before Allaah as neither this person or that person will be able to benefit you, so if he accepts then that is that and if he does not accept then leave him just as other than him from the people of innovation are left and warn against him just as you warn against other than him from the people of innovation. Wa Billahi At-Tawfeeq. |
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Shaykh Faalih Ash-Shaykh Faalih said (whilst an article written by the Luton Dajjal was read out to him, word for word, where he tries to bring what he thinks are mistakes of scholars in Usool, when they are not, in order to defend the Sulaymaanee Dajjaal, by playing down the mistakes of the Sulaymaanee Dajjaal): "kadhdhaab (liar)...dajjaal (extreme liar)...affaak (great slanderer)... a person of desires (saahibu hawaa)... he follows baatil (falsehood) and does not desire truth... this man is a jaahil (ignorant)... this man is a mudallis man (a deceiving man)...this man is to be associated with the one whom he defends, this is an evil man...this man deceives the people in matters because he speaks amongst the general people who might not perceive (the true matters)...this is your responsibility, this man is in your very midst, you must refute the likes of this man, this one who speaks in your land...this man desires to make the one who he is trying to defend to be amongst the (true) scholars, this is the matter, he wishes to defend him..., this is lowly man, a corrupt, false man...this man aids falsehood, his saying is falsehood, this man is a saahibu hawaa..." |
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Shaykh Rabee' "This man is a Safeeh (fool, idiot)" (after being informed about this same article that was read to Shaykh Faalih) |
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Wa alaykumus salam wa Rahmatullah JAZZAK ALLAHU KHAIRAN WA BARRAK ALLAHU FEEK Maktabas salafiyyah!
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Reminder About the Sayings of the Scholars Concerning the Sulaymaanee, Ikhwaanee Dajjaal of the Arabian Peninsula Known as Mustafaa Abul-Hasan and the Statements of the Scholars Regarding His Statements Or Regarding Him as a Person |
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Shaykh Abdul-Muhsin al-Abbaad Comments on One of the Statements of the Sulaymaanee Dajjaal Questioner: May Allaah preserve you O Shaykh, what is the ruling upon the one who says, "There is a deficiency in the tarbiyah that no one is able to reject, and no one is free from it, until even the Companions of Muhammad (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam). So the Shaykh replied: This is from the greatest of falsehood (min abtalil-baatil). This is from the greatest of falsehood. Ascribing defect, or deficiency or, meaning, belittlement or censure of the Companions of the Messenger (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam). This indicates that this person who said this is the one who is deserving of censure (dhamm, i.e. rebuke). Just as Abul-Mudhaffar as-Sam'aanee said, "Verily, the reveilment of a single one of the Sahaabah is a sign of the one doing it being forsaken. Rather it is innovation and misguidance. So how can he attack the Companions of the Messenger (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam), and speak concerning them, and say that there is a defect or deficiency in their tarbiya?! Meaning, who are those who have been nurtured (correctly), if the Companions of Allaah's Messenger (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam) are not to be described with this description (i.e. of correct tarbiyah). Meaning, this speech is evil, it is speech that is baatil (falsehood), and it is not permissible for the tongues to utter the likes of this false speech". Comment: This statement was of great significance for two reasons: a) It exposed the year long (perhaps longer) deceit of the Sulaymaanee Dajjaal when he was denying that any of his speech included revilement of the Sahaabah, and that he was being lied upon etc. So those who refuted him and criticised him for this were correct. b) Refutation of the Sulaymaanee Dajjaal's false principle of "Mujmal and Mufassal", because Shaykh Abdul-Muhsin criticised the statement outright, declared it an attack, and a revilement, that it is evil speech and is baatil. He did not begin by saying "Well, does this person who said this have some mufassal speech we can look at before we fall into lying upon him?" The Sulaymaanee was using his principle of Mujmal and Mufassal to defend Sayyid Qutb, al-Maghraawee, and of course himself.
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This message was edited by on 12-21-02 @ 10:41 PM
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Reminder About the Sayings of the Scholars Concerning the Sulaymaanee, Ikhwaanee Dajjaal of the Arabian Peninsula Known as Mustafaa Abul-Hasan and the Statements of the Scholars Regarding His Statements Or Regarding Him as a Person |
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Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan Comments on One of the Statements of the Sulaymaanee Dajjaal Questioner: What is your view O noble Shaykh, about the one who says, "There is a deficiency in the tarbiyah that no one is able to reject, and no one is free from it, until even the Companions of Muhammad (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam). And is it correct for that us to say that about the Sahaabah (may Allaah's pleasure be upon them) and that they have a defect in tarbiyah?" Answer: "It is not permissible to revile the Sahaabah. This is a revilement of the Sahaabh, it is belittling the Sahaabah. This speech is not permissible regarding the Sahaabah, may Allaah be pleased with them, and it is not permissible to accuse the people either that they have a defect in the tarbiyah, meaning like this in general. Meaning that you accuse the people, all of the Muslims, you accuse all of the Muslims that they have a defect in tarbiyah. This is a lie upon the Muslims." Comment: This statement was also of great significance for two reasons: a) It exposed the year long (perhaps longer) deceit of the Sulaymaanee Dajjaal when he was denying that any of his speech included revilement of the Sahaabah, and that he was being lied upon etc. So those who refuted him and criticised him for this were correct. b) Refutation of the Sulaymaanee Dajjaal's false principle of "Mujmal and Mufassal", because Salih al-Fawzaan criticised the statement outright, declared it an attack, and a revilement, that it is evil speech and is baatil. He did not begin by saying "Well, does this person who said this have some mufassal speech we can look at before we fall into lying upon him?" The Sulaymaanee was using his principle of Mujmal and Mufassal to defend Sayyid Qutb, al-Maghraawee, and of course himself.
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Reminder About the Sayings of the Scholars Concerning the Sulaymaanee, Ikhwaanee Dajjaal of the Arabian Peninsula Known as Mustafaa Abul-Hasan and the Statements of the Scholars Regarding His Statements Or Regarding Him as a Person |
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Allaamah Rabee Refutes the Ar'ooree Principle of the Sulaymaanee Dajjaal Shaykh Rabee' bin Haadee refutes another evil principle that the Sulaymaanee Dajjaal took from Adnaan Ar'oor "we correct the mistakes but do not make jarh (of the person)". This principle was amongst those refuted by a group of scholars including Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen, Shaykh Abdul-Muhsin al-Abbaad, and Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan. The Sulaymaanee Dajjaal extended this principle to "we correct the mistake but do not destroy the person", and this was just a dramatised version of the principle of Adnaan Ar'oor quoted above, and much worse. Because Adnaan Ar'oor portrayed the jarh made by the Salafees to be a jarh, but which was out of place. But the Sulaymaanee Dajjaal in his extension of this principle portrayed the jarh made (upon those deserving of it) to be "destruction". Which is a greater form of propaganda against the Salafees and the Salafee manhaj. This article is translated and available here:
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Shaykh Fawzee al-Atharee Speaking About the False Tawbahs of the Sulaymaanee Dajjaal and His Predecessors, Ar'oor and al-Maghraawee The Noble Shaykh, today (11th July) between 9-10pm (UK Time) was delivering a lecture in the course of which he spoke of the Hizbiyyoon. The Shaykh explained that the likes of Ar'oor, al-Hawali, al-Awdah, al-Ma'ribee, al-Farsee, al-Qarnee, al-Maghraawee (he mentioned all these specifically) do not repent truthfully, because they fear loss of fame and loss of recognition. Despite the fact that they know their errors. So they merely delay their tawbah. And the Shaykh called this, "a type of deficiency in the intellect and in the deen". The Shaykh then went on for quite a while to explain the difference between the truthful tawbah and the false tawbah. And during this explained that the tawbah of al-Ma'ribee and al-Maghraawi and al-Ar'oor was a false tawbah (tawbah kaadhibah), and he contrasted this with truthful tawbahs from the Salaf like that of Abul-Hasan al-Asha'ri and others. This was an excellent talk with a great number of benefits in manhaj. Inshaa'allaah, we will place it online for listening and downloading.
Where can i find this lecture of Shaykh Fawzee hafidhahullah?? baarakallaahu feekum. abu ayyub al bukhari
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Joined: Apr 2003
as salaamu 'alaykum inshaa' Allaah you can find this on the lecture titled 'who is an innovator' by sh Fawzee. 2 cds or tapes available at troid store. here is a direct link for the cds hayaakallaah