Topic: Sujoodut Tilaawah

abdul.basir    -- 16-09-2009 @ 9:35 AM
  As Salaamu alaikum wa Rahmatullaah,
While making salah at the masjid I noticed that after the Imaam recited an ayah of prostration he said, "Sujooooood" then started to prostrate then he said Allaahu Akbar.  Upon the completion of the salah, I questioned him and he responded that the women in particular and the jamaah in general would get confused and think that he was going to ruku so the "ulema" came with this ruling so as to avoid the confusion in the salah.  From the minute knowledge that Allaah has blessed me to have I know that talking in the salah is not permissible.  I just want to know if anyone of the brothers or sisters have heard of this before.
As Salaamu alaikum wa Rahmatullaah
Abdul Basir

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