Topic: A Question

ekbal.hussain    -- 08-12-2003 @ 6:03 PM
  Assalamu Alaikum

I recently read the article Tawheed in the Glorious Qur'an , by the Al-Allamah Ash-Shaykh Salih ibn Fawzan al-Fawzan (HafidhaUllah), found at the website:  There is one part of the article I am trying to understand, where the shaykh refutes the claim of those who say there is a fourth category of tawheed.  The paragraph reads as follows:

"As for al-Hakikimiyah, then it is truthful.  It is obligatory that the rulings return to the shar'eeah of Allah the exalted and the most high, but this is included in Tawheed al-Ibadah (al-Uloohiyah), because it is obedience to Allah...."

I would like to ask a question relating to the above article.  What explanation can we give to someone who may use the above quote of As-Shaykh Salih, to justify the da'wah of the Harakiyoon and Takfiris and other crooked shayateen, by saying that if al-Hakimiyah falls into Tawheed al-Uloohiyah, then the one who calls to al-hakimiyah and forbids that the rulers rule by other than what Allah revealed, that this one is like the one who calls tawheed and forbids the people from supplicating to other than Allah, making sujood to other than Allah etc.  Both of these callers are the same, because both of them call to Tawheed al-Uloohiyah!"

Can one of the noble tulaab ul ilm, give an explanation and reply for this inshaAllah.

Jazak Umullhau Khairan.

abdulilah    -- 08-12-2003 @ 8:55 PM
  Shiekh Salih bin  Fawzan bin Abdullah al Fawzan made a refutation of these present day youths who say that the fourth category of Tawheed is al Haakamiyyah.

He says on p.17 from his excellent book 'Duroos minal Quran'

"The mistake in the categorisation of Tawheed- There are amongst the modernists who categorise Tawheed into 4 categories and say: Tawheed is of four types; Tawheed Rububiyyah, Tawheed al Uluhiyyah, Tawheed al Asmaa wa Siffaat and Tawheed al Haakamiyyah and he bases this on the fact that this categorisation is a matter of terminology and not restricted so therefore there is no problem in adding to the three (categories).

It is said to this one, this categorisation is not a matter of terminology but this categorisation is to be taken from the Book and Sunnah and when the Sallaf categorised Tawheed into 3 categories then they derived it from the Book and the Sunnah.

As for the Haakamiyyah(meaning ruling by Allaah's law) then it is truth it is a must to make rulings according to the legislation of Allaah, the most High. However, this enters in Tawheed al 'Ebaadah because (it is obedience to Allaah)and the Sallaf did not neglect maintaining Allaah's oneness in ruling such that one can come later and add it. Rather it is to them (sallaf) under Tawheed al Ebaadah (Tawheed al Uluhiyyah) because from the worship of Allaah, the most high is to obey him in ruling according to His legislation. So it should not to be made a separate category otherwise it necessitates that salat is made a category from the categories of Tawheed and zakaat is made a (separate) category, and fasting a (separate) category, and Hajj a (separate category) and every kind of worship is made a separate category of Tawheed thereby making Tawheed have categories with no end! And this is wrong, rather all kinds of worship all of them come under one category and that is Tawheed al Uluhiyyah for it is comprehensive not allowing other than it to enter it."


Also this hukm is for everyone the rulers and the ruled so when these modernist add al haakamiyyah as a fourth category to Tawheed then they refer to the rulers mainly but rather the verses in Soorah Maaidah are not restricted to just the rulers rather we all have to rule by Allaah law in our everyday lives. As the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said "Everyone of you is a shepherd and everyone has a duty to his flock..." and in this hadeeth he sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam mentioned from the slave al the way up to the ruler being responsible so how is it that these modernists only look to the rulers!!!

How you are is how you rulers will be!!! As is said.

Sheikh Uthaimeen Rahimahullaah said "there is one verse that categorises tawheed in all three categories soorah maryam verse 65" [i heard this from him rahimahullaah directly]

"You Lord of the heaven and the Earth,
So worship Him and be patient upon His worship
Do you know any similitude to HIM"
Maryam 65

See the book 'Al-Qawl asSadeed fe rad 'ala men ankara taqseem at-Tawheed' by Abdulrazzaq bin Abdulmuhsin al 'Abbad where he refutes those you say the three categories are a matter of terminology. Also statements of the sallaf such as Ibn Batta (d387), Ibn Mandah (d395)Abu Yusuf (182)Abu Haneefah, Imam Tahawiyy, Ibn Jareer atTabaree, Ibn Hibban,
Ibn Abi Zayd al Qirwaani in the matter of categorising Tawheed into 3 categorisations.

This book is also a refutation of Salah as-Sawiy and Saqqaf the innovator sufi asha'ree.

So brother we use the argument of our noble sheikh above and say to the confused one who has brought this weak argument that why don't you make the pillars of Islam categories of Tawheed before al hakamiyyah since ruling by Allaah's law is an obligation but establishing the salat, zakaat, etc are PILLARS in Islam.  Rather this was not the practice of scholars in the past or present except from the ignorant who thought that they could fool the people with their political agendas as Sheikh Solaiman alRuhaili said " First they call to  TANFEER (speak out against the scholars and rulers), then TAKFEER and then TAFJEER (bombings of Muslims non-Muslims in Muslim country)"

Allaah begins the Quran with the three categories of Tawheed and ends it with three categories. The whole Quran contains the three categories of Tawheed.

Allaah knows best.

قال تعالى:{إنا نحن نزلنا الذكر وإنا له لحافظون}
قال الشيخ السعدي - رحمه الله - في تفسيره (3/31): " فلا يحرف محرف معنى من معانيه( القرآن ) إلا وقيض  الله له من يبين الحق المبين وهذا من أعظم آيات الله ونعمه على عباده المؤمنين".

ekbal.hussain    -- 12-12-2003 @ 3:10 PM
  Jazzak Allahu Khair yaa abdulilah!

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