Topic: Step-children

sajid_chauhan_81    -- 18-05-2009 @ 6:06 PM
  Author: Shaikh Saalih As Sindee (hafithahu Allah)
Question posed and translated by: Abu żAbdis Salaam Siddiq Al Juyaanee

Q: O Shaikh a questioner asks,
żO Shaikh I have just recently married a women who has a son six years of age from a previous marriage. I myself have daughters from a previous marriage. My question is O Shaikh; do my daughters have to cover around my stepson? If so, is there a legitimate legislative means of making him a Mahram for my daughters? Benefit us O Shaikh may Allah reward you.ż

A: In reality there is no connection or family tie between your stepson and your daughters and he is not a Mahram for them. This is because each of them (your stepson and daughters) has two different parents, and your marrying his mother has no affect on their relationship. But because he is still small and young in age, there is no problem for your daughters to uncover around him. However, once he reaches puberty they must cover around him for there is nothing legislatively that prevents one of them from marrying him.

As far as the second part of your question, there is no legitimate legislative means of making him a Mahram for your daughters. This is because the legitimate legislated means by which one is a Mahram are two:
1- Close relative, this obviously is not possible in this case.
2- Suckling from the same woman. Due to your situation this is also not possible because the suckling must take place within the first two years of life. Any suckling after the age of two will have no affect in this regard. Thus, once he matures they must cover around him and treat him as they would any other non male relative, and Allah knows best.

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