Topic: Regarding the Definition of the Word "Salaf"...

ibrahim.bukhari    -- 23-03-2004 @ 5:43 PM
  wa alaykumus salaam wa rahmatullaah,

In the english translation of Shaykh Rabee's book entitled THE STATUS OF THE PEOPLE OF HADEETH Their Feats and Praiseworthy Effects in the Religion which is published by Salafi Publications, the definition of the word Salaf is as follows: (the red highlight is mine)

Salaf: Predcessors, the early Muslims, those of the first three generations specifically (i.e., the Companions, the Successors and their successors) and those who are upon their way in belief and methodology, generally.

As to whether or not the intended meaning is for ANYONE (with correct beliefs and methodology) who was born after the time of the first three generations, Allaah knows best.  Perhaps one of the brothers from SPUBS could expound on the issue insha'Allaah.

Ibraheem Bukharee (son of Abdullaah)
Michigan, USA

ibrahim.bukhari    -- 23-03-2004 @ 6:05 PM
  By the way,

That definition is found in the glossary section of Shaykh Rabee's book on page 66.  I don't know if it was included in the original arabic work or if it was added by the translator / publisher.


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