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» Errors in "The CREED of the Four Imaams" (TROID's 2nd printing, 1426)
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Posted By Topic: Errors in "The CREED of the Four Imaams" (TROID's 2nd printing, 1426)

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08-04-2010 @ 8:08 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abul-'Abbaas Moosaa ibn John Richardson (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia)
Posts: 1280
Joined: Sep 2002
A Listing of the Errors in the Book:

The CREED of the Four Imaams, TROID Publications, 2nd printing, 1426 (2006).  Translation and additions by Maaz Qureshi, edited and revised by Moosaa Richardson.

cover - no mention of the author's name: "Dr. Muhammad al-Khumayyis"

p.75 bottom - an error in the arabic text of the Qur'aanic verse (47:4) it reads (ıı ııııııı) "hum ath-khantumoo" and it should read (ııııııııı) "ath-khantumoohum"

p.137 footnote - "discusses its difference wordings" should read "discusses its different wordings"  

Please update your copy of the book.  Anyone who finds any additional errors can add them to this thread or send them to the publishers, as it is an important kind of cooperation to spread clarity.

Moosaa ibn John Richardson

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