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» Shaykh Ubayd warns against Tariq Suwaidan, Amr Khalid and Al-Qardawi
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27-04-2009 @ 11:17 PM    Notify Admin about this post
unspecified ساجد (Mumbai (India))
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Listen to the audio of Shaykh Ubayd hafidhahullah warning against Tariq Suwaidan and others by clicking

It is towards the end of mp3 and the translation is by Br. Abdul Ilah Lahmami hafidhahullah.

Shaykh also brings benefit regarding why refuting Ahlul Bid'ah is important particularly for those who have knowledge about them.

21-10-2009 @ 11:01 PM    Notify Admin about this post
unspecified ساجد (Mumbai (India))
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Some quotes from Shaykh Saalih bin Sa'd as-Suhaymee hafidhahullah regarding Amr Khaled:

"I have to name an individual by name right now. This individual has put many women and youth on trial. I ask for permission to mention his name. My way is to mention a name only in emergencies. As for this man, even children are put to trial (Fitnah) because of him. He is an actor. His speeches are acts. I have a conference right now in Tabuuk, which ever book-shop I ever go to I hear the name "'Amr Khaalid, 'Amr Khaalid, 'Amr Khaalid, who is this 'Amr Khaalid? He is a DAJJAAL!"

"The filthy are many. Clowns who go out on TV are many. Their speeches look like a drama-play, they sing they act different sounds, they make the peopl laugh and they laugh at the people - We ask Allaah for forgiveness and healthiness"

"Alas, most people only care about the persons popularity. That he is popular amongst the Juhaal is what spreads his Bid'ah. This man is a clown because of several reasons."

"I say without any problems at all, while I am in one of Allaah's houses and getting closer to Allaah with these words; These people (i.e. Amr Khaaled, Taariq as-Suwaydaan etc) are closer to being clowns than callers to Islım."

Cassette: Bayaan Haal-il-Mad'oo 'Amr Khaalid

23-10-2009 @ 11:02 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Nuaym Abdullah bin Hassan (Toronto, Ontario)
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Barakhallau feek akhi Sajid for the post. Also. Shaikh Allamah Yahya ibn Ali Hajooree hafidhullah spoke regarding Amr Khalid and this is found in Shariyyatun Nush was Zajr and translated by brother Najeeb Al Angelesi.

Amr Khalid: A hizbi, deviate, one who is misguided and misguides others. He (Amr) said: "Shaytaan did not disbelieve." He also said: "Al Quds is erected on the temple of the Jews." He means by that, that Al Quds is their property. In Addition he said about the hadith "I haven't seen more deficient in intellect and din...." to the rest of what is ascribed to the Prophet sallahu alayhi wa salaam, "the Prophet was just joking with the women." So what's intended by this is that the Prophet sallahu alayhi wa salaam spoke upon desire.

Furthermore he propagates convergence between Islaam and Christianity. Also he prepared his doctorate with the kuffaar in britain and it's subject was the relationship between the religion of Islaam and other religions. He lectures men and women in mixed settings and whenever he calls a woman to speak he says "come my darling or my love." The tape with that on it is with us.

He also has a book about the love of Allah, in it he considers the Messenger of Allah, Ibrahim, and Musa passionately in love -with their woman folk- ( the word used in arabic has a negative connotation it refers to some one who is so in love with a woman that she's able to manipulate and walk all over him). Thus he said about are Prophet Muhammad "He insanely loved Khadijah and Ibrahim insanely loved...." Also he said "Musa insanely loved the daughter of the man he was indebted to." Also he calls the women listeners and youthful men in his lectures to this type of delusional love.

Also he has the lifemakers organization in which he swindles money from gullible men and women in order to buy homes and property in Britain and in other places, may Allah fight him.

Also Shaikh Abu Nasr Muhammad al Imam Ar Raymee hafidhullah, The one in charge of Darul Hadith in Mabar, Yemen and is one of the foremost students of Shaikh Muqbil rahimullah has kalam regarding Amr Khalid and this was sent to me from a brother from Dammaj, he says,

Amr Khalid (unfortunately) speaks in accordance with the belief thatthe Quran is created. During the course of his speech regardingAllah's justice (on the tape entitled the Quranic inclinations insurah yunus) he said "Allah forbid that he oppress He Who created theheavens and the truth, and it (the truth) is the wise book (theQuran)." The proof (to support the claim against him) his statement"the wise book." The most foulest of statements is that the Quran is created.Likewise that creed is from the greatest of misguidance, because theQuran is the speech of Allah. His speech is a quality from Hisqualities. From him (the Quran) came and to Him it will return. Theidea that the Quran is created didn't manifest itself except throughthe hands of the Jahmiyyah then after them several sects adopted it.So beware (O muslim) from the belief that the Quran is created. Another example of Amr Khalid exceeding the limits in creed is hisstatement "The scholars say: Whoever is shy with Allah has reached thestatus of the prophets." Taken from his tape Al Hayya (modesty). Onthe contrary; none of the most righteous, close friends, or helpers ofAllah have reached the level of even one prophet. Ahmad ibn Faris ibnZakariyyah said in his book "Mujim maqaayis al Lughah" (5th volume, pg385) "And it is said An Nabi, his name is from An Nubuwa which meansirtifaa (rising or ascending). It is as if he is preferred over therest of mankind due to his status of being raised." Ibn Munthir said in his book "Lisaanul Arab" :"From it An Nabi isderived because he is the most highest from the creation of Allah, dueto He (Allah) guiding people through him." The scholar of Islam IbnTaimiyya said : "Verily the predecessors of this nation, it's imams,and the remainder of Allah's friends and helpers agreed that theprophets are the best of Allah's helpers aside from those who are notprophets." He also said "The prophets are the best of creation andafter them the truthful, then the martyr, then the righteous." AtTahawi said: "One prophet is better than every helper of Allah." Also from Amr Khalid's dereliction is his statement while explainingthe hadith "Indeed what has reached the people from the speech of theprophets...." His statement: "It means that only (one thing from)manners is that which the prophets agreed upon (then he quotes thehadith) indeed what has reached mankind from the statements ofprevious prophet is that if you have no shame then do as you please." The claim that the prophets didn't concur with anything fromcharacter except modesty is incorrect. Indeed the foundations of moralcharacter like truthfulness, reliability, fairness, and chasity werethings all of the prophets and messengers collectively came with. Thusthis is well known throughout their stories in the Quran and theauthentic Sunnah. Yet another example of Amr Khalid's innovation is him using thecreation as a means to be brought close to Allah. On his tape "AlWafaa" he says: "O Lord! O possessor of majesty and nobility! O Onewho responds to supplication! O Lord hear our voices! O Lord forgiveus due to the most fearful from us! Forgive us due to the most sincereamongst us now! Forgive us due to the unjust woman that wants You toforgive and be merciful to her!" This is an innovated way of seeking closeness to Allah due to twoignorant reasons: 1: It's seeking closeness to Allah by means of the mere existence ofpious created beings and this isn't permissible. 2: Seeking closeness to Allah by means of an unjust woman who wantsAllah to forgive her. It's as if he considers her to have becomerighteous as soon as she desires Allah's forgiveness. And I don't knowwhy he specified an unjust woman. Does he wish that the unjust woman'ssupplication will hopefully be accepted as oppose to the righteousman's supplication? As he mentioned the righteous man then followed itby mentioning her after him. This is from his general preference ofwomen over men. As the unjust woman (with him) is regarded as equalwith the righteous man. Furthermore he advises those who go to make Hajj with making theirintentions to visit the grave of the Prophet sallahu alayhi wa salaam.Thus he said on the tape entitled "Al Hajj" : "You're going to meetthe Prophet.... By the way let me say a kind word. When you leave fromhear make your intentions to visit the Prophet. The foundation foreveryones intention is what? For hajj and umrah! Okay! Correct! Thefirst intention is for hajj and umrah. Do you all remember theprevious lesson? We said to be like bargainers with our intentions. Sothe second intention is what? Going to meet the Messenger, going tovisit the Prophet and this is mentioned in the hadith of the Prophet"Whoever comes to me whilst visiting me then my intercession for him(being accepted) is a right upon Allah." This is an example of Amr Khalid mixing between what's legislated andwhat's not legislated. What's legislated is setting out on a journeyto visit the Prophet's masjid, however it's not permissible to dividethe intention into visiting his masjid and his grave. This is becausethe shariyyah established the setting out on a journey to visit hismasjid. Narrated by Al Bukhari and Muslim from Abu Huraira that theMessenger of Allah said: "Do not set out on a journey except to visit3 masaajid. Al Masjid Al Haram, my masjid, and Msjid Al Aqsa (AlQuds). Shaykhul Islaam Ibn Taimiyya said: "The scholars agree that thishadith is sound likewise acting in accordance with it." Hence whenevera visitor arrives at the Prophet's masjid it's permissible for him tovisit his grave. However the hadith Amr Khalid mentioned: "Whoevercomes to me as a visitor...." than it is a munkar hadith as mentionedby Abdul Hadi in "As Saarim Al Munki fir Radd alaas Subki." Likewiseall of the hadith in which visiting the Prophet's grave is mentionedare not sound. Another mistake is Amr Khalid's statement "Becomfortable with meeting the Messenger of Allah..." It's incorrectbecause theres no meeting the Messenger of Allah while visiting hisgrave, rather the real meeting with the Messenger sallahu alayhi wasalaam is on the Day of Resurrection. As the Messenger sallahu alayhiwa salaam said: "Be patient until you all meet me at the fountain!"From the hadith of Anas. Also from his mistakes is that he teaches people that are deceivedby him to address the Prophet sallahu alayhi wa salaam (while visitinghis grave) with: "O Messenger of Allah! I've come to you from a faraway land. O Messenger! I've tried to adhere to your sunnah." The longwinded speech from this nonsense indicates this man's ignorance justlike what's found on the tape "Al Hajj." To continue, from thesudsidiary corruptions of his creed is his statement while teachingvisitors (of the prophet's masjid) to say while visiting Umar ibn AlKhattab "step forward and give the greetings to the cheif of believersUmar ibn Al Khattab while deeply comtemplating, then say O Umar we'rein dire need of you! Afterwards say whatever's in your heart." This phrase contains many clear mistakes so reflect. ııııı ıı ııııı ııııııı ııııı ııı ıııı ıııı

Translated by Najeeb Al Angelesi  

This walhamdulilah.

29-12-2009 @ 7:01 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Um Safiyah Safiyah Muhsin (IRAQ)
Posts: 7
Joined: Dec 2009
Jazak ALLAH kul khair, we see those on tv all the time, and i know about Amer Khalid, Al Qaradwi along time but not swaidan, subhanaALLAH, now please i am so intrested in that subject, and i have tow quetions that kept asking but have not got an answer here,
what should we do, if we have their books at home,what should we do with these books?? and now do our site have a list for those sheikhs, arabs and non arabs that we should boycoutt please will be so greaful if you could answer, thank you

????? ???? ?????? ????? ???? ?????

30-04-2010 @ 6:13 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Zayd Abu Ubayd (Peqin,Albania)
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Shaykh Ahmad bin Umar Bazmool on Amr Khalid:

الأخ الشيخ أحمد بن عمر بازمول يبين مسألة قول عمر خالد (الشيطان ما كفرش)
بسم الله والحمد لله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله-صلى الله عليه وسلم-، وعلى آله وصحبه ومن والاه.
فهذه مسألة قام الأخ الشيخ أحمد بن عمر بازمول-حفظه الله- بتوضيحها، وهي مسألة قول عمرو خالد: (الشيطان ما كفرش).
قوله مجانب للصواب، فهذا واضح في سهولة في شر إطلاق قضية الكفر على الناس، والحمد لله ما نكفر بإذن الله-عز وجل-، وأتحداك أن تأتي-عندك الأشرطة-أن تقول كَفَّرت.

أما قضية عمرو خالد، فأنا نقلت الشيخ عبيد الجابري تكفيره، ما قلت أنا، ومع ذلك فقد نبهني بعض الأخوان، بالمناسبة هذا الأخ نسأل الله أن يهديه لأنه نبهنا على هذه القضية.

بالمناسبة بعض الأخوان يقول: عمرو خالد لما يقول: (الشيطان ما كفرش)، أراد أنه ما كَفَر بالله ربًا، لأنه قال: (خلقتني)، وإنما وقع في كفر الطاعة، فإذا كان هذا ما أراد عمرو خالد وأن الشيطان لا زال كافرًا، لأنه قال: (رب فأنظرني إلى يوم يبعثون)، إذا كان مراد عمرو خالد هذا صح، فقد أخطأ في العبارة ولا يجوز تكفيره.

أما إذا كان مراده أن الشيطان ما هو كافر لأنه قال: (ربي) وقال: (خلقتني)، بأنه لا زال مؤمن، فهذا تكذيب لصريح القرآن المعلوم من الدين بالضرورة، وهذا هو قول تكفير الشيخ عبيد الجابري.
وبالتالي أنا أصحح الكلام السابق، ما هو مني، من الشيخ عبيد نفسه، بناءً على تنبيه أخينا الشيخ عادل منصور جزاه الله خيرًا، قال لا أنتبه ترى عمرو كذا وكذا، فقلت له والله يا أخي أنا اللي بلغني عن الشيخ عبيد، أنه كَفَّر عمرو خالد لأنه قال: (الشيطان ما كفرش)، والشيخ عبيد قال: انشروا عني هذا، وبالتالي نشرته عنه.
فإني وبحمد الله متابع لأهل السنة وطالب من طلاب العلماء السلفيين، لا أكفر أحدًا، لأننا لا نكفر أحدًا جزافًا، وأهل التكفير يعرفون أنفسهم، يكفرون الحكام، ويكفرون العلماء الذين يفتون للحكام، ويكفرون العامة الذين تثني على الحكام، معروفين أهل التكفير، ولا شك أن من كفر الحكام وكفر العلماء وكفر الشعب الذين يتبعون هؤلاء الحكام، لا شك أن من كفر هؤلاء هم الخوارج الضلال، وهم أهل البدعة الذين يجب التحذير منهم.

06-05-2010 @ 2:43 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Zayd Abu Ubayd (Peqin,Albania)
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Shaykh Muhammad Al Imaam: The Corrupt Creed of Amr Khalid
بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم

Amr Khalid (unfortunately) speaks in accordance with the belief that the Quran is created. During the course of his speech regarding Allah's justice (on the tape entitled the Quranic inclinations in surah yunus) he said "Allah forbid that he oppress He Who created the heavens and the truth, and it (the truth) is the wise book (the Quran)." The proof (to support the claim against him) his statement "the wise book."

The most foulest of statements is that the Quran is created. Likewise that creed is from the greatest of misguidance, because the Quran is the speech of Allah. His speech is a quality from His qualities. From him (the Quran) came and to Him it will return. The idea that the Quran is created didn't manifest itself except through the hands of the Jahmiyyah then after them several sects adopted it. So beware (O muslim) from the belief that the Quran is created.

Another example of Amr Khalid exceeding the limits in creed is his statement "The scholars say: Whoever is shy with Allah has reached the status of the prophets." Taken from his tape Al Hayya (modesty). On the contrary; none of the most righteous, close friends, or helpers of Allah have reached the level of even one prophet. Ahmad ibn Faris ibn Zakariyyah said in his book "Mujim maqaayis al Lughah" (5th volume, pg 385) "And it is said An Nabi, his name is from An Nubuwa which means irtifaa (rising or ascending). It is as if he is preferred over the rest of mankind due to his status of being raised."

Ibn Munthir said in his book "Lisaanul Arab" :"From it An Nabi is derived because he is the most highest from the creation of Allah, due to He (Allah) guiding people through him." The scholar of Islam Ibn Taimiyya said : "Verily the predecessors of this nation, it's imams, and the remainder of Allah's friends and helpers agreed that the prophets are the best of Allah's helpers aside from those who are not prophets." He also said "The prophets are the best of creation and after them the truthful, then the martyr, then the righteous." At Tahawi said: "One prophet is better than every helper of Allah."

Also from Amr Khalid's dereliction is his statement while explaining the hadith "Indeed what has reached the people from the speech of the prophets...." His statement: "It means that only (one thing from) manners is that which the prophets agreed upon (then he quotes the hadith) indeed what has reached mankind from the statements of previous prophet is that if you have no shame then do as you please."

The claim that the prophets didn't concur with anything from character except modesty is incorrect. Indeed the foundations of moral character like truthfulness, reliability, fairness, and chasity were things all of the prophets and messengers collectively came with. Thus this is well known throughout their stories in the Quran and the authentic Sunnah.

Yet another example of Amr Khalid's innovation is him using the creation as a means to be brought close to Allah. On his tape "Al Wafaa" he says: "O Lord! O possessor of majesty and nobility! O One who responds to supplication! O Lord hear our voices! O Lord forgive us due to the most fearful from us! Forgive us due to the most sincere amongst us now! Forgive us due to the unjust woman that wants You to forgive and be merciful to her!"

This is an innovated way of seeking closeness to Allah due to two ignorant reasons:

1: It's seeking closeness to Allah by means of the mere existence of pious created beings and this isn't permissible.

2: Seeking closeness to Allah by means of an unjust woman who wants Allah to forgive her. It's as if he considers her to have become righteous as soon as she desires Allah's forgiveness. And I don't know why he specified an unjust woman. Does he wish that the unjust woman's supplication will hopefully be accepted as oppose to the righteous man's supplication? As he mentioned the righteous man then followed it by mentioning her after him. This is from his general preference of women over men. As the unjust woman (with him) is regarded as equal with the righteous man.

Furthermore he advises those who go to make Hajj with making their intentions to visit the grave of the Prophet sallahu alayhi wa salaam. Thus he said on the tape entitled "Al Hajj" : "You're going to meet the Prophet.... By the way let me say a kind word. When you leave from hear make your intentions to visit the Prophet. The foundation for everyones intention is what? For hajj and umrah! Okay! Correct! The first intention is for hajj and umrah. Do you all remember the previous lesson? We said to be like bargainers with our intentions. So the second intention is what? Going to meet the Messenger, going to visit the Prophet and this is mentioned in the hadith of the Prophet "Whoever comes to me whilst visiting me then my intercession for him (being accepted) is a right upon Allah."

This is an example of Amr Khalid mixing between what's legislated and what's not legislated. What's legislated is setting out on a journey to visit the Prophet's masjid, however it's not permissible to divide the intention into visiting his masjid and his grave. This is because the shariyyah established the setting out on a journey to visit his masjid. Narrated by Al Bukhari and Muslim from Abu Huraira that the Messenger of Allah said: "Do not set out on a journey except to visit 3 masaajid. Al Masjid Al Haram, my masjid, and Msjid Al Aqsa (Al Quds).

Shaykhul Islaam Ibn Taimiyya said: "The scholars agree that this hadith is sound likewise acting in accordance with it." Hence whenever a visitor arrives at the Prophet's masjid it's permissible for him to visit his grave. However the hadith Amr Khalid mentioned: "Whoever comes to me as a visitor...." than it is a munkar hadith as mentioned by Abdul Hadi in "As Saarim Al Munki fir Radd alaas Subki." Likewise all of the hadith in which visiting the Prophet's grave is mentioned are not sound. Another mistake is Amr Khalid's statement "Be comfortable with meeting the Messenger of Allah..." It's incorrect because theres no meeting the Messenger of Allah while visiting his grave, rather the real meeting with the Messenger sallahu alayhi wa salaam is on the Day of Resurrection. As the Messenger sallahu alayhi wa salaam said: "Be patient until you all meet me at the fountain!" From the hadith of Anas.

Also from his mistakes is that he teaches people that are deceived by him to address the Prophet sallahu alayhi wa salaam (while visiting his grave) with: "O Messenger of Allah! I've come to you from a far away land. O Messenger! I've tried to adhere to your sunnah." The long winded speech from this nonsense indicates this man's ignorance just like what's found on the tape "Al Hajj." To continue, from the sudsidiary corruptions of his creed is his statement while teaching visitors (of the prophet's masjid) to say while visiting Umar ibn Al Khattab "step forward and give the greetings to the cheif of believers Umar ibn Al Khattab while deeply comtemplating, then say O Umar we're in dire need of you! Afterwards say whatever's in your heart."

This phrase contains many clear mistakes so reflect.

مأخوذ من اعانة الأماجد ببيان حال عمرو خالد

Translated by Najeeb Al Angelesi

09-05-2010 @ 8:25 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Zayd Abu Ubayd (Peqin,Albania)
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Shaykh Muhammad Al Imaam: Amr Khalid doesn't consider Iblis to be a kaafir
بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم

Indeed it's found on a tape of Amr Khalid from his website entitled "Adam and Eve" where he said: "Iblis didn't disbelieve." Then he continues "Here is another meaning with a beautiful reality we ask did Iblis disbelieve in our Lord or not? Pay attention! No he didn't disbelieve, no he didn't disbelieve. Look! What did Iblis say? "You created me." So did he acknowledge that Allah created him or not? Isn't that right? Also didn't he say "You created me from fire?" He said you created him from clay thus you created me and him. Yet in another verse he says I swear by your honor and never stopped acknowledging Allah's honor!"

Ash Shaykh Ibn Uthaymin was asked "O shaykh what is the ruling on the one who says Iblis is not a disbeliever and that he swore by Allah's honor?

The shaykh responded: "Allah said:
"إلا إبليس أبى و استكبر و كان من الكافرين "

"Except for Iblis. He refused and was arrogant and became of the disbelievers" [Al-Baqarah:34}

So the one who says Iblis is not a kaafir then repentence being sought from him is compulsory, and if he doesn't repent then he is killed for denying the Quran. As for him swearing by Allah's honor then it was done because he knows that Allah is Aziz thus he swore by His honor. And Allah says:
"كمثل الشيطان إذ قال للإنسان اكفر فلما كفر قال إني برئٌ منك إني أخاف الله رب العالمين"

"Like the example of Shaytan when he says to man, "Disbelieve." But when he disbelieves he says, "Indeed, I am disassociated from you. Indeed, I fear Allah Lord of all that exist." [Al-Hashr:16]

However this fear isn't considered worship. This fear is like when we fear a wolf or some beast of prey, etc. So tell the brother (who makes this evil, ignorant, and misguided claim) to repent to Allah and to not deny the speech of Allah :
"إلا إبليس أبى و استكبر و كان من الكافرين"

"Except for Iblis. He refused and was arrogant and became of the disbelievers" [Al-Baqarah:34}

(End of shaykh Uthaymin's statement)

Thus these verses prove that Iblis disbelieved. The most famous of the disbelievers on Earth since the start of kufr is Iblis, because Allah says:
"قال اخرج منها مذءوماً مدحوراَ لمن تبعك منهم لأملأن جهنم منكم أجمعبن "

"(Allah) said, "Depart from it (Paradise), reproached and expelled. Whoever follows you among them - I will surely fill Hell with you, all together." [Al-A'raf:18]

Consequently; every disbeliever on the face of the earth is a follower of Iblis. Every disbelieving nation is from his followers. So how is it that someone can be ignrant to the fact that Iblis disbelieved?!
مأخوذ من كتاب إعانة الاماجد ببيان حال عمرو خالد
ترجمة: نجيب بن يوسف الأنجلسي

Translated by Najeeb Al Angelesi

29-07-2010 @ 4:19 AM    Notify Admin about this post
unspecified ساجد (Mumbai (India))
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Allamah Saalih al-Luhaydaan hafidhahullaah said regarding Amr Khaalid
It is not suitable to label this person as a caller (Daiyah) if one does not further label him as a caller to deviance

19-01-2011 @ 11:11 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Zayd Abu Ubayd (Peqin,Albania)
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Shaykh al Rajhi on Tariq Suwaidan

العلامة الراجحي يحذر من السماع لطارق سويدان(صوتي)

العلامة الراجحي يحذر من السماع لطارق سويدان

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