Topic: Zakat

Ibnnoor    -- 12-09-2008 @ 1:29 PM
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I had a doubt concerning zakah!Inshallah one of the brothers could clarify!

My Grandmother passed away 5 years ago and she left some of her gold in her bank locker!Her 4 children(one being my mother)havent withdrawn the gold yet and havent divided it!My mother had told her elder brother that she doesnt want any share of the gold from the very beginning!!

I would like clarity on who is liable to pay the zakah for the gold!

The first step in knowledge is to listen, then to be quiet and attentive, then to preserve it, then to put it into practice and then to spread it.[Sufyan Ibn Unaiynah(Rahimahullah)]
Jazakhulla khair Wa Barakallah Feekum,Nishil

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