Topic: Biographies of the Salaf

AbuSafiiyah    -- 05-05-2009 @ 4:48 AM
  Assalaamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullaahi Wa Baraakatu

If any of the brothers or sisters could direct to where i could find or purchase the biographies of the following individuals (in english) :

1.)Abdullaah ibn Mas`ood

2.)Abdullaah ibn Abbaas

3.)Al-Hasan Al-Basree

4.)Umar ibn Abdul-Azeez

May Allaah be pleased with them all and May Allaah guide us onto the path of the those mentioned above. Aameen.

Jazaakum'Allaahu Khayran

Akhuk Fee Da`waah tul-Haaqq,
Abu Safiyyah as-Salafee.

Hamdi    -- 12-06-2009 @ 5:23 AM
  Wa alykum salaam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatu

I know it's not what you were looking for but, I  just wanted to suggest a book, it's called: From the best of Mankind. It's narration after narration compiled by salafi publications from the works of Imaam Ad-Dahabee, al-Hafidh ibn Hajar, Ibn Jawzee, Ibn Kathir, Ahmad Ibn Hanbal and Ibn al-Atheer (May Allah have mercy upon all of them)
It's  a very exceptional,yet short biography of Abdullah ibn Umar (Radi'allahu anhumma) and Mu'aadh Ibn Jabal (Radi'allahu anhu). Even though it only has 60 odd pages, you'll find yourself reading it over again. I hope that helped since you wanted the biographies from the salaf in English.

Umm yahya bint muhammed

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