Topic: An Important Question about Ghusl/Sexual fluids

ummmusa88    -- 28-10-2008 @ 1:48 AM
  Asalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakaatuh,

I hope insha'Allah ta'ala someone can bring me something from the ulama regarding this matter. I understand that if sexual fluids are discharged, ghusl is obligatory. However, what if the fluids are emitted 5 minutes or an hour or even several hours after the sexual excitement has passed? Is ghusl still obligatory?

The confusion lies in the fact some people experience discharges at random times due to no stimulation what so ever, and sometimes this happens after urination. For such fluids, I know we are to wash the private parts and make wudhu. So a discharge found let's say several hours after sexual stimulation may just be a random discharge someone is experiencing, totally unrelated to sexual fluids.

Can someone help explain this and bring statements from the ulama?

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