Topic: Over 100,000 students in Damaaj

Jilbaab    -- 28-12-2004 @ 8:17 PM
  A beneficial reminder from the Muhaddith of Yemen (rahimahullaah)...

?There have been more than 100,000 students studying in our institutions in Damaaj-Saadah??

?As for students coming from out of Yemen, I believe it adds to our credibility and gives us great encouragement to go on and spread Islam the appropriate way.  We have students from the UK, the USA, Germany, France, and many other countries, seeking to know more about Islam.  They have only come with their own will to realize the goal of knowing their religion which they either converted to, or had little knowledge about.  We feed them with humble food, less luxurious than they had before.  We accommodate them in simpler rooms with a sociable environment which is less of luxury than what they used to live in.  These students don?t want to be comforted in luxury.  They used to live in luxury in their original countries, and they escaped their luxury to know more about this valuable religion, Islam.  I thank them for their patience and great efforts they have exerted, may God be by their side.  They escaped their luxurious life to reach for their spiritual side.  To know their God, Allah, their religion, Islam, and to have the peace of mind, which is most precious than everything one can think of.  It is simply priceless.  They have come to know the virtual truth of life.  They want to know what their life is for, why they are living.  What is beyond life?  What is death, a start or an end?  They want the peace of mind, and to know that their life is only a test of their endurance, strength, and faith.  When coming to us, these students are looking for what is more precious than one can imagine.  They are seeking the truth.?

Excerpts from Shaykh Muqbil Interview with Yemen Times
MSC060013 @

Source: Yemen Times, Issue 30, July 2000, Vol X

ام الحارث شهيدة
Ummul-Haarith Shahidah

This message was edited by Jilbaab on 12-29-04 @ 12:07 PM

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