Topic: Multiple Musallah for the Eidain

abulbanaat    -- 24-09-2009 @ 10:04 AM
  Bismillaah wa Salaamu Alaykum.

Can anyone help to explain the correctness or otherwise of this phenomenon.
In our hometown of about 50, 000 inhabitants where Muslims constitutive about 95 per cent of the population. The town has its religious figures who are indeed Shuyuukh in terms of age not necessarily in terms of knowledge. There are several mosques (no single Salafi mosque) and all the mosques look up to a central authority headed by a Chief Imam (as it is called here) and recognized by the government, the Municipal and the State (Nigeria operates a Federal system) as being representing the interest of the Muslims in the locality. The religious figures too see themselves so and all the Muslims see them so.

But in the recent past (about seven years ago) a section of Muslim youths who are somehow inclined to the Sunnah though they themselves have some Hizbee-tendencies have drifted away from the elders on the accusation of the latter being People of Bidýah (and it is grossly so), and on the fact that their Jaami is not properly facing the Qiblah (our town is 62 degree North-East facing Saudi Arabia and the Jaami and most of other mosques are between 50 and 45 degree North-East). Thus the youth have gone to establish a Jaami and a Musalla (for the two Eid prayers). The eldersý Musalla is facing the Qiblah correctly.

Thus after the youths action, there has been a lot of misgiving and mistrust between the elders and the youths with the former accusing the latter of being opposers and ýbad sons.ý This has somehow affected the Daýwah of the youths.

Thus with a small growth of Salafiyyah (about one percent of the youth) in our locality, some of us have begun to review what we (the youths) have really done whether it constitutes a Khuruuj ala Wulaat of a sort or not. That for instance what prevents us from having the Eeidain with them since their Musalla faces the Qiblah.

Please if anyone has anything from the scholars as regard this let him help us with it. Jazakumullahu khairan.

Ishaaq bn AbdurRaheem Al-Atharee Al-Ibadaanee.

MaashaAllaah, Ishaaq

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