Topic: Sheikh AbdulAziz Bin Baz rahimahullaah on Sheikh Rabee' ibn Haadi

abdulilah    -- 12-12-2007 @ 4:22 AM
  Taken from

Sheikh AbdulAziz Bin Baz rahimahullaah asking sheikh Rabee' to refute an error made by someone on the radio station 'ida'at al-Qur'an' and the second letter for the sheikh to also come back to sheikh Bin Baz rahimahullaah about the condition of a person with his statements attached.

The people of Fadl(honour and respect) know who the people of Fadl are.

May Allaah have mercy on Sheikh Bin Baz rahimahullaah.

قال تعالى:{إنا نحن نزلنا الذكر وإنا له لحافظون}
قال الشيخ السعدي - رحمه الله - في تفسيره (3/31): " فلا يحرف محرف معنى من معانيه( القرآن ) إلا وقيض  الله له من يبين الحق المبين وهذا من أعظم آيات الله ونعمه على عباده المؤمنين".

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