abdulilah | -- 08-04-2009 @ 7:03 AM |
This is a nice reminder put up by brother Abdulrahman Omaysan concerning Shekh Abdulmuhsin al-'Abbad regarding the sheikh being upset about a Kuwaiti publishing house that printed one of his books with 'Allaamah infront of his name and he told the brothers to go through all the copies and use correction fluid to take out 'Allaamah before the book is distributed and he only accepted that he be called sheikh in age since the Arabs call a person sheikh when they have reached the age of 70. Many others from the scholars such as sheikh Bin Baz rahimahullaah, Muhammad Nasr Deen al-Albaani rahimahullaah in the famous tapes "This is our Da'wah" cried when he was over praised and said "O Allaah do not hold us to account for what they say of us and make better than what they say of us and forgive us what they don't know of us" repeating the words of Abu Bakr as-Siddeeq radiallaahu 'anhu. Sheikh ibn 'Uthaimeen rahimahullaah who was praised in a poem in a sitting and the sheikh ordered that the wording be changed infront of the people. Sheikh Rabee' ibn Haadi likewise in the lecture "reasons for Deviation" said the same and in many of his lessons correcting the one introducing him as saying "i am only a student of knowledge." Likewise, Sheikh 'Ubayd al-Jaabiree on many occasions after being paised in a lesson said "I ask Allaah, you and the angels to bear witness that i am not happy with this praise rather i am a student of knowledge only." And their example the Prophet salllaahu 'alaihi wa sallam who would lie on a mat and the marks of it would be on his saide and his saying to Umar ibn Khattab radiallaahu 'anhu "wouldn't you like that the comfort be for us in the hereaftr and for the disbelievers in this world." indeed "whoever humbles themselves to Allaah, Allaah raises them." Allaah said "Lower your wings to the believers" Allaah knows best Abdulilah Lahmami ııı ııı 1424ıı ııı ııı ıııııı ıı ıııııııı ıı ıııııı ıııııı ıııı ııııı ıııııııı ııııııı ııııııı, ıııııı ıııııı ııı ııııı ııııı: ııııııııı ıııııı: ııı ıııııı ıı ııı ıııııı ııııı. ııı ııı ıııı ııııı ııııı ıııııııı ıı ıııı -ıııı ıııı- ııııı ııı !! ııı ııı ıııııı ıııııı ıııı ııııııı ıııııı ııııııı ıııııı ıı ıııııı!!, ııı ıııııı ıııııı ıııııııı ııııı!!, ııı ııı ıııııı ııııı!! ııı ııııııı ıı ııı ııııııı ıı ııııı ıııı ııı ıı ıııııı ıı ııııı ııııı ıııı ıı ıııı ııııı ııııııı ııı ıı ııı ııı ııı ııııı ıı. ıı ıııı ııı ııııı ııı ııÿ ııııı ıı ııı ıııı ıııı ıııııÿ ııııı ıııı ıııı ııııııÿ ıı ıı ıııı ıııııı ııı ıı ııı ıı? ıı ııı ıııı ııı ııııı ııı ıı ıııı ıııı ııııı ıı ıııııı ıııııı ııı ııııııı ıı ıııı ııı ııı ıı ııııı ııı ııı ıııııı "ııııı ııııııı" ıııı ııııı ııııı, ıııı ııı ııı ııııı ııııııı ıı ııııı, ıııı: ııı ıııı ııııııı ııııııı ıııı ııı ııı ııı ıııı ııııııı ııııııı ıı ıııı!!! ŞÇá ÊÚÇáì:{ÅäÇ äÍä äÒáäÇ ÇáĞßÑ æÅäÇ áå áÍÇİÙæä} ŞÇá ÇáÔíÎ ÇáÓÚÏí - ÑÍãå Çááå - İí ÊİÓíÑå (3/31): " İáÇ íÍÑİ ãÍÑİ ãÚäì ãä ãÚÇäíå( ÇáŞÑÂä ) ÅáÇ æŞíÖ Çááå áå ãä íÈíä ÇáÍŞ ÇáãÈíä æåĞÇ ãä ÃÚÙã ÂíÇÊ Çááå æäÚãå Úáì ÚÈÇÏå ÇáãÄãäíä".
sajid_chauhan_81 | -- 08-04-2009 @ 5:41 PM |
Jazaakumullahu khayran akhee. It is a very good reminder indeed for us to purify our intentions and be humble. I remember last year when Shaykh Hasan ibn Abdul Wahhab Marzooq al-Banna hafidhahullah came to US in July, he also mentioned the same thing in his lecture "The importance of the Qur'aan & Sunnah in establishing a Community in the West". Whilst refuting the mistakes of the founder of Ikhwaan ul Muslimeen, Hasan al-Banna rahimahullaah and inviting people to Salafiyyah he said in between that he is just a Taalib ul ilm and he was giving naseeha to his brothers & sisters. May Allaah subhaanu wata'aala protect the Ulemah and give them good health. Aameen.
UbaidUrRehman | -- 11-12-2010 @ 1:08 AM |
Baarak Allahu feekum Ikhwaani Al Affadhil wa jakahuk khair al jazzaa In ramadan we have this event in sharjah called Wahat Al emaan where scholars visit and each night we have a talk by a scholar or at times more than one night for some senior scholars like sheikh saalih al suhaymee in 1430. Its basically an airconditioned tent with a stage n chairs , the scholrs and students of knowledge take the stage and offcourse wher ethey sit in front of them is a name plate with Sheiks name written on it. in 1429 we had sheikh Falah mandakaar from kuwait visisting us, his talk was about the fadhl of sahaba radi Allahu anhum, the sheikh arrived early and sat in the front row right in front of the stage, before taking the stage, He noticed the Name plate said Al Allamah Al sheikh Falah Ismaeel Mandkaar! The sheikh immediately called the brothers that were organizing the event and asked them to remove it as it was inappropriate and he disagreed with it, they kept trying to convince him but he made it clear that he will not sit in front of that name plate until they removed the Al Allamah and Al sheikh part from the name plate, so finaly the organisers went and pulled out the card from the name plate and tore off the Al Alamah al sheikh part and that is when the sheikh thanked them and took the stage and stared his talk.
zejd.peqin | -- 11-12-2010 @ 4:01 PM |
Humility and the dislike for being in the limelight Concerning the Imaam of Hadeeth, the Shaykh - Muhammad Naasiruddeen al-Albaanee (rahima-hullaah) Abu Laylaa al-Atharee narrated: In 1405 AH, during a journey to Saudi Arabia, we were travelling in the same car as the Shaykh and his wife, Umm al-Fadhl. When we arrived in Makkah, we were guests of a friend of the Shaykh, (popularly) known as Abu ıArab. Whilst there, a discourse occurred between the Shaykh and one of the followers of ıAlawee al-Maalikee, regarding (celebrating) the birthday of the Prophet (sal-Allaahu ıalayhe wa sallam). After they finished their exchange, Abu ıArab invited the Shaykh to visit Bangladesh for a period of three days; in order to give daıwah of tawheed to the brothers from Ahlul-Hadeeth, whose number reached into millions. However, the Shaykh excused himself by saying: ıI cannot.ı The invitation was then put to him a second time, whereupon he replied: ıI cannot.ı The invitation was put to him a third time, only this time he was requested to go to Bangladesh for just one day, whereupon the Shaykh replied: ıI cannot.ı When we returned to the sleeping quarters, we wanted to take a little nap. So we removed a table which was in the centre of the room and I then brought a pillow for us; the Shaykh laid his head at one end whilst I laid my head at the other end, in the opposite direction. It was then that I put a question to the Shaykh which had been burning up inside me. I said: ıO Shaykh! Why did you refuse to go (to Bangladesh)?ı He replied: ıIndeed I feared for myself the fitnah!ı al-Imaam al-Mujaddid al-ıAllaamah al-Muhaddith Muhammad Naasiruddeen al-Albaanee ı Page 59
dksadiq | -- 16-05-2011 @ 3:51 PM |
Related: Humility of Shaykh Fawzaan & Shaykh Ubayd: http://salafitalk.net/st/viewmessages.cfm?Forum=6&Topic=5574
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Topic: | http://www.salafitalk.net/st/viewmessages.cfm?Forum=6&Topic=8455 |