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» A Brief Glimpse into the Life of al-Imaam Abdul-Azeez bin Baaz[d.1420]
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08-10-2008 @ 2:03 PM    Notify Admin about this post
unspecified unspecified (unspecified)
Posts: 77
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Dear Brothers and Sisters,

As salaamu alaykum,


I am dedicating this discussion to the late scholar, Abdul-Azeez bin Baaz [d.1420H], may Allah have mercy on him. A humble attempt to enlighten the Muslims about one of the greatest scholars of our time. This discussion will be taken from a book titled,  A Brief Glimpse into the Life of al-Imaam Abdul-Azeez bin Baaz.This account of as-Shaikh Abdul-Azeez's life has been given by the former head of his home library,  Mumammad bin Moosaa. He said about himself, "I met the Shaikh forty years ago, I did not establish a steady relationship with him until twenty-five years ago and finally, I began to stay by his side in the year 1404H."  Pg.21

I ask Allah, the Most High, to make this small effort an effort of sincerity. I also ask Him to make it one of benefit, firstly for myself, and then to all those who read it.

To be continued,inshaa Allah ...

A Glimpse into as-Shaikh Abdul-Azeez's Childhood ...

Jameel Finch

11-10-2008 @ 5:30 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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A Glimpse into ash-Shaikh Abdul-'Azeez's Childhood

His full name is 'Abdul-Azeez bin 'Abdillah bin 'Abdur-Rahman bin Muhammad bin Abdillah, and his family name is Baaz. He was born in Riyaadh, K.S.A in the month of Thul-Hijja in the year 1330H.  Pg. 33

Translator's note: The Shaikh, may Allah have mercy on him, is commonly known as: ash-Shaikh Bin Baaz or ash-Shaikh Abdul-Azeez, may Allah have mercy on him.

Ibn Baaz, may Allah have mercy on him, had no remembrance of his father.  He had no remembrance of him due to the fact that his father passed away while Ibn Baaz was a small child. As for his mother, she passed away when he was at the age of twenty-five. Pg. 33

Sa'ad bin Abdul Muhsin al-Baaz, a relative of Ibn Baaz, older than him by ten years, mentioned, "Abdul-Azeez was an upright youth, he was always eager to do good deeds and you could always find him in the Masjid. We found these characteristics in him while he was at the age of thirteen." Pg. 35

During Ibn Baaz's childhood he was from the most generous of people. Sa'ad al-Baaz mentions, "While Ibn Baaz was a  student learning from the scholars, if someone gave him a greeting, he would invite them to lunch or dinner.  Abdul'Azeez would never believe the food he was serving his guest wasn't good enough, and we saw that Allah, the Most High, would put much good in that food." Pg. 36

Ash-Shaikh Abdul-'Azeez said about himself, "I began to study during my childhood. I memorized the Qu'ran with my teacher as-Shaikh Abdullah bin Mafirij, may Allah have mercy on him, before I reached puberty. After that, I began to learn other sciences of Islam and the Arabic language. My learning experiences came at the hands of the many scholars of Riyadh at the time." Pg. 33

To be continued...

Ash-Shaikh Abdul-Azeez Looses His Sight...

Jameel Finch

30-08-2009 @ 2:39 AM    Notify Admin about this post
unspecified ساجد (Mumbai (India))
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Biography of Imam Ibn Baz rahimahullah

Arabic Source: BinBaz.Org.Sa [Abridged and with Additions]
Translation Source:

His Name and Lineage:
He was the noble and exemplary scholar, ıAbdul-ıAzeez bin ıAbdillaah bin ıAbdir-Rahmaan bin Muhammad bin ıAbdillaah Aali Baaz, may Allaah have mercy on him. Baaz was a family that had deep roots in knowledge. business, and agriculture. They were known for their virtues and character. Shaikh Sulaymaan bin Hamdaan, may Allaah have mercy on him, said in his book on the biographies of the Hanbalee scholars: ıTheir origin was in Madeenah, then one of their ancestors moved to Durıeeyah.ı

His Birth and Early Youth:
He was born in Riyadh, the capital city of Najd on the 12th of Dhul-Hijjah, 1330H. This is where he spent his childhood, adolescence and early adult years.

Imaam Ibn Baaz was raised in an environment engrossed in knowledge, since Riyadh at that time was filled with scholars and people of guidance. It was also a place of security and peace since King ıAbdul-ıAzeez had re-conquered it and established justice there based on the laws of Islaam. This was after Riyadh had been a place of endless turmoil and instability.

Imaam Ibn Baaz first started by learning the Qurıaan as was the custom of the Salaf, who would memorize and master the Qurıaan before moving on to other subjects. So he memorized the entire Qurıaan by heart before reaching the age of puberty. He then went on to study at the hands of the scholars in his area.

It is also important to note that his mother, may Allaah have mercy on her, played a large role in his path towards knowledge, since she would be the one who would constantly encourage and incite him towards acquiring knowledge, as he stated towards the end of one of his lectures, ıMy journey with the writersı, in which he discussed some examples of his life.

Imaam Ibn Baaz had sight for the first part of his life. Then due to Allaahıs infinite wisdom, He willed that the Imaamıs sight weaken due to an eye disease in 1346H, which eventually lead to him completely losing his eyesight in 1350H when he was close to twenty years of age. However, this did not prevent him from his perseverance and diligence in seeking knowledge, which he continued to do and excel in.

Remarkably, losing his eyesight was a means of benefit for Imaam Ibn Baaz, since he was able to achieve several advantages of which we will mention four, as an example and not to limit:

1. Reward from Allaah: Imaam Al-Bukhaaree reported in his Saheeh a hadeeth qudsee, in which Allaah said: ıIf my servant is tested with losing his two beloved (eyes), I will substitute them with Paradise.ı [Saheeh Al-Bukhaaree: no. 5653]

2. Strong Memorization: Imaam Ibn Baaz was the Haafidh (Memorizer) of this era when it came to Knowledge of Hadeeth. If you were to ask him on a hadeeth found in the Six Collections of Hadeeth or other collections such as the Musnad of Imaam Ahmad, you would find him well versed in the hadeethıs chain of narration, textual wording, the scholars who spoke on it, its narrators and its explanation.

3. Lack of Interest in Worldly Splendors: Imaam Ibn Baaz refrained from chasing after the pleasures of the worldly life, living an abstentious and humble lifestyle.

4. High Determination: Losing sight, only made Imaam Ibn Baaz more determined and perseverant in his quest for seeking and acquiring knowledge, to the point that he became one of the senior scholars, known throughout the world. Allaah indeed replaced the light in his eyes with light in his heart, love for knowledge, and following of the Prophetıs Sunnah.

His Teachers:
After memorizing the Qurıaan, Imaam Ibn Baaz, may Allaah have mercy on him, went on to study the other Islaamic sciences under many of the scholars of Riyadh, the most prominent of whom were:

1. Shaikh Muhammad bin ıAbdil-Lateef Aali Shaikh, the great-great grandson of Imaam Muhammad bin ıAbdil-Wahhaab,
2. Shaikh Saalih bin ıAbdil-ıAzeez Aali Shaikh, the great-great grandson of Imaam Muhammad bin ıAbdil-Wahhaab and the Chief Judge of Riyadh,
3. Shaikh Saıad bin Hamad Al-ıAteeq, Judge of Riyadh,
4. Shaikh Hamad bin Faaris, Vice-Chancellor of the Treasury of Riyadh,
5. Shaikh Saıad Waqqaas Al-Bukhaaree, from the scholars of Makkah whom he learned the science of Tajweed from in 1355H,
6. Shaikh Muhammad bin Ibraaheem Aali Shaikh, former Chief Muftee of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. He attended his study circles for about ten years, learning all of the Islamic sciences from him, from 1347H to 1357H, when his teacher nominated him to be a judge. May Allah have mercy on all of them.

His Educational Life:
When Imaam Ibn Baaz was selected for being the Judge of the Kharj district, he accepted it unwillingly since he had no desire or love for position. But it was due to the encouragement of his teacher, Shaikh Muhammad bin Ibraaheem Aali Shaikh, and the order of King ıAbdul-ıAzeez that he took up the position. So he went to ad-Dalam, the capital city of the Kharj district at that time, and the people greeted him warmly. As soon as he got out of the car that transported him there, he ascended the Central Mosque and prayed two rakıat, in accordance with the Sunnah. Then he rested for a while in the presence of the Ameer of ad-Dalam at that time, Naasir bin Sulaymaan al-Huqbaanee, may Allaah have mercy on him. Thereafter the people gathered around him and so he gave them a profound admonition. From the things he told them was that he had no desire to be the Judge of their district but that he was ordered and so he must obey the leader.

As soon as he commenced working at his position, Allaah brought much good through his hands and he judged the people with justice and kindness. He served in this position for a little over fourteen years. During this time, the Kharj district became a place of good and uprightness. Imaam Ibn Baaz would attribute this success to the good hearts of the people and their high esteem for virtue and justice. Because the courts were in ad-Dalam, he lived there in the Judgeıs Residence given to him by Imaam ıAbdullaah bin Faysal bin Turkee.

Imaam Ibn Baaz was well known throughout the Muslim world for his religious verdicts (fataawaa) and his beneficial books. He would preside over committees for educational seminars in Saudi Arabia, and give various lectures over the telephone to Muslims outside of the Kingdom. He would also answer the questions of the people over the radio and during the blessed times of Hajj and Ramadaan. And his words would appear in Muslim newspapers, magazines, and articles throughout the world.

His Books and Treatises:
Even though the Imaam was pressed for time as a result of his duties and role in giving daıwah and educating, he still made time to write books and treatises that addressed important issues, which the Muslims were in need of knowledge of. Amongst his most famous works were:

1. The Obligation of Following the Sunnah
2. The Ideological Attack
3. The Life and Call of Imaam Muhammad bin ıAbdil-Wahhaab
4. Three Treatises on the Prayer
5. The Correct Belief and what Opposes It
6. Important Lessons for the Muslim Ummah
7. A Criticism of Arab Nationalism
8. The Dangers of Tabarruj
9. Two Essays on Fasting and Zakaat
10. The Ruling on Pictures
11. The Ruling on Celebrating the Prophetıs Birthday
12. A Warning against Innovations

And there are many more books, which can be read and printed at the Imaamıs official web site This was in addition to his many fataawaa (religious verdicts) that were collected, compiled and published, which range in numerous volumes.

His Educational and Religious Positions:
1. He served as a Judge in the Kharj District of Saudi Arabia for fourteen years from 1357H to 1371H.

2. He taught at the Educational Institute of Riyadh in 1372H and in the College of Shareeıah after its inception in 1373H, covering the subjects of Fiqh, Tawheed and Hadeeth. He remained in this teaching position for nine years until 1380H.

3. In 1381H, he was appointed Vice-Chancellor of the Islamic University of Madeenah, where he served until 1390H.

4. He was then appointed as the Chancellor of the Islamic University of Madeenah in 1390H, after its former Chancellor, Shaikh Muhammad bin Ibraaheem Aali Shaikh died in Ramadaan of 1389H. He remained in this position until 1395H.

5. In 10/14/1395H, the King ordered that Imaam Ibn Baaz be appointed as Head of the Council for Islamic Research, Verdicts, Daıwah and Guidance. He held this position until 1414H.

6. In 1/20/1414H, the King appointed Imaam Ibn Baaz as the Chief Muftee of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. He held this position along with being the Head of the Council of Senior Scholars and the Head of the Committee for Islamic Research and Verdicts.

He also held the following positions:

1. Head of the Permanent Committee for Islamic Research and Verdicts,

2. President and Member of the Founding Committee for the Muslim World League,

3. President of the higher World League Council,

4. President of the World Supreme Council for Mosques,

5. President of the Islamic Fiqh Assembly in Makkah, which is under the Muslim World League,

6. Member of the Higher Council of the Islamic University of Madeenah,

7. Member of the Supreme Committee for Islamic Propagation.

His Students:
Imaam Ibn Baaz, may Allaah have mercy on him, had numerous students that would attend his classes and study circles. The most famous and distinguished among them were:

1. Muhammad bin Saalih Al-ıUthaimeen, former member of the Council of Senior Scholars, may Allaah have mercy on him,
2. ıAbdullaah bin Hasan Al-Quıood, current member of the Permanent Committee for Islamic Research and Fataawaa and of the Council of Senior Scholars,
3. ıAbdullaah bin ıAbdir-Rahmaan Al-Ghudayyaan, current member of the Permanent Committee for Islamic Research and Fataawaa and of the Council of Senior Scholars,
4. ıAbdul-Muhsin Al-ıAbbaad, former Chancellor and Vice-Chancellor of the Islamic University of Madeenah,
5. Saalih bin Fawzaan Al-Fawzaan, current member of the Permanent Committee for Islamic Research and Fataawaa and of the Council of Senior Scholars,
6. Rabeeı bin Haadee Al-Madkhalee,
7. ıAbdul-ıAzeez bin ıAbdillaah Ar-Raajihee

His Physical Attributes and Appearance:
The Shaikh, may Allaah have mercy on him, was of medium build, and neither tall nor short. He had a round face and was of a golden-brown color. He had a curved nose and a beard that was short on the cheeks but thick below the chin. His beard used to be black, but when too many white hairs started showing, he dyed it with henna. Indeed, his description resembled that of many of the scholars before him.

He had a beautiful appearance. He would always try to wear white garments, and would love wide clothes, and thawbs that would reach the middle of his shin.

His Humility and Piety:
The Imaam knew his own worth and so he would be very humble before Allaah. So he would treat the people in a kind manner, with gentleness and mercy. He would not transgress over anyone or show arrogance to anyone. He would not give a false impression of grandness nor would he get up to the leave when in the company of the poor and needy, or refrain from walking and intermingling with them. He would also never turn away from listening to the advice of those who were below him.

What also showed his humbleness was that he would answer the invitation of his students and close friends to come to their wedding gatherings. He would always arrive early and ask one of the brothers to recite some ayaat from the Qurıaan, which he would then go on to explain to everyone present.

His Death:
Imaam Ibn Baaz passed away on Thursday, the 27th of Muharram, 1420H (5/13/1999), due to heart failure. He was 89 years old at the time. Millions of people throughout the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia gathered to witness his funeral prayer and he was buried in the ıAdl Cemetery in Makkah. Muslims throughout the world mourned his loss and it was only a few months later that the Muslim world would lose another great scholar, Imaam Al-Albaanee, may Allaah have mercy on them both.

26-03-2010 @ 11:50 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Damilola Sadiq ibn Owodunni (Lagos, Nigeria || Eastern Province, KSA)
Posts: 338
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(al-Imaam) Ibn Baz (رحمه الله): Concise Biography

My name is `Abdul-`Aziz ibn `Abdullah ibn `Abdul-Rahman ibn Muhammad ibn `Abdullah Al Baz.

I was born in Riyadh in Dhul-Hijjah, 1330 A.H. At the beginning of my study, I was able to see. Then I was afflicted with an eye disease in 1346 A.H. At first, my sight weakened and then I lost it completely in the beginning of the month of Muharram 1350 A.H. Praise be to Allah for this. I invoke Allah to compensate me with a deep insight in this life and best reward in the Hereafter, as He (may He be Exalted) promised through His Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). I ask of Him (may He be Exalted) for a blessed end in this world and the Hereafter.

I started learning when I was very young and memorized the Qur'an before I reached puberty. I then started learning the religious and Arabic sciences from many of the scholars of Riyadh including the following eminent figures:

1- Shaykh Muhammad ibn `Abdul-Latif ibn `Abdul-Rahman ibn Hasan ibn Al-Shaykh Muhammad ibn `Abdul-Wahhab (may Allah be merciful with them).

2- Shaykh Salih ibn `Abdul-Aziz ibn `Abdul-Rahman ibn Hasan ibn Al-Shaykh Muhammad ibn `Abdul-Wahhab, the judge of Riyadh (may Allah be merciful with them).

3- Shaykh Sa`d ibn Hamad ibn `Atiq, the judge of Riyadh (may Allah be merciful with him).

4- Shaykh Hamad ibn Faris, the treasurer of Riyadh (may Allah be merciful with him).

5- Shaykh Sa`d Waqqas Al-Bukhary (a scholar from Makkah Al-Mukarramah [may Allah be merciful with him]). I learnt from him the science of Tajwid (the art of Qur'anic recitation) in 1355 A.H.

6- His Eminence, Shaykh Muhammad ibn Ibrahim ibn `Abdul-Latif Al Al-Shaykh (may Allah be merciful with him). I attended his class for about ten years and learnt from him all religious sciences from 1347 to 1357 A.H. Then, he proposed me for the position of judge.

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May Allah give them the best and highest reward! May He be pleased and merciful with them all!

I occupied a number of positions:

1- Judge of the district of Al-Kharj area for a long time that lasted more than fourteen years from 1357-1371 A.H. I was appointed in the month of Jumada II in 1357 and stayed to the end of 1371 A.H.

2- Teaching the sciences of Fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence), Al-Tawhid (Islamic Creed of Monotheism) and the Hadith in the scientific institute of Riyadh in 1372 A.H., and the faculty of Shari`ah (Islamic Law) in Riyadh after it was established in 1373 A.H. I worked there for nine years until 1380 A.H.

3- In 1381 A.H., I was appointed as a deputy of the president of the Islamic University in Al-Madinah Al-Munawwarah. I occupied this post until 1390 A.H.

4- I occupied the post of the president of the Islamic university in 1390 A.H., after the death of the former president Shaykh Muhammad ibn Ibrahim Al Al-Shaykh (may Allah be merciful with Him) in the month of Ramadan, 1390. I remained in this position until 1395 A.H.

5- In 14/10/1395 A.H., a royal decree was issued assigning me in the position of General Chairman of the Departments of Scholarly Research, Ifta', Da`wah, and Guidance. I stayed in this position until 1414 A.H.

6- In 20/1/1414 A.H., a royal decree was issued appointing me as the General Mufti of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the President of the Council of Senior Scholars and the Chairman of the Departments of Scholarly Research and Ifta'. I am still in this position until now.

I ask Allah to help me and grant me success and right judgment.

In the present time, I also hold the membership of many scientific and Islamic councils including:

( Part No : 1,Page No:11)

1- President of Council of Senior Scholars, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

2- President of the Permanent Committee for Scholarly Research and Ifta' in the council mentioned above.

3- Member and president of the Constitutional Council of the Muslim World League.

4- President of the International Supreme Council of Mosques.

5- President of Islamic Fiqh Academy in Makkah Al-Mukarramah, affiliated to the Muslim World League.

6- Member of the Supreme Council of the Islamic University of Al-Madinah Al-Munawwarah.

7- Member of the Higher Council of Islamic Da`wah in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

As for my books, they include:

1- Al-Fawa'id Al-Jaliyyah fi Al-Mabahith Al-Fardiyyah (Concise Summary of Inheritance Issues).

2- Al-Tahqiq Wal-'Idah li-Kathir Min Masa'il Al-Hajj wal-`Umrah Wal-Ziyarah (Tawdih Al Manasik) "Clarification of many issues of Hajj, `Umrah (minor Pilgrimage) and Visit (to the grave of the Prophet, peace be upon him).

3- Al-Tahdhir Min Al-Bida` (Warning against Religious Innovations). It contains four useful articles: the ruling on celebrating the Prophet's birthday, night of Isra' (Night Journey) and Mi`raj (Ascension to Heaven), and the night of the 15th of Sha`ban, and the refutation of the false dream of the servant of the Prophet's room who is called Shaykh Ahmad.

4- Two concise treatises on Zakah (obligatory charity) and Sawm (Fasting).

5- Al-'Aqidah Al-Sahihah Wa-ma-Yudadduha (Authentic Creed and Invalidators of Islam).

6- Wujub Al-'Amal bi Sunnat Al-Rasul Sallah Allah 'Alaihi wa Sallam wa Kufr Man Ankaraha (The necessity of acting according to the Sunnah of Allah's Messenger [peace be upon him] and deeming those who deny it as disbelievers).

7- Da`wah ila Allah wa Akhlaaq Al-Du`ah (Calling people to Allah and the manners of the callers).

8- Wujub Tahkim Shar` Allah (The obligation of Judging according to Allah's Law and abandoning its contraries).

9- Hukm Al-Sufur wa Al-Hijab wa Nikah Al-Shighar (Unveiling, veiling, and Shighar marriage [exchange of daughters or sisters for marriage with no mandatory gift to a bride from her groom]).

10- Naqd Al-Qawmiyah Al-'Arabiyah (Criticizing the Arab Nationalism).

11- Al-Jawab Al-Mufid fi Hukm Al-Taswir (The useful answer concerning the ruling on Photography).

( Part No : 1,Page No:12)

12- Shaykh Muhammad ibn `Abdul-Wahhab (His Da`wah and Biography).

13- Three treatises on Salah (Prayer): 1- The Manner of the Salah of the Prophet (peace be upon him). 2- The Obligation of Congregational Salah. 3- Where should the person praying place his hand after rising from Ruku` (bowing).

14- Hukm Al-Islam fi man Ta`ana fi Al-Qur'an aw fi Rsul Allah Sallah Allah 'Alaihi wa Sallama (The ruling of Islam on whoever discredits the Qur'an or the Messenger of Allah [peace be upon him]).

15- Hashiyah Mufidah 'ala Fath Al-Bari (A useful commentary on Fath Al-Bari); I continued it to the book of Hajj.

16- Treatise on the textual and rational proofs of the rotation of the sun and the motionlessness of the earth and the possibility of ascension to other planets.

17- Iqam at Al-Barahin 'ala Hukm man Istaghatha bi Ghair Allah aw Saddaqa Al-Kahana wal 'Arrafin (Establishing the proofs of the ruling on those who seek help from other than Allah or believe the soothsayers and fortunetellers).

18- Al-Jihad fi Sabil Allah (Striving in the Cause of Allah).

19- Al-Durus Al-Muhimmah li 'Ammat Al-Ummah (Important lessons for the common public of Islamic nation).

20- Fatawa Tata'alaq bi Ahkam Al-Hajj wal 'Umrah wal Ziyarah (Fatwas related to the rulings on Hajj, Umrah and visiting the grave of the Prophet [peace be upon him]).

21- Wujub Lizum Al-Sunnah wa Al-Hazar min Al-Bid`ah (Obligation of adherence to Sunnah and warning against innovation in religion).

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