Topic: War against the Salafis and Peace with the People of Innovation

sajid_chauhan_81    -- 22-01-2009 @ 3:03 PM
  Shaykh Rabeeý Ibn Haadee al-Madkhaalee said:

"We have been afflicted in these days with those who falsely accuse true Salafis of being extreme and harsh in al-Jarh wat-Taýdeel (praising and criticising) and in other areas. He wages war against them in the most severe fashion whilst he makes peace with the people of innovation and desires, heaping praise and commendations upon them.

So (you find that) he falls into tamyeeý when dealing with the people of innovation and at the same time he shows a destructive form of extremism towards the people of Sunnah and the truth.

His anger and his pleasure are in accordance to that which he desires and in agreement with those whom he aspires to embrace from the wealthy and rich."


Excerpts taken from the article ýModeration in Islamý.

Translation by

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