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» Takfir upon Corporal Jabron Hashmi
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Posted By Topic: Takfir upon Corporal Jabron Hashmi

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23-07-2006 @ 11:45 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Yaqoob Muhammad Jahangir ibn Ramadhaan (Birmingham, UK)
Posts: 53
Joined: Apr 2003

Corporal Jabron Hashmi, for those of who dont know,is a Pakistani Born Muslim who lived in Birmingham UK,He served the British Armed Forces and was recently killed in Afghanistan whilst on 'duty'.

A number of unverified reports have circling around the net claiming some 'scholars'had made takfir upon this individual.

I Would like if anyone who can clarify whether any takfir have been made on him and the reason, and what is the ruling working for the kuffar amongst their armed forces and Police.

shukran wa jazaak

Abu Yaqoob Muhammad Jahangir Ibn Ramadhaan Ibn Himat Ibn Raheem Khan

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