Topic: Sheikh Ubayd al Jaabiree on the London attacks

abdulilah    -- 08-07-2005 @ 3:03 PM
  The sheikh said that if the media begins to blame the Muslims for these attacks then they should free themselves from it. They should perform the friday prayer freeing themselves from these attacks and that it has nothing to do with Islam.

The sheikh also said that they should spread this if they can in the mainstream media so the people know that Islam does not permit such acts.

The sheikh will be going to Jeddah today to begin the Jeddah Islamic dawrah for two week inshaallaah.

The sheikh will be going to Yemen inshaallaah on the 5th Aug for about a week inshaallaah.

قال تعالى:{إنا نحن نزلنا الذكر وإنا له لحافظون}
قال الشيخ السعدي - رحمه الله - في تفسيره (3/31): " فلا يحرف محرف معنى من معانيه( القرآن ) إلا وقيض  الله له من يبين الحق المبين وهذا من أعظم آيات الله ونعمه على عباده المؤمنين".

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