Topic: Purifying one's residence

Esad    -- 19-12-2008 @ 5:57 AM
  Assalamu alaykum!

These days I have been remembering things I read in the past, but I can not remember where they were written or if they had proof. One of such questions, that comes to my mind is it true, that one has to perform a special cleaning ritual when moving to a new residence, if one does not know if there was a dog or a pig inside that residence prior to you coming there? My question is also is it sufficient to clean such a residence with cleaning detergents or does one have to clean according to this ritual (because as I remember it said clay water, which I have no idea where to find if I ever needed it)? And is this act fard, vajib, sunnah,... (please let me know of the highest obligatory status for this act?
Thank you.

Assalamu alaykum!

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