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» Shaykh Faaleh al-Harbee On Those Who Were With Ma?rabi
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23-01-2003 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 95
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Shaykh Faaleh ibn Naafi? al-Harbee (hafidhahullaah) On Those Who Were With Ma?rabi

Question:May Allaah grant blessings to you. There are some people amongst us who were upon the methodology of Abul-Hasan and Al-Maghraawee and their like ? and after the scholars clarified these affairs ? concerning these questions ? they claim that they have retracted from these methodologies. But after the [claimed] retraction they manifest hatred and evil behaviour towards their Salafee brothers, and there are some brothers who wish to bring about reconciliation between those opponents and the Salafee brothers. So what is your saying with regard to that?

Answer: All praise is for Allaah. Those brothers who used to support Abul-Hasan must make it clear that they do not support him, and must make manifest that which opposes what they were known with ? concerning supporting the falsehood of that man who has become captivated by tribulation, the causer of Fitnah, who is Abul-Hasan al-Ma?rabee, the Hizbee, the one well-known. The one who lays down false and futile principles, and displays evil conduct, and who makes great claims of knowledge for himself and claims to be upon the Manhaj and ?aqeedah of the Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jamaa?ah.

And whatever a character a person is upon, then even if it is hidden from the people, then it will become known

So Allaah - the Most Perfect and the Most High ? has exposed him and made his reality clear, and it has been uncovered; and the people of knowledge ? may Allaah reward them and grant them good ? have refuted him, and at the head of them the noble Shaykh Rabee? bin Haadee al-Madkhalee, hafidhahullaah.

So it is not Abul-Hasan that is the question, rather it is that the Muslim understands the true and correct Manhaj, and adheres to it. Otherwise he will remain as is said: ?One day I am a Yemeni if I meet a person of Yemen, and if I meet a Ma?addee then I am ?Adnaanee?

So another fitnah will come, or another Abu Hasan or Abu Husayn will come, and this person will still be like a lost lamb wandering between the sheep; he will not remain settled upon one condition if he does not know the true methodology and adhere to it.

So those brothers should realize that what happened with them indicates their lack of understanding of their Manhaj, and they followed the people of misguidance because of their lack of correct knowledge and insight. So now they should seek after correct knowledge and insight, and the true Manhaj, and they should become aware of it and adhere to it. But the way they are behaving at present is the behaviour of those who are still upon deviation, and upon corruption and shows that they do not in reality know the Salafi Manhaj, and do not know ?al-walaa wal-baraa?? (necessary alliance and enmity) based upon that. Otherwise how can that remain upon an evil stance with regard to their brothers? This shows that the affair is that they have opposition to their brothers. It is not just a matter of Abul-Hasan. Because if it were just an issue of Abul-Hasan, and they were Salafis, and they knew the Salafi Manhaj and its value, and they recognised the truth that their brothers are upon, and that their brothers are upon correctness, then they should come wholeheartedly and openly free and dissociate themselves from what they were upon, i.e. their supporting Abul-Hasan and their standing at his side, and they should rectify what is between them and their brothers, and be upon harmony and love ? since they are companions upon a single methodology, and a single ?aqeedah, and people of alliance upon the Salafi Manhaj, and they cling to the Rope of Allaah together: meaning to the Book of Allaah, and the Sunnah of the His Messenger, sallallaahu ?alayhi wassallaam.

So it is not permissible, whatsoever, in any situation, if that is the case, that they take a stance of scepticism and enmity with regard to their brothers, and a stance of attacking them. This would be a proof that they only supported Abul-Hasan because of their being upon an opposing Manhaj, and then they have continued upon this methodology. But because they have seen Abul-Hasan being exposed, and that they would soon be exposed, they were unable to continue, they therefore say: ?We have retracted from supporting Abul-Hasan and from what we used to be upon, and now we are upon the Salafi Manhaj.? So it is as if the Salafi Manhaj is just that you are not with Abul-Hasan; so if you are with Abul-Hasan after the affair has been clarified, then you are not upon the Salafi Manhaj; and if you are not with Abul-Hasan, then you are upon the Salafee Manhaj! This is not correct.

Rather, the one upon the Salafi Manhaj is the one who knows it, adheres to it, believes it, acts in accordance with it, and this is manifest in his behaviour and actions. This is the person who is upon the Salafi Manhaj.

So if they did not openly support Abul-Hasan, then it may be sufficient that they manifest fine actions and their agreeing with their, and they ally themselves with them and love them, and they are upright in their behaviour and their dealings with their brothers, and they should reject what they used to be upon with regard to aiding Abul-Hasan, and refute those who are still upon that. Then perhaps this will be enough for the situation. So that it can be known that they have indeed abandoned their support of this misguided man, and abandoning proceeding upon this Manhaj.

This is what we hold to be the truth and to be what is correct, and this is sincere advice from me for my brothers, and an explanation of the condition which those people should be upon; and so that the brothers should know what stance to take if those people remain upon that state also. So we ask Allaah that He guides them all to right guidance and to that which contains good.

Translation by Abu Talhah Daawood Burbank
Tape recording in Dhul-Qa?dah 1423AH. Tape with www.SalafiAudio.Com

This message was edited by AbuKhadeejahSP on 2-13-03 @ 5:55 PM

23-01-2003 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 182
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May Allaah reward Shaykh Faalih!

...So it is not Abul-Hasan that is the question, rather it is that the Muslim understands the true and correct Manhaj, and adheres to it. Otherwise he will remain as is said: ?One day I am a Yemeni if I meet a person of Yemen, and if I meet a Ma?addee then I am ?Adnaanee?. So another fitnah will come, or another Abu Hasan or Abu Husayn will come, and this person will still be like a lost lamb wandering between the sheep; he will not remain settled upon one condition if he does not know the true methodology and adhere to it...

...Rather, the one upon the Salafi Manhaj is the one who knows it, adheres to it, believes it, acts in accordance with it, and this is manifest in his behaviour and actions. This is the person who is upon the Salafi Manhaj...

We ask Allaah for thibaat and ikhlaas.


26-01-2003 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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Maa shaa Allaah!

I would just like to highlight the great words of the shaikh.

The shaikh حفظه الله said:

Rather, the one upon the Salafi Manhaj is the one who knows it, adheres to it, believes it, acts in accordance with it, and this is manifest in his behaviour and actions. This is the person who is upon the Salafi Manhaj.

I hope Allaah aids us in unerstanding them and practising them.

أبو سلمان النمري

This message was edited by abusalmaan on 1-26-03 @ 10:31 PM

06-02-2003 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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al-Hamdu-Lillaahi Rabbil-'Aalameen was-Salaatu was-Salaamu 'alaa Ashrafil-Anbiyaa wal-Mursaleen, wa ba'd:

With regards to those individuals that the shaykh is mentioning;

"So those brothers should realize that what happened with them indicates their lack of understanding of their Manhaj, and they followed the people of misguidance because of their lack of correct knowledge and insight. So now they should seek after correct knowledge and insight, and the true Manhaj, and they should become aware of it and adhere to it."

It seems as these same people who were upon the corrupt Manhaj are allowed to walk straight back into the manhaj as if nothing has happened after showing extreme hatred and opposition to the brothers who remained firm and patient upon the advice of the major scholars. These individuals showed obstinacy when the truth was presented to them. But now we see them trying to seize the centre stage as if nothing has happened. And what is even more worrying is that they show no appreciation for the efforts of those brothers who remained steadfast, resolute who continued to advise them in the face of their corruption and harm. Rather we see them going separately far away from the brothers.

Question is;

Can we trust them so soon after what was seen apparent in them literally weeks ago in their opposition to the Manhaj and the major scholars?

Is it befitting for them that they should be walking straight back into the d'awah and be arranging seminars, tele-links, delivering speeches as if nothing happened before without even making their position clear as to what took place before in their opposition to the brothers?

It would be appreciated if the students of knowledge could tackle these specific questions.


Yusof al-Amriki
12-02-2003 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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Please also read:


13-02-2003 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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Na'am Jazaaka Allaahu khairan wa ahsan jazaa for this!

It is hoped that those individuals who returned back to the salafi manhaj under this false tawba can take heed and learn from the advise given by the noble shaykh. It is unfortunate but true that these individuals have the traits and attributes of the likes of Ar'oor, al-Hawali, al-Awdah, al-Ma'ribee, al-Farsee, al-Qarnee, al-Maghraawee etc. when they make their tawba.

One attribute is that you will see their two faced behavior; one is that of salafiya towards our ulema and the other of extreme hatred and hostility to the salafis elsewhere.

We hope that this tape will be of benefit to all the salafis in recognising the likes of these individuals so that we can be careful of them and to avoid them wherever they appear.

And once again, Jazaaka Allaahu khairan to the brothers for the translation and for the tape that will be made available soon Inshallaah.


This message was edited by fath.ul-majeed on 2-13-03 @ 10:05 AM

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