Topic: Making up a fasting day by feeding a poor person...

umm.khaleel    -- 08-10-2003 @ 1:39 PM
  Asalaamu alaykum,

I have a question regarding feeding a poor person to make up a day of fasting.  I was in early pregnancy last Ramadhan, I was very sick and was not able to fast very much.  It left me with 21 days of fasting to make up.  I had baby in July of this year, after the 40 days of post pardom bleeding and trying to establish a good supply of breast milk it leaves me little time to make up my missed days.  I have made them all up but 10.  I am trying but I am finding that the baby is taking alot away from me and at the end of a day of fasting I feel very weak. ( which I know is normal for a fasting person, but this is worse than I normally feel when not breastfeeding).  My question is if I wanted to make up some days by feeding a poor person does that person have to be Muslim or can it be anyone?  There is this homeless man I often see digging in trash when I am getting my husband from work and I often want to feed him.  Could this count as making up a day of fasting even though he is not Muslim.  The community of Muslims here is small and I don't know of very many REALLY needy Muslims.  

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