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21-02-2007 @ 5:04 AM    Notify Admin about this post
unspecified Sha'abu (Los Angeles)
Posts: 36
Joined: Nov 2003
as salaamu alaikom wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh,

   Can perhaps one of the students of knowledge studying in Dammaj, benefit me with some
information on the Visa issue.  I would like to know can I buy a visa through and online company
'visahq' (because I am in Hawaii, and it it hard to obtain that visa (no embassy) and would they let
me leave the airport once I land into Yemen.

    I hear that they do not allow students to leave the airport without someone there to pick them up
with paperwork, can anybody PM me regarding this paperwork.  Somebody who can perhaps help
me to obtain this paperwork.

   I listened to the brothers tapes on calgaryislam, and i'm not sure if they're up to date.  But I do
need a connection there willing to help.  ASAP-Inshaa'Allah

  May Allah bless you,

   Abdul Malik

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