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» Adhkaar(supplications) for the evening?
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Posted By Topic: Adhkaar(supplications) for the evening?

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19-02-2011 @ 4:35 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Abdillaah Junaid ibn Abdul Gani (Kashmir, India)
Posts: 24
Joined: Jun 2009
I came across supplications in the book Hisnul Mulim under the heading supplications for the morning and the evening. My question is..when are these supplications to be recited in the evening? After the Maghrib salaah or the Isha salaah?
And do these have to be recited in the masjid or we can recite them elsewhere? for example, our homes, while walking in the market, etc
And i would also like to know if there is any recommended acts of sunnah between Maghrib salaah and Isha salaah?
BaarakAllaahu feek

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