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Topic: Salaah
Posts: 34
Joined: Sep 2002
as-salaamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuhu, As always I have a question, for the Salawaat that are said out loud ex: Fajr, Maghrib, wa Eeshaa, if I am praying alone can I pray them silently? BarakaAllah feek Umm Rajaa
Posts: 208
Joined: Aug 2002
If they are prayers that are prayed aloud then why would you want to prey them in a silent manner?! The dhikr should be said upon the tounge as to be rewarded for it.
أبو سلمان النمري
Posts: 34
Joined: Sep 2002
This message was edited by UmmRajaa on 3-25-04 @ 1:36 AM
Posts: 60
Joined: Dec 2002
wa salaamu alaikum warahmatullah i found the folowing fatawa in fatawa islamiyah; volume 2; purification & prayer (english). Q. Is it permissible to not recite aloud, for example, in the Isha' prayer? A. Reciatation aloud is prescribed for the Imam in the night prayer, so that the worshippers may hear and gain benifit from it. Should he forget to recite aloud, he does not have to prostrate for it. And there is no need ofr the one who is praying alone to recite aloud, because he is reciting to himself only; but if he recites aloud, there is no harm in it - so long as it does not cause annoyance to someone reciting (the Qur'an), or another worshipper or a sleeper - and he finds that reciting aloud strenghtens his soul and makes his heart more attentive. Ibn Jibreen Another fatwa from Shaikh Ibn Baz, rahimullah, again in fatawa islamiyah Q. Is it permissible for one who is praying alone to recite aloud in the audible prayers? A. It is lawful for him to do so, just as it is prescribed for the Imam to do so, and it is a Sunnah. But he should not raise his voice in a manner which will annoy the worshippers, those making remembrance, or those sleeping who are near to him, according to hadiths narrated in this regard. wa alaikumus salaam Abdulbaasit P.S. There weren't any references given, if some one could please post them would be appreciated. Jazakamullahu khair
Posts: 208
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بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم There was no intention on my behalf to be sarcastic. I replied to try and help you as I just read your post and noticed that nobody had replied. Jazaakillaahu khairan!
أبو سلمان النمري
Posts: 208
Joined: Aug 2002
بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم There was no intention on my behalf to be sarcastic. I replied to try and help you as I just read your post and noticed that nobody had replied. Jazaakillaahu khairan!
أبو سلمان النمري
Posts: 34
Joined: Sep 2002
Pardon my misunderstanding of your post. May Allah reward both of you for replying and excuse my ill-mannered post. Wa salaamu alaikum Umm Rajaa.