YoosefAlHasan | -- 19-06-2009 @ 2:32 PM |
Asalamualaikum Wa RahmahtuAllah Could someone explain, or give reference to, perhaps a fatwa clarifying the ruling on playing modern day video games (Playstation, Nintendo etc). Maybe someone has heard a specific ruling on this issue, and if possible, InshaAllaah, can post it here. JazakAllaahu Khair.
sajid_chauhan_81 | -- 20-06-2009 @ 3:49 AM |
Wa 'alaykum as salaam warahmatullahi wabarakaatuh, Here is a fatwa by Sheikh Abdullah Al Aqeel hafidhahullah from the blog of Br. Mustafa George hafidhahullah Q - What is the ruling on electronic video games? Answer: What are they? Questioner: They are games played on a screen. They possess pictures, sounds, etc. Sheikh: Pictures (of living things) are totally forbidden. The Messenger - salallahu alayhi wa salem- said: "May the curse of Allah be upon the pictures makers/takers". They are not permissible. source: http://salafee.multiply.com/journal/item/24/Questions_March_-_April_2007
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