Topic: How successful is Salaafi Islam?

dawud-ASWJ    -- 10-07-2009 @ 2:05 AM
  Assalamu alaykum

I would like to know, how successful is salaafi islam in various parts of the world. Are people leaving their deviant sects to folow the corrcet manhaj? Are there large and growing salaafi communities? Can anyone give statistics?

Jazak Allahu Khair

Assalamu alaykum

UmarTheFloridian    -- 10-07-2009 @ 9:27 AM
  Walaykumus salaam,

There are roughly one-and-a-half billion Muslims in the world, many of whom live in small villages and rural communities.  I am not sure if gathering accurate statistics on the personal beliefs of that many people would be possible (as far as I know there are none available currently).

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