Topic: Questions from Germany

ilyas.abu.ameenah    -- 05-06-2006 @ 2:06 PM
  As selam aleykum ve rahmetullah,

we, the Salafi-Brothers from Germany have some Questions concerning to Manhaj.

We have tried Shaykh Muhammed al-Banna hafithahullah but he said to us that it is better to ask him in the arabic language.

We have tried Shaykh Muhammed al-Anjaree hafithahullah but everytime we phone there a brother told us that this telephone number that we have is wrong. But it is the only one for Shaykh Muhammed al-Anjaree!

Can any of the Brother tell me where we can try to ask our Questions?

If not a Scholar than a Talib ul-Ilm or a well-known Salafi Daee.

Baarakallahu feeqh.

As selam aleykum ve rahmetullah.

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