Topic: Is this type of transaction allowed in Islaam?

abu.talhah.a    -- 23-11-2002 @ 12:00 AM
  Assalaamu alaikum.
I wish to clear a doubt I have, does someone know of any fatawa or if someone has the ability to put it forward to the Ulamaa this would be best insha'allaah.

Is this type of transaction allowed in Islaam?

For example, you need to buy some item for $100 but you are not in a position to pay it right away (may be you are not at the market place or you are at the place but you don't have the money). But your companion has the ability to purchase it. So you ask him or he offers to buy it now and you will pay him back the exact amount ($100) at a later time. Is this allowed in Islaam? also if yes does this come under the ruling of a loan where it has to be written and sign by the parties concerned as well as witnesses (also how many witnesses). Please note that in most situations writing down the transaction is kind of hard, especially if one is not at the place of purchase.

Jazakumullaah khair
Wassalaamu alaikum

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