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Topic: An Evil Shubhah
Posts: 110
Joined: Sep 2002
As Salaamu 'Alaikum wa Rahmatu Allaah ... Someone recently said to me, in an attempt to defend Aboo Usaamah & those who hold his Manhaj of Tamyee', as well as being an attempt, whether realized or not, to diminish the status of our Kibaaru 'Ulamaa, the following Shubhah: "Do you realize that some hadeeth can be considered week if a member of the chain of narration was known to have a week memory and that he didn't take notes? Are there not people in the 'isnad' whose hadeeth was considered Saheeh while they were young and scholars, but whose memeory started to weaken in their old age and therefore they had to take notes and based on these notes (even if they had one of their students write them) their hadeeth was accepted, but if they didn't it was 'weekened' as per their age at the time they related it, and it was known their accuracy of memory was known to have weakened? Is it not then acceptable then that one would likewise not 'take without research' the statement of a scholar who has a greater propensity to say things out of anger in his old age, and possibly as a complication of diabetes or other chronic illness, than when he was 40 or 50, especially if the scholar allowed one person's statement 'naba' to affect his judgment without checking the accuracy 'bayinu' of that person's statement?" (end quote) I know that this Shubhah has been refuted as it has its roots in Al-Ma'ribee's misplaced principle of Tathabbut, still, I would love it if one of the noble brothers, such as Abul 'Abbaas, Aboo Tasneem, Aboo Khadeejah, etc., would shed some light on this statement and, particularly, pull out the hidden dangers that are found within it so that the ignorant are not lead astray. Baaraka Allaahu feekum.
أخوكم أبو عبد الفتـــاح Aboo 'Abdil-Fattaah
Posts: 95
Joined: Sep 2002
..--=ahamdulillaah was. salaatu was. salaamu `alaa rasoolillaah.=--.. wa. ba`ad -----\|/-----
| quote: |
Are there not people in the 'isnad' whose hadeeth was considered Saheeh while they were young and scholars, but whose memeory started to weaken in their old age and therefore they had to take notes and based on these notes (even if they had one of their students write them) their hadeeth was accepted, but if they didn't it was 'weekened' as per their age at the time they related it, and it was known their accuracy of memory was known to have weakened? Is it not then acceptable then that one would likewise not 'take without research' the statement of a scholar who has a greater propensity to say things out of anger in his old age, and possibly as a complication of diabetes or other chronic illness, than when he was 40 or 50, especially if the scholar allowed one person's statement 'naba' to affect his judgment without checking the accuracy 'bayinu' of that person's statement?" |
May Allaah sever the ones who make these statements in which truth is mixed with falsehood - the intent of which is to cause the youth to doubt in the nobility and righteousness of the Scholars whom Allaah has raised and to turn away from them in favour of the smaller students of knowledge and in some cases turning them towards the ruwaybidah and dispicable ones such as Aboo Usaamah and his ilk. The quote above which intends to attack the worth of the likes of Shaykh Rabee', Shaykh 'Ubayd, Shaykh Ahmad An-Najmee and the other major scholars of our times. What they fail to realise is that this also becomes an attack upon the likes of Shaykh Ibn Baaz, Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen, Shaykh Al-Albaanee and Shaykh Muqbil, rahimahumullaah. Were these great 'ulemah not old in age, older in fact than Shaykh Rabee'? Were these great 'ulemah not tested with illnesses in their old age, such as cancer etc? Were not some of them even blind, such as Shaykhul-Islaam Ibn Baaz as well as being in his nineties when he passed away, rahimahullaah? So is to be said that their statements are not to be accepted? Then what of the likes of the Prophets, Messengers and the great Salaf who suffered illnesses in their old age? Are their statements also to be rejected or to be re-assessed? The Messenger of Allaah, sallallaahu 'alayhi wassallam, was guiding his Companions whilst upon his death-bed as the pain had become so severe that he was unable to lead the prayer and would pull the blanket over his face due to the pain he was enduring. And what of 'Umar Ibnul-Khattaab, radhi Allaahu 'anhu, who after he was stabbed by the mushrik whilst 'Umar was the Ameerul-mu'mineen, old in age, suffering from stab wounds in his stomach, yet still ordering the good, forbidding the evil and narrating ahadeeth of his beloved Messenger, 'alayhi salaatu wassallaam. Then what of the Imaam of darul-Hijrah Maalik Bin Anas (d.179) who was beaten, yet continued to deliver 'ilm. And what better example than the Imaam of Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jamaa'ah, Ahmad Bin Hanbal (d.241), rahimahullaah, who was old in age, weak in body strength and eye sight - yet when he was asked by the Ameerul-Mu'mineen Al-Mutawakkil regarding individuals to be appointed by the state, he spoke with clarity and truthfulness - So much so that when asked about one individual, Imaam Ahmad replied: "A well known Jahmee, if he is put in charge of the affairs of the Muslims, he will cause great harm." About another, he said: "A Jahmee, well-known for that." About another, he said: "An innovator, a follower of desires." And he did not shy away from speaking the truth, even in old age and illness. At the end of the letter, Imaam Ahmad writes: "I have ilness in my eyes and weakness in my body, so I was not able to write with my own hand, so this signiture at the foot of the page is that of 'Abdullaah, my son, as ordered by me and in front of me." So what do the hizbiyyoon and muqallidah of Ma'arabee have to say about this?! Was it said to the scholars or the tullaab or the general folk: 'Do not take without research the statement of a scholar who has a greater propensity to say things out of anger in his old age, and possibly as a complication of diabetes or other chronic illness'. Will you dare now say the same about Imaam Ahmad Bin Hanbal, rahimahullaah? O ignorant ones who have nothing left except to eat the poisonous flesh of the scholars, when will you leave your evil state of cursing and reviling Ahlus-Sunnah in defence of the innovators. Those who came before used to do likewise, they used to label Ahlus-Sunnah as Hashawiyyah, worthless ones, as Imaam Aboo Haatim ar-Raazee said: "The sign of the people of innovation is that they attack the people of narrations, the sign of the heretical apostates is that they call Ahlus-Sunnah 'The worthless ones' intending thereby to annul the narrations." Likewise, Imaam As-Saaboonee (d.449) stated that from the greatest of signs of the people of desires is their disparagement of the Scholars of Ahlus-Sunnah. If it is known, that a certain scholar's memory became weak in his old age, or even in his younger years, or whether he was one who used to mix up his narrations or whether he was one who used to fabricate etc. - then this is something well-known and reported by the A'immah of Ahlul-Hadeeth in the books of siyar (biograhies) and the books of jarh wat-ta'deel and in the books of Rijaal. These Imaams, such as al-Bukhaaree, Al-Mizzee, Ibn Hajr, Adh-Dhahabee and countless others have collected and reported the conditions of the narrators based upon insight and knowledge from the Salaf of this ummah. So where is your Salaf and your 'ulemah, O devotees of Ma'rabee! for your attacks upon the scholars such as Shaykh Rabee', Shaykh Ubayd, Shaykh Faaleh, Shaykh Ahmad an-Najmee etc? If old age and illness is your measure for refusing to accept the narrations of the scholars, then indeed you have belittled the Salaf of this ummah such as Imaam Ahmad. Rather you have even opened a door against the Sahaabah and the Prophets. May Allaah guide you before your souls are taken. As for the hizbiyyoon, partisans, of today then they are no more than rabble following their desires, as Imaam Al-Barbahaaree (d.329) said: "Know that there has never been any heresy except that from the ignorant rabble there are those who follow anyone who calls out wildly. They bend with every wind that blows.." Is this not the state of those who blindly follow al-Ma'rabee and Maghraawee and Ar'oor? Wallaahul-Musta'aan. So remember love of the 'ulemah al-kibaar is from the greatest signs of Ahlus-Sunnah and revilement and belittling of them is from the greatest signs of heresy. |
This message was edited by AbuKhadeejahSP on 9-25-03 @ 12:01 PM
Posts: 110
Joined: Sep 2002
أحسنت يا أبا خديجة وجزاكم الله خيرا
أخوكم أبو عبد الفتـــاح Aboo 'Abdil-Fattaah