Topic: what if...

Iubelo    -- 20-08-2010 @ 9:33 PM
  Respected forum members,I'd like to know what is the Muslim opinion about someone who believes only in the Kuran as it is written nowadays and totally and utterly rejects the verses that Umar said once were included in the Kuran about stoning.Can someone like him become a Muslim?After all,he accepts what is written in the Kuran,but doesn't believe in what Umar said,which is not  compulsory as far as I know.And he also rejects imitating all the Sunna(eating with 3 fingers,sleeping on the right side,stoning adulterers)because he believes that just because Muhammad sometimes did certain things,that is not a good reason to take them as compulsory things to believe in.So,can someone who thinks these things be a Muslim?Many thanks.

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