Topic: AS/A2 Level Courses Starting in September

RedstoneAcademy    -- 04-06-2010 @ 11:00 AM
AS & A2 Levels Starting

As a continuation of the development at Redstone Educational Academy we will now be offering A-Levels (AS/A2) from September 2010 which is the next level of qualifications after GCSE/IGCSEs.

AS level courses lead to the A2 level qualification. The flexibility of the AS level course is to allow the student to receive a formally recognised qualification if they do not wish to continue to the full A2 level qualification.

At the academy the focus will be on business so we will be offering the following subjects: Accounting/Business Studies/Economics/Geography and Mathematics.

We have prepared an AS/A2 level pack for those who are interested. If you would like a copy of the AS/A2 pack then please phone the academy and we will post you the relevant details and material.

for further information you may email, phone or pop into see us:

Redstone House
466 Moseley Road
B12 9AN    
0121 448 7933

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