Abu Musa'ab Muhammed Abdullah Nishil ibn Noorudheen Al-Hindee
Posts: 39
Joined: Jan 2008
Assalamu Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu!!
All Praise Is Due To Allah And May The Peace And Blessings Of Allah Be Upon His Messenger Mohammed Ibn Abdullah(Sallahu Alaihi Wassalam)And His Family And All His Companions(Radhiallahu Anhum)!
I heard this lecture by our brother Abu Uwais(Rahimahullah)called "Happiness Is In Salafiyyah"!!He mentions good points from the poem "Nooniyah"!It would be beneficial inshallah if someone could post those beautiful lines of poetry by our noble Imam Ibn Al-Qayyim(Rahimahullah)!! As The Muhhadith al-Albaanee(Rahimahullah) has said regarding this"....the poetry of scholars is not like the poetry of poets.So this man(Ibn Al-Qayyim)was a scholar and he also wrote good poetry."(Taken from the lecture"Hadhihi Da'awatuna")