Topic: Understanding of a hadith...

ummmusa88    -- 26-10-2009 @ 12:03 AM
  Asalamu alaikum,

From sh. al albaani's Silsilat ulahaadeeth assaheehah:

The shaykh mentions this hadith in explaining hadith #6,
that "There will not come upon you a time except that the one after it is
worse than it, until you meet your Lord" - and he mentions that this hadith
is not to be understood in a general sense (in light of the ahaadeeth talking
about the coming of al-Mahdi and Isa alayhi asalaam, etc) - so there is a
specificity implied in this hadeeth...

Can someone elaborate on this inshaAllah and explain what the shaykh means?

jazakum Allahu khayraa

Husayn_El_Sharif    -- 27-10-2009 @ 2:13 PM
  Wa 'alaykumussalaam,

There is a commentary on that narration at:

"The Sign of the Times"
By Shaykh żAbdullaah Ibn Saalih al-żUbaylaan

Excerpts from the article:

The reply of ibn Mas'ood, radyallaah 'anhu:

"There will not come upon you a time, except that it is more evil than the one before it. I do not mean a leader better than another leader, nor a year better than another year. But your żulamaa and fuqahaa (scholars and jurists) will disappear, and you will not find anyone to succeed them. Then there will come a people who will give verdicts according to their opinions." [ Ibn Hajr related it in Fathul-Baaree (13/24) by way of ashShażbee, from Masrooq, from him ]

And in another wording:

"It is not due to abundance of rain, nor due to its scarcity. Rather it is due to the disappearance of the scholars. Then there will come a people who will give verdicts upon matter by mere opinions; and thus they will destroy Islaam." [ Related in al-Fath (13/24) in the same manner as above. ]

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