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27-12-2009 @ 6:07 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Umm Musa bint Muhammad (New York)
Posts: 260
Joined: Sep 2008
asalamu alaikum wa rahmatullah,

i was reading this:


Retraction of Shaykh al-Albaani regarding the Hadeeth of Worldly Affairs
Compiled and Translated by Abbas Abu Yahya

"Indeed Allaah hates every person who is arrogant, rude, rough, and is
greedy, thinks he knows it all and shouts loudly in the market places, who
is like a corpse during the night and a donkey during the day,
knowledgeable about worldly affairs, ignorant about the matters of the

Da'eef - 'Silsilah Ahadeeth ad-Da'eefah' no. 2304

This hadeeth which has been narrated by Ibn Hibban and al-Bayhaqi, it has
been declared weak by Shaykh al-Albaani. Initially the Shaykh had
authenticated this hadeeth in 'Silsilah Ahadeeth as- Saheehah' no.195.
However, the Shaykh retracted and declared it to be weak. He removed it
from 'Silsilah as-Saheehah' and placed it in 'Silsilah Ahadeeth ad-
Da'eefah' no.2304. The Shaykh also declared it Da'eef in his book 'Daeef
Targheeb wa Tarheeb' no.378. Although this hadeeth can be found
authenticated in his book 'Saheeh al-Jami as-Sagheer', the Shaykh didn't
rely upon this book since it had been in the hands of untrustworthy
publishers. The Shaykh never amended the book.
However the Shaykh in
latter part of his life began a journey to divide the Ahadeeth of 'Saheeh
al-Jami as-Sagheer' into a more precise division of hadeeth terminology of
'Saheeh li dhaatihi' ( authentic by itself) and 'Saheeh li ghayreehi'
(authentic due to other hadeeth) and 'hasan li dhaatihi' (hasan by itself)
and 'hasan li ghayreehi' (hasan due to other hadeeth). This is a colossal
task in itself. The Shaykh - may Allah have mercy on him- was sadly unable
to complete this work.

im not understanding what exactly this means or implies, because many books
and articles now that we read with ahaadeeth often times have footnotes
saying that it is in saheeh aj-jaami no. such and such authenticated by the
shaykh - so is that correct or...? since the shaykh apparently did not rely
upon the book? or am i misunderstanding everything?

jazakumAllahu khayran

12-08-2010 @ 4:11 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Umm Musa bint Muhammad (New York)
Posts: 260
Joined: Sep 2008
one of the students of shaykh al-albaanee was asked whether this
statement: " the Shaykh didn't rely upon this book since it had been in
the hands of untrustworthy publishers. The Shaykh never amended the book

" is true;

he answered: "this is not true"

and Allaah knows best

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