Topic: clearity

abu-hudaifah    -- 13-10-2010 @ 1:50 PM
  assalam walaykum can someone please get the correct name of the one who killed the sahabah ali raduallahu anu,was his name abdur-rahman ibn muljum or abdullah ibn muljum can you provide me with the athar and were can i locate it inshallah,jazakumallahu kayrun

quoted by shaykh abu-uthman muhammad al-anjaree...clarity does not come to an individual until he actualize furquan

poabha    -- 13-10-2010 @ 7:19 PM
  Wa 'alaykumussalaam wa rahmatullaah.

His name was 'Abdurrahmaan ibn Muljam

Wallahu a'lam.

abu-hudaifah    -- 15-10-2010 @ 6:58 PM
  jazakuallahu kayrun abu al-layth for the info...may allah reward u ameen

quoted by shaykh abu-uthman muhammad al-anjaree...clarity does not come to an individual until he actualize furquan

Husayn_El_Sharif    -- 26-10-2010 @ 2:49 PM
  Assalaamu alaikum,

You may be able to get more information from the following audio inshaa-Allaah:

From Ibn Muljam to Ibn Laden: A Historical Analysis of Extremism
Speaker: Abul-Hasan Maalik Ibn Aadam

Summary: In another lecture delivered in the UK, Abul-Hasan compares the beliefs and methodology of the Khawaarij of old with that of the Khawaarij of today - Usamah Ibn Laden and his likes - drawing parallels between Ibn Muljam the Khaarijee from the time of the Salaf and Ibn Laden the modern-day terrorist renegade.

Available at:

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