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» Permanent Committee's fatwa on Jama'at Al-'Adl wal-Ihsan of Morocco
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Posted By Topic: Permanent Committee's fatwa on Jama'at Al-'Adl wal-Ihsan of Morocco

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30-12-2009 @ 8:04 AM    Notify Admin about this post
unspecified ساجد (Mumbai (India))
Posts: 2031
Joined: Jul 2005

Q: Here in Morocco, we have a group called Jama'at Al-'Adl wal-Ihsan (the Justice and Charity Group).
  • They gather at one of the houses and offer Qiyam-ul-Layl (standing for optional Prayer at night) in congregation.
  • They then turn off the lights, face the Qiblah (direction faced for Prayer towards the Ka'bah) and remember Allah in the dark.
  • Among their objectives is to fight the ruler and seize power, following the footsteps of Khomeini who was a follower of Rafidah (a Shi'ah group). The Shaykh of Jama'at Al-'Adl wal-Ihsan stated this fact in one of his books. He once said, "Shiites are our brothers."
  • The group members harbor fierce enmity to Salafiyyah (those following the way of the righteous predecessors) and they express it in their books and tapes. They describe Salafiyyah followers as "the inferior ones" and "the impaired ones".
  • This group manipulates people's minds on the plea of changing the evil reality, commanding good and forbidding evil.
What is the Islamic ruling regarding them?

A: If the reality of this group is as you have mentioned, it will be established that they contradict the Manhaj (methodology) adopted by Ahl-ul-Sunnah wal-Jama'ah (those adhering to the Sunnah and the Muslim main body) and support those who commit Bid'ah (innovation in religion) and misguidance. It is your duty to advise them and to show them the truth, may Allah guide them or some of them to the Right Path. Moreover, offering Qiyam-ul-Layl in congregation on a regular basis is a Bid'ah.

May Allah grant us success! May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family and Companions!

The Permanent Committee for Scholarly Research and Ifta' consisting of Shaykhs Ibn Baaz, aal-Shaykh and al-Fawzaan.

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