Topic: Taking wages for the Imamate is permissible

sajid_chauhan_81    -- 08-06-2010 @ 2:49 PM
  Q: Some people asked me to be an appointed Imam in the Ministry of Awqaf. I will take my salary either from the Ministry or people will pay me. I did not accept because I know that it is impermissible to take money for performing acts of worship, could you kindly advise me?

A: It is permissible for you to receive a salary in return for being an Imam. This is the way things happen and none of the Muslim Imams denied it, for the Imamate is a public service. Therefore, whoever performs this job is entitled to receive a salary from the State or the Ministry of Awqaf and he may take donations.

May Allah grant us success! May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family and Companions!

Permanent Committee Fatwas Group 1, Vol. 7 Page No. 415

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