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Topic: Short biography of Imaam Badeeud-Deen Shaah as-Sindee rahimahullah
unspecified ساجد
(Mumbai (India))
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His Kunyah: Abu Muhammad His full name: Badiuddin Shah ar-Rashidi as-Sindhi. A notable muhaddith from Pakistan. The Noble Scholar was known for his staunch position against the grave worshippers in Pakistan, as well as the callers to blind following of madhaahib and the various other evil practices that filled that country. The Shaykh spent some years teaching in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Here, he taught at Daarul-Hadeeth al-Khayriyyah, he taught classes in the Haram, and he taught classes in Masjidun-Nabawee and lived in al-Madeenah for a few years. His students include, Shaykh Rabee' Ibn Haadee al-Madkhalee and [url=]Shaykh Muqbil Ibn Haadee al-Waadi'ee[/url]. One of his lecture in Arabic (with English translation) on the topic of Importance of Hadeeth can be listened as mp3 by clicking [url=]here[/url]. [url=]Here[/url] is a pdf which is translated into English from his Urdu book on the importance of the Imaam to have a correct aqeedah. It is a refutation of the [url=]Deobandis[/url]. The Shaykh died in 1416H. May Allah have mercy on him and reward him immensely for his efforts in giving Da'wah to Tawheed and Sunnah and refuting Shirk, Kufr, Bid'ah and Khurafaat. Aameen. source: Modified from
Zayd Abu Ubayd
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Joined: Oct 2008
A scholar from present-day Pakistan and teacher of Imam Muhammad ibn Abdul-Wahhab.... Died 1163H: Shaikh Muhammad Hayaat bin Ibraaheem As-Sindee AUTHOR: Compilation from Various Authors SOURCE: Several Sources (See Below) PRODUCED BY: His Name and Lineage: He was Muhammad Hayaat bin Ibraaheem As-Sindee, then Al-Madanee. His lineage can be traced back to the tribe of Jaajur, a people from the inhabitants of Sind that used to live in the outskirts of ýAdilpur. This he was born in Adilpur, Sind, which is presently located in Pakistan. The land of Sind (or Sindh) was considered one of the centers of knowledge and virtue ever since it underwent the Islamic conquest at the hands of Muhammad bin Al-Qaasim during the reign of the Umayyid Caliph Al-Waleed bin ýAbdil-Malik in 93H (712 CE). Since then, the lands of Sind have produced many ingenious scholars and big Muhadditheen throughout history whose names have become immortalized in the pages of Islamic History. The biographical accounts do not mention the date or year in which he was born. Rather, all that is stated is that he was born and raised in the outskirts of ýAdilpur. When he grew up, he moved to the city of Tatta, the capital of the lands of Sind. After this, he migrated to the two holy sites in Saudi Arabia, and took residence in Madeenah. Map of SindhHis Quest for Knowledge: It was after the Shaikh moved to Tatta that he began to devote himself to seeking knowledge, thus learning at the hands of its scholars and teachers. He learned under the great scholar of India, Shaikh Walee-ullaah Ad-Dihlawee, and studied closely under the scholar, Muhammad Maýeen bin Muhammad Ameen At-Tattawee As-Sindee, who was from the prominent figures of the country. Then he migrated to the two holy sites (Al-Haramain) and made Hajj. Then he took up residence in Madeenah and learned from its scholars. There he studied closely under Shaikh Abul-Hasan Ibn ýAbdil-Haadee As-Sindee Al-Madanee, and took over his study circle after he died, holding it for 24 years. His Teachers: He acquired knowledge from many scholars and teachers, to the point that he produced for himself a list of scholars[1] in which he mentions the eminent scholars that he heard from and who granted him approval (ijaazah) to teach from various books of Hadeeth. Amongst his teachers were: 1. Shaikh Muhammad Maýeen bin Muhammad Ameen At-Tattawee As-Sindee (d. 1161H)[2] 2. Shaikh Abul-Hasan Muhammad bin ýAbdil-Haadee As-Sindee Al-Madanee (d. 1138H)[3] 3. Shaikh ýAbdullaah bin Saalim bin Muhammad bin ýEesaa Al-Basree Al-Makkee (d. 1134H) [4] 4. Shaikh Abu Taahir Muhammad bin Ibraaheem Al-Kurdee Al-Madanee (d. 1145H) 5. Shaikh Abul-Asraar Hasan bin ýAlee Al-ýUjaymee Al-Makkee Al-Hanafee (d. 1113H)[5] 6. Shaikh Walee-ullaah bin ýAbdir-Raheem Ad-Dihlawee His Students: As was mentioned previously, the Shaikh took charge of teaching in the study circle of his teacher, Abul-Hasan Muhammad bin ýAbdul-Haadee, in Madeenah, and remained there for 24 years. Due to this, countless students were produced at his hand. Imaam Sideeq Hasan Khaan Al-Qinnawjee said in his biographical account "Abjad-ul-ýUloom" (3/170): ýHe devoted all his attention to teaching the Prophetic Hadeeth, and spent his entire life in service of the words of the chosen one (i.e. Prophet Muhammad). He would admonish the people before the Morning Prayer in the Prophetýs Mosque (in Madeenah), and a large amount of people, both Arabs and non-Arabs, benefited from him. The inhabitants of Makkah, Madeenah, Egypt, Syria, Europe and India turned to him for their beliefs and understanding.ý From among the most famous of his students were: 1. The great Scholar and Reformer, Imaam Muhammad bin ýAbdil-Wahhaab (d. 1206H) [6] 2. The great scholar of Fiqh, Muhammad bin Ismaaýeel Al-Ameer Al-Kahlaanee As-Sanýaanee (d. 1182H) [7] 3. Imaam Muhammad bin Ahmad As-Safaareenee 4. The Muhaddith, Abul-Hasan Muhammad bin Muhammad Saadiq As-Sindee (d. 1187H) [8] 5. Shaikh Ahmad bin ýAbdir-Rahmaan As-Sindee 6. Shaikh Muhammad Saýeed bin Muhammad Safar (d. 1192H) [9] 7. Shaikh ýAleem-ud-Deen bin ýAbdir-Rasheed Al-ýAbbaasee Al-Lahoree, who is buried in Damascus, Syria (d. 1168H) [10] 8. Shaikh Khair-ud-Deen bin Muhammad Zaahid As-Sooratee 9. Shaikh Muhammad Faakhir bin Yahyaa Al-ýAbbaasee Al-Ilaah Abaadee [11] 10. As-Sayyid Ghulaam ýAlee Azaad Al-Balkaraamee (d. 1200H) [12] His Characteristics: Al-Muraadee sad in Silk-ud-Durar (4/34): ýHe was abstinent, detached and disconnected from the people except for the times in which he would hold lessons. And he would be diligent at praying in the first row of the congregation in the Prophetýs Masjid.ý Al-Qinnawjee said about him in Abjad-ul-ýUloom (3/169): ýHe would combine knowledge with action and adorn excellence with beautiful outward appearance.ý His Books and Writings: Even though he was preoccupied with teaching, issuing religious verdicts and giving lectures and admonitions, the Shaikh still gave importance to authoring books. It is due to this that we can find numerous beneficial books written by him today on various subjects, which indicate his educational inclinations and the vastness of his religious heritage. Amongst his works are: 1. Tuhfat-ul-Muhibbeen fee Sharh al-Arbaýeen [A Gift to the Beloved in Explaining An-Nawaweeýs 40 Hadeeth] 2. An Explanation of At-Targheeb wat-Tarheeb of Al-Mundhiree in 2 volumes 3. Tuhfat-ul-Anaam fil-ýAmal bi-Hadeeth an-Nabee ýalayhis-Salaatu was-Salaam [A Gift to Mankind: Acting on the Prophetýs Hadeeth] ý An excellent book in which he discusses the obligation of following the Sunnah and not blindly-following one of the four madh-habs, whilst bringing many narrations from the four Imaams about this. 4. Fatýh-ul-Ghafoor fee Wadý-il-Aydee ýalaas-Sudoor ý A treatise on placing the hands on the chest in prayer 5. An Abridgement (Mukhtasar) of Imaam Ibn Hajr Al-Haytameeýs famous book of sins, Az-Zawaajir 6. Al-Eeqaaf ýalaa Sabab-il-Ikthilaaf ý A treatise on the reasons for differing 7. Muqaddimah fil-ýAqaaýid [An Introduction to the Beliefs of Creed] 8. Al-Junnah fee ýAqaaýidi Ahlis-Sunnah [The Beliefs of Ahlus-Sunnah] 9. Hukm Iýfaa-ul-Lihaa ý [The Ruling on Leaving the Beard to Grow] 10. Sharh al-Arbaýeen Li-ýAlee Al-Qaaree [Explanation of 40 Hadeeth compiled by the great scholar ýAlee Al-Qaaree] It must be noted that some historians, such as ýUmar Ridaa Kahaalah, author of the book "Muýjam-ul-Muýalifeen" (9/275), counted the book ýIrshaad-un-Nuqaad ilaa Tayseer-il-ýItiqaadý as being from among As-Sindeeýs writings. However, in reality, it is one of the writings of one of his students, Imaam Muhammad bin Ismaaýeel As-Sanýaanee (d. 1182H). Perhaps, this notion came about due to the fact that As-Sanýaanee included large amounts of quotes from As-Sindeeýs book ýTuhfat-ul-Anaamý in his book ýIrshaad-un-Nuqaad.ý He authored many more treatises and books to the point that after mentioning some of his works, Al-Muraadee said: ýHe also has other small treatises and astounding verifications.ý Those who recorded his biography have not mentioned many of these treatises, as they still remain in the shadows of the manuscript realm, may Allaah assist their future publications. His Madh-hab: Even though Shaikh Muhammad Hayaat As-Sindee was brought up on the Hanafee Mah-hab, as that is the prevalent school of thought in India, and he ascribed himself to it, he still was not from the extremists towards the madh-hab, those who fanatically attach themselves to the Imaams. Rather, he shunned blind-following (taqleed), stuck to the proofs and was active in calling to the practical application of the Hadeeth. He even authored a book solely on this subject, which he called ýTuhfat-ul-Anaam fil-ýAmal bi-Hadeeth an-Nabee ýalayhis-Salaatu was-Salaam.ý The great scholar Al-Fullaanee said in ýEeqaadh Himam Uleel-Absaarý (pg. 70): ýThe teacher of our teachers, Muhammad Hayaat As-Sindee said: ýThe requirement upon every Muslim is that he strive hard to understand the meanings of the Qurýaan and to seek after the Ahaadeeth, understanding their meanings and extracting rulings from them. If he is not able to do this, then it is upon him to blind-follow the scholars without restricting himself to one particular madh-hab because this may resemble taking him (i.e. the Imaam of the madh-hab) as a prophet. He is also required to take the most cautious and safest view from each madh-hab (school of thought). And he is permitted to abide by the allowances (rukhas) in cases of emergency. But as for times in which there is no emergency, then it is better to leave it off. As for what the people of our time have introduced from making it required to stick to one particular madh-hab, and that it is not permissible to change from one madh-hab to another madh-hab, this is ignorance, innovation and deviation. And we have indeed seen them abandoning authentic ahaadeeth ý that are not even abrogated ý and instead clinging on to their madh-habs without any support. Verily, to Allaah we belong and to Him we will return.ý He also took stances against the Hanafee shaikhs from the people of his homeland. An example of this was his authoring of a treatise called ýAd-Durrah fee Idhýhaar Ghish Naqd-is-Surrahý [The Pearl in Exposing the Fraud: A Criticism of ýThe Prizeý] in which he refutes Shaikh Muhammad Haashim bin ýAbdil-Ghafoor As-Sindee Al-Hanafee in his treatise ýDirham-u-Surrah fee Wadý-il-Aydee tahta as-Surrahý [The Prize in Putting the Hands below the Navel]. In this treatise, he professes the view that it is from the Sunnah to place the hands upon the chest during prayer, acting upon the ahaadeeth that were mentioned in this regard, even though this view contradicts what the Hanafees are upon. This is why when he authored his treatise ýAd-Durrahý, Shaikh Muhammad Haashim replied to him in two treatises. This lead Shaikh Muhammad Hayaat As-Sindee to once again reply to him, so he wrote his famous treatise: ýFatýh-ul-Ghafoor fee Wadý-il-Aydee ýalaas-Sudoorý [The Victory of the Most Forgiving on Placing the Hands on the Chest in Prayer] [13] The Scholarsý Praise for Him: Everyone that recorded a biographical account for the Shaikh has praised him and lauded his knowledge. Al-Muraadee said in Silk-ud-Durar (4/34): ýThe Muhaddith, the one with deep understanding, carrier of the flag of the Sunnah in Madeenah, chief of mankind and jinn.ý Al-Qinnawjee said in Abjad-ul-ýUloom (3/169): ýHe was from the well-versed scholars and the great Muhadditheen.ý In another place (3/188), he said: ýThe Haafidh, the Authority.ý Ibn Bishr Al-Hanbalee said in ýUnwaan-ul-Majd (1/41): ýHe had an extensive expertise in knowledge of the Hadeeth and its narrators.ý ýAbdul-Hayy Al-Kitaanee said in Fahras-ul-Fahaaris (1/356): ýHe was the Muhaddith of Al-Hijaaz.ý Muhammad bin Jaýfar Al-Kitaanee said: ýHe was the bearer of the flag of the Sunnah in Madeenah.ý The great historian of India, the noble scholar, ýAbdul-Hayy Ibn Fakhr-ud-Deen Al-Hasanee, said in Al-Iýlaam biman fee Taareekh-il-Hind min al-Aýlaam (815): ýThe Shaikh, the great Imaam, the Muhaddith, Muhammad Hayaat bin Ibraaheem As-Sindee Al-Madanee, one of the well-known scholars.ý His Death: He passed away on Wednesday, the 26th of Safar, 1163H in Madeenah, and was buried in the Baqeeý Cemetery. Biographical Sources: The secondary biographical sources used to produce (i.e. translate) this biography were: 1. Salaah-ud-Deenýs verification of ýTuhfat-ul-Anaamý [Ghiraas Publishing 2003] 2. TaHa Busreehýs verification of ýTuhfat-ul-Anaamý [Dar Ibn Hazm 1993] 3. ýAbdul-Majeed Jumýahýs verification of ýHukm Iýfaa-ul-Lihaaý [Maktabah Al-Haafidh Adh-Dhahabee 2004] 4. Muhammad Shaayib Shareefýs verification of ýTuhfat-ul-Muhibbeen fee Sharh al-ýArbaýeený [Dar Ibn Hazm 2005] Footnotes: [1] It is called ýAn Index of As-Sindeeýs Teachers.ý A copy of it can be found in the Jumuýah Al-Maajid Center in Dubai. [2] He is one of the well known scholars, from the students of Ash-Shaah Walee-ullaah Ahmad bin ýAbdir-Raheem Ad-Dihlawee, the Muhaddith of Delhi, India (d. 1176H). He authored several books, the most important of which was: ýDiraasaat-ul-Labeeb fil-Uswat-il-Hasanah bil-Habeeb.ý [3] He was the famous Abul-Hasan, author of commentaries on the Six Collections of Hadeeth, the Muhaddith, the Haafidh, the Mufassir, the Faqeeh, teacher in the Prophetýs Mosque. [4] Shaikh Muhammad Hayaat As-Sindee received ijaazah (approval) from him. He was a teacher in the Haram of Makkah. Many students from Saudi Arabia learned from him. From among the books he wrote was: ýDiyaaý-us-Saaree ýalaa Saheeh al-Bukhaareeý and ýAl-Imdaad bi-Maýrifat-il-Isnaad.ý From his great feats was his editing and amending of all of the Six Collections of Hadeeth, such that his edited versions of them came to be relied on as sources of reference (i.e. for later publications of the Books of Hadeeth). The greatest of these was his editing of the book Saheeh Al-Bukhaaree, since he wrote it with his own hand and it took him almost twenty years to complete. [5] Shaikh Al-ýUjaymee was a follower of the Sunnah. He did not used to believe that blind-following was obligatory. He would also combine between the Dhuhr and ýAsr Prayers and between the Maghrib and ýIshaa Prayers when traveling, contrary to the Hanafee Madh-hab. His writings include: ýAl-Farj baýada ash-Shiddah fee anna-Nasaaraa Laa Yaskunoona bi-Jiddah.ý [6] He was the famous Imaam and Mujaddid that needs no introduction, author of the valuable treatises on Tawheed. In his biography of Shaikh As-Sindee as is found in ýýUnwaan-ul-Majd fee Taareekh-in-Najdý, the famous historian, ýShaikh Uthmaan bin Shibr An-Najdee said (1/14): ýA large group of people learned from him, the most prestigious of whom was Shaikh-ul-Islaam Muhammad bin ýAbdil-Wahhaab, Shaikh ýAlaa-ud-Deen As-Sooratee and others.ý [7] He was the author of the famous book ýSubul-us-Salaamý, the explanation of Buloogh-ul-Maraam of Al-Haafidh Ibn Hajr, apart from numerous other books. [8] He was the Muhaddith and Usoolee, author of the book ýBahjat-un-Nadhar ýalaa Sharh Nukhbat-il-Fikarý of Ibn Hajr on the Science of Hadeeth Terminology. [9] He was a scholar of Hadeeth, Fiqh and Didactic Poetry. Amongst his writings is: ýMandhoomah al-Hudaa fee Ittibaaý an-Nabee Al-Muqtadaa.ý [10] He is the author of the book ýAl-Fawaaýid-ul-Afdaliyyah.ý He died around the year 1168H. [11] He went by the nickname ýZaaýir.ý He was a follower of the Sunnah and he would not restrict himself to one particular madh-hab. He spent his whole life reviving the Sunnah and calling the people to adhere to the Book and the Sunnah. He was almost attacked once for his open vocalization of the Ameen in prayer while in the Central Mosque of Delhi, but Ash-Shaah Walee-ullaah Ad-Dihlawee interceded between him and the Hanafee blind-followers. He wrote numerous books, mostly on following the Sunnah. [12] He was the poet and historian, author of the books ýSubhat-ul-Marjaan fee Athaar Hindistaaný and ýShamaamat-ul-ýAnbar feemaa warada fil-Hind min Sayyid-il-Bashar.ý [13] All of the treatises mentioned here are printed. Refer to the introduction of ýFatýh-ul-Ghafoorý by the professor, Muhammad Diyaa-ur-Rahmaan Al-Aýdhamee.